# textdomain: everness @1 will intersect protection on growth.= Compost chance: @1%= Everness Encyclopedia= You need "everness_encyclopedia" privilege to access this button.= Empty Bucket= Mineral Water Bucket= Lava Bucket= Get biome name where you are standing.= This command can only be executed in-game!= Biome name: @1= Locked Chest= Locked Chest (owned by @1)= You do not own this chest.= a locked chest= Chest= Quartz Crystal= Baobab Roasted Fruit= Pyrite Ingot= Pyrite Lump= Bamboo= Hunger: @1= Coconut= Coral Wood Fence Gate= Lava Tree Wood Door= Lava Tree Wood Trapdoor= Lava Tree Wood Fence Gate= Bamboo Door= Bamboo Trapdoor= Bamboo Wood Fence Gate= Bone Pyrit Door= Willow Door= Crystal Wood Door= Crystal Wood Trapdoor= Crystal Wood Fence Gate= Cursed Wood Door= Cursed Wood Trapdoor= Palm Wood Door= Palm Wood Trapdoor= Palm Wood Fence Gate= Dry Wood Fence Rail= Dry Wood Mese Post Light= Bamboo Wood Fence Rail= Bamboo Wood Mese Post Light= Crystal Wood Fence Rail= Crystal Wood Mese Post Light= Palm Wood Fence Rail= Palm Wood Mese Post Light= Coral Wood Fence= Coral Wood Fence Rail= Coral Wood Mese Post Light= Lava Tree Wood Fence= Lava Tree Wood Fence Rail= Lava Tree Wood Mese Post Light= Dry Wood Fence= Bamboo Wood Fence= Crystal Wood Fence= Palm Wood Fence= Dry Wood Fence Gate= Coral Desert Stone Stair= Coral Desert Stone Slab= Double Coral Desert Stone Slab= Coral Desert Cobblestone Stair= Coral Desert Cobblestone Slab= Double Coral Desert Cobblestone Slab= Coral Mossy Cobblestone Stair= Coral Mossy Cobblestone Slab= Double Coral Mossy Cobblestone Slab= Cursed Brick Stair= Cursed Brick Slab= Double Cursed Brick Slab= Cursed Brick with Growth Stair= Cursed Brick with Growth Slab= Double Cursed Brick with Growth Slab= Double Coral Bones Block Slab= Double Coral Bones Brick Slab= Double Quartz Block Slab= Double Quartz Chiseled Slab= Double Quartz Pillar Slab= Double Dry Wood Slab= Double Coral Wood Slab= Double Bamboo Wood Slab= Double Bamboo Mosaic Wood Slab= Double Forsaken Desert Brick Slab= Double Forsaken Desert Brick Red Slab= Double Forsaken Desert Chiseled Stone Slab= Double Baobab Wood Slab= Double Sequoia Wood Slab= Double Forsaken Tundra Cobblestone Slab= Double Forsaken Tundra Stone Slab= Double Forsaken Tundra Brick Slab= Double Willow Wood Slab= Double Magma Cobblestone Slab= Double Volcanic Rock Slab= Double Volcanic Rock with Magma Slab= Double Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Double Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Coral White Sandstone Slab= Double Coral White Sandstone Pillar Slab= Double Coral White Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Coral Desert Stone Block Slab= Double Coral Desert Stone Brick Slab= Double Coral Sandstone Slab= Double Coral Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Coral Sandstone Chiseled Slab= Double Coral Sandstone Carved Slab= Double Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Double Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Double Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Crystal Cobblestone Slab= Double Crystal Mossy Cobblestone Slab= Double Crystal Stone Brick Slab= Double Crystal Wood Slab= Double Mese Wood Slab= Double Mineral Stone Slab= Double Mineral Cobblestone Slab= Double Mineral Stone Block Slab= Double Mineral Stone Brick Slab= Double Mineral Sandstone Slab= Double Mineral Sandstone Block Slab= Double Mineral Sandstone Brick Slab= Double Mineral Sandstone Brick Block Slab= Double Mineral Stone Brick with Growth Slab= Double Mineral Stone Brick with Flower Growth Slab= Double Palm Tree Wood Planks Slab= A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with mineral water.