--[[ Everness. Never ending discovery in Everness mapgen. Copyright (C) 2024 SaKeL This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. --]] -- -- Register biomes -- local y_max = Everness.settings.biomes.everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean.y_max local y_min = Everness.settings.biomes.everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean.y_min -- Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Everness:register_biome({ name = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean', node_top = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand', depth_top = 1, node_filler = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand', depth_filler = 3, node_riverbed = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand', depth_riverbed = 2, node_cave_liquid = 'mapgen_water_source', node_dungeon = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sandstone_block', node_dungeon_alt = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sandstone_brick', node_dungeon_stair = 'stairs:stair_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sandstone_block', y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 85, }) -- -- Register decorations -- Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_alcyonacea', deco_type = 'schematic', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, schematic = minetest.get_modpath('everness') .. '/schematics/everness_forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_alcyonacea.mts', flags = 'place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement', }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_ostracod', deco_type = 'schematic', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, schematic = minetest.get_modpath('everness') .. '/schematics/everness_forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_ostracod.mts', flags = 'place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement', }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_octocurse', deco_type = 'schematic', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, schematic = minetest.get_modpath('everness') .. '/schematics/everness_forsaken_lands_deep_ocean_coral_octocurse.mts', flags = 'place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement', }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_mud', deco_type = 'simple', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 4, fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, flags = 'force_placement', decoration = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand_with_crack' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_plants_1', deco_type = 'simple', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.02, spread = { x = 200, y = 200, z = 200 }, seed = 329, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, flags = 'force_placement', decoration = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_anemone' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_plants_2', deco_type = 'simple', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = -0.02, scale = 0.04, spread = { x = 200, y = 200, z = 200 }, seed = 436, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, flags = 'force_placement', decoration = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_darkilluma' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, }) Everness:register_decoration({ name = 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_plants_3', deco_type = 'simple', place_on = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand' }, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = -0.02, scale = 0.04, spread = { x = 200, y = 200, z = 200 }, seed = 19822, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, biomes = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean' }, y_max = y_max, y_min = y_min, flags = 'force_placement', decoration = { 'everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_demon' }, spawn_by = 'mapgen_water_source', num_spawn_by = 8, }) -- -- On Generated -- local c_water_source = minetest.get_content_id('mapgen_water_source') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_anemone = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_anemone') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_darkilluma = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_darkilluma') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_demon = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_demon') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_alcyonacea = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_alcyonacea') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_ostracod = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_ostracod') local c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_octocurse = minetest.get_content_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_octocurse') -- Biome IDs local biome_id_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean = minetest.get_biome_id('everness:cursed_lands_deep_ocean') -- Localize data buffer table outside the loop, to be re-used for all -- mapchunks, therefore minimising memory use. local data = {} local chance = 20 local schem = minetest.get_modpath('everness') .. '/schematics/everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_skull.mts' local size = { x = 10, y = 11, z = 11 } local size_x = math.round(size.x / 2) local size_z = math.round(size.z / 2) minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed) local rand = PcgRandom(blockseed) local biomemap = minetest.get_mapgen_object('biomemap') local schem_positions = {} local schem_placed = false if table.indexof(biomemap, biome_id_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean) ~= -1 and rand:next(0, 100) < chance then -- Load the voxelmanip with the result of engine mapgen local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object('voxelmanip') -- 'area' is used later to get the voxelmanip indexes for positions local area = VoxelArea:new({ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax }) -- Get the content ID data from the voxelmanip in the form of a flat array. -- Set the buffer parameter to use and reuse 'data' for this. vm:get_data(data) for y = maxp.y, minp.y, -1 do for z = minp.z, maxp.z do for x = minp.x, maxp.x do local vi = area:index(x, y, z) if data[vi] == c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand and data[vi + area.ystride] == c_water_source and not schem_placed then local s_pos = area:position(vi) -- -- Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Skull -- local schem_pos = vector.new(s_pos) -- find floor big enough local indexes = Everness.find_content_in_vm_area( vector.new(s_pos.x - size_x, s_pos.y - 1, s_pos.z - size_z), vector.new(s_pos.x + size_x, s_pos.y + 1, s_pos.z + size_z), { c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_sand, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_anemone, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_darkilluma, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_plant_demon, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_alcyonacea, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_ostracod, c_everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_coral_octocurse }, data, area ) if #indexes < size.x * size.z then -- not enough space return end -- enough water to place structure ? local water_indexes = Everness.find_content_in_vm_area( vector.new(s_pos.x - size_x, s_pos.y, s_pos.z - size_z), vector.new(s_pos.x + size_x, s_pos.y + size.y, s_pos.z + size_z), { c_water_source }, data, area ) if #water_indexes > (size.x * size.y * size.z) / 2 then minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip( vm, schem_pos, schem, 'random', nil, true, 'place_center_x, place_center_z' ) schem_placed = true schem_positions.everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_skull = schem_positions.everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_skull or {} table.insert(schem_positions.everness_cursed_lands_deep_ocean_skull, { pos = schem_pos, minp = vector.new(s_pos.x - size_x, s_pos.y, s_pos.z - size_z), maxp = vector.new(s_pos.x + size_x, s_pos.y + size.y, s_pos.z + size_z) }) minetest.log('action', '[Everness] Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Skull was placed at ' .. schem_pos:to_string()) end end end end end -- Set the lighting within the `VoxelManip` to a uniform value vm:set_lighting({ day = 0, night = 0 }, minp, maxp) -- Calculate lighting for what has been created. vm:calc_lighting() -- Liquid nodes were placed so set them flowing. vm:update_liquids() -- Write what has been created to the world. vm:write_to_map() minetest.fix_light(minp, maxp) -- Populate loot chests for name, tbl in pairs(schem_positions) do if next(tbl) then for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do local chest_positions = minetest.find_nodes_in_area( v.minp, v.maxp, { 'everness:chest' } ) if #chest_positions > 0 then Everness:populate_loot_chests(chest_positions) end end end end end end)