= Place it to empty the bucket and create a mineral water source.= Places a mineral water source= Coral Bones Block Stair= Coral Bones Block Slab= Coral Bones Brick Stair= Coral Bones Brick Slab= Quartz Block Stair= Quartz Block Slab= Quartz Chiseled Stair= Quartz Chiseled Slab= Quartz Pillar Stair= Quartz Pillar Slab= Dry Wood Stair= Dry Wood Slab= Coral Wood Stair= Coral Wood Slab= Bamboo Wood Stair= Bamboo Wood Slab= Bamboo Mosaic Wood Stair= Bamboo Mosaic Wood Slab= Forsaken Desert Brick Stair= Forsaken Desert Brick Slab= Forsaken Desert Brick Red Stair= Forsaken Desert Brick Red Slab= Forsaken Desert Chiseled Stone Stair= Forsaken Desert Chiseled Stone Slab= Baobab Wood Stair= Baobab Wood Slab= Sequoia Wood Stair= Sequoia Wood Slab= Forsaken Tundra Cobblestone Stair= Forsaken Tundra Cobblestone Slab= Forsaken Tundra Stone Stair= Forsaken Tundra Stone Slab= Forsaken Tundra Brick Stair= Forsaken Tundra Brick Slab= Willow Wood Stair= Willow Wood Slab= Magma Cobblestone Stair= Magma Cobblestone Slab= Volcanic Rock Stair= Volcanic Rock Slab= Volcanic Rock with Magma Stair= Volcanic Rock with Magma Slab= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Stair= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Stair= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Coral White Sandstone Stair= Coral White Sandstone Slab= Coral White Sandstone Pillar Stair= Coral White Sandstone Pillar Slab= Coral White Sandstone Brick Stair= Coral White Sandstone Brick Slab= Coral Desert Stone Block Stair= Coral Desert Stone Block Slab= Coral Desert Stone Brick Stair= Coral Desert Stone Brick Slab= Coral Sandstone Stair= Coral Sandstone Slab= Coral Sandstone Brick Stair= Coral Sandstone Brick Slab= Coral Sandstone Chiseled Stair= Coral Sandstone Chiseled Slab= Coral Sandstone Carved Stair= Coral Sandstone Carved Slab= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Stair= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Stair= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Stair= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Block Slab= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Stair= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick Slab= Crystal Cobblestone Stair= Crystal Cobblestone Slab= Crystal Mossy Cobblestone Stair= Crystal Mossy Cobblestone Slab= Crystal Stone Brick Stair= Crystal Stone Brick Slab= Crystal Wood Stair= Crystal Wood Slab= Mese Wood Stair= Mese Wood Slab= Mineral Stone Stair= Mineral Stone Slab= Mineral Cobblestone Stair= Mineral Cobblestone Slab= Mineral Stone Block Stair= Mineral Stone Block Slab= Mineral Stone Brick Stair= Mineral Stone Brick Slab= Mineral Sandstone Stair= Mineral Sandstone Slab= Mineral Sandstone Block Stair= Mineral Sandstone Block Slab= Mineral Sandstone Brick Stair= Mineral Sandstone Brick Slab= Mineral Sandstone Brick Block Stair= Mineral Sandstone Brick Block Slab= Mineral Stone Brick with Growth Stair= Mineral Stone Brick with Growth Slab= Mineral Stone Brick with Flower Growth Stair= Mineral Stone Brick with Flower Growth Slab= Palm Tree Wood Planks Stair= Palm Tree Wood Planks Slab= Coral Cobblestone Wall= Coral Mossy Cobblestone Wall= Cursed Brick Wall= Cursed Brick with Growth Wall= Forsaken Tundra Cobblestone Wall= Forsaken Tundra Stone Wall= Forsaken Tundra Brick Wall= Magma Cobblestone Wall= Volcanic Rock Wall= Volcanic Rock with Magma Wall= Coal Ore= Pyrite Ore= Ceramic Shards. Use archeological pickaxe to have a chance of getting various different shards.= Ceramic Shards= Pyrite Block= Forged Pyrite Block= Pyrite Brick= Pyrite Slab Brick= Pyrite Spiral= Pyrite Pillar Bottom= Pyrite Pillar Middle= Pyrite Pillar Top= Pyrite Pillar Small= Polished Pyrite Block= Quartz Ore= Coral Desert Stone= Crystal Stone= Coral Sandstone= Coral Sandstone Brick= Coral Sandstone Chiseled Block= Coral Sandstone Carved Block= Coral White Sandstone= Coral White Sandstone Brick= Coral White Sandstone Pillar= Coral Desert Stone Block= Coral Desert Stone Brick= Coral Bones= Coral Bones Block= Coral Bones Brick= Crystal Cobblestone= Crystal Mossy Cobblestone= Crystal Stone Brick= Coral Desert Cobblestone= Coral Mossy Cobblestone= Coral Desert Stone with Moss= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Block= Coral Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Block= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Block= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sandstone Brick= Forsaken Desert Stone= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Red= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone= Volcanic Rock= Volcanic Rock with Magma= Cursed Stone= Cursed Stone Carved= Cursed Brick= Cursed Brick with Growth= Cursed Brick Mixed= Cursed Brick Carved= Volcanic Sulfur Stone= Sulfur Stone= Forsaken Tundra Cobblestone= Forsaken Tundra Stone= Mold Cobble= Forsaken Tundra Brick= Forsaken Tundra Rocks= Blue Crying Obsidian= Blue Weeping Obsidian= Weeping Obsidian= Mold Stone= Soul Sandstone= Soul Sandstone Veined= Purple Crystal Block= Orange Crystal Block= Cyan Crystal Block= Quartz Block= Chiseled Quartz= Quartz Pillar= Forsaken Desert Brick= Forsaken Desert Brick Red= Forsaken Desert Engraved Stone= Crystal Sandstone= Crystal Sandstone Brick= Crystal Sandstone Chiseled= Cursed Sandstone Block= Cursed Sandstone Brick= Mineral Stone= Mineral Cobblestone= Mineral Stone Block= Mineral Stone Brick= Mineral Sandstone= Mineral Sandstone Block= Mineral Stone Brick with Growth= Mineral Stone Brick with Flower Growth= Mineral Sandstone Brick= Mineral Sandstone Brick Block= Coral Dirt= Coral Deep Ocean Mud= Cursed Dirt= Crystal Dirt= Forsaken Tundra Dirt= Forsaken Tundra Dirt with Grass= Dirt with Coral Grass= Dirt with Cursed Grass= Dirt with Crystal Grass= Dry Ocean Dirt= Everness Gravel= Permanent Fire= Dirt= Dry Dirt= Dirt with Dry Grass= Dirt with Grass= Crystal Cave Dirt= Crystal Cave Dirt with Moss= Moss Block= Crystal Moss Block= Coral Sand= Coral White Sand= Cursed Sand= Crystal Sand= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sand with Crack= Forsaken Tundra Beach Sand= Forsaken Tundra Beach Sand with Shells= Forsaken Desert Sand= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Sand= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sand= Cursed Lands Deep Ocean Sand with Crack= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Sand= Mineral Sand= Frosted Snow Block= Frosted Ice= Frosted Ice Translucent= Frosted Cave Ice= Bone= Ancient Emerald Ice= Dense Emerald Ice= Emerald Ice= Cursed Mud= Cobweb= Cave Flower= Cave Flower with Particles= Lotus Flower Pink= Lotus Flower Pink Animated= Lotus Flower Purple= Lotus Flower Purple Animated= Lotus Flower White= Lotus Flower White Animated= Lotus Leaf= Lotus Leaf Dry= Forsaken Fire= Coral Tree Trunk= Coral Wood Planks= Coral Tree Bioluminescent= Cursed Dream Stone= Dry Tree Trunk= Baobab Tree Trunk= Sequoia Tree Trunk= Willow Tree Trunk= Willow Wood Planks= Dry Wood Planks= Hollow Tree Trunk= Crystal Tree Trunk= Crystal Wood Planks= Mese Tree Trunk= Palm Tree Trunk= Palm Tree Leaves= Palm Tree Wood Planks= Mese Tree Leaves= Baobab Tree Leaves= Sequoia Tree Leaves= Baobab Fruit= Baobab Fruit Marker= Baobab Sapling= Willow Tree Leaves= Coral Tree Leaves= Dry Tree Branches= Crystal Tree Leaves= Coral Tree Sapling= Coral Tree Bioluminescent Sapling= Dry Tree Sapling= Cursed Dream Tree Sapling= Willow Tree Sapling= Sequoia Tree Sapling= Crystal Tree Sapling= Crystal Tree Large Sapling= Crystal Bush Stem= Crystal Bush Leaves= Crystal Bush Sapling= Cursed Bush Stem= Cursed Bush Leaves= Cursed Bush Sapling= Flowers= Magenta Flowers= Coral Burdock= Coral Bush= Coral Shrub= Orange Coral Grass= Globulagus= Tall Coral Grass= Purple Crystal= Orange Crystal= Cyan Crystal= Coral Plant Bioluminescent= Blooming Cooksonia= Creeping Moss Spores= Frosted Icicle= Frosted Icicle Floor= Coral Grass= Baobab Savanna Grass= Red Castor= Crystal Mushrooms= Twisted Crystal Grass= Crystal Grass= Marsh Grass= Forsaken Plant= Blue Cactus= Cave Barrel Cactus= Venus Trap Plant= Illumi Root= Crystal Waterlily= Orange Cactus= Agave Leaf= Mese Fruit= Mese Tree Sapling= Palm Tree Sapling= Egg plant= Ivis Moss= Ngrass= Bamboo Sprout= Blood Spoore Plant= Blood Spoore Plant Small= Termite Block= Bamboo Block= Bamboo Planks= Bamboo Mosaic= Baobab Wood Planks= Sequoia Wood Planks= Mese Wood Planks= Coral Corals= Coral Frosted= Coral Starfish= Spine Kelp= Coral Bulbs= Coral Tree= Coral Palm= Coral Anemone= Coral Darkilluma= Coral Demon= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Plant Cyan= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Plant Orange= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Plant Pink= Crystal Coral Dark= Crystal Coral Light= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Coral Pink= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Coral Cyan= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Coral Green= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Coral Red= Coral Alcyonacea= Coral Ostracod= Coral Octocurse= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Green= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Orange= Crystal Forest Deep Ocean Coral Cyan= Coral Skeleton= Mineral Water Weed= Skull with Candle= Forsythia Bush= Rose Bush= Glowing Pillar= Blue Vine Lantern= Amaranita Lantern= Lumecorn= Everness Glass= Tinted Glass Red= Pyrite Lantern= Pyrite Glass= Lumabus Vine Lantern= Eye Vine Lantern= Cursed Pumpkin Lantern= Floating Crystal= Coral Forest Deep Ocean Lantern= Mineral Water Source= Flowing Mineral Water= Lava Source= Flowing Lava= Water Geyser= Water Geyser Active= Ceramic Pot Blank= Ceramic Pot Blank Shard= Ceramic Pot Flowers= Ceramic Pot Flowers Shard= Ceramic Pot Lines= Ceramic Pot Lines Shard= Ceramic Pot Tribal= Ceramic Pot Tribal Shard= If destroyed by archelogical pick axe, it will drop ceramic shards instead of ceramic pot item.= (owned by @1)= Sand Castle Wall= Forsaken Desert Chiseled Stone= Coral Dirt Soil= Dirt Soil= Crystal Dirt Soil= Crystal Cave Dirt Soil= Cursed Dirt Soil= Dry Dirt Soil= Coral Dirt Wet Soil= Crystal Dirt Wet Soil= Crystal Cave Dirt Wet Soil= Cursed Dirt Wet Soil= Mineral Cave Stone= Mineral Cave Cobblestone= Mineral Lava Stone with lava= Mineral Lava Stone without lava= Mineral Lava Stone with moss= Volcanic Spike @1= Mineral Lava Stone Spike @1= Lava Tree Trunk= Lava Tree Trunk with Lava Veins= Lava Tree Wood Planks= Lava Tree Sapling= Lava Tree Leaves= Mineral Cave Moss Grass= Pyrite Glass Pane= Cursed Steel Bars= Cursed Steel Bar Door= Steel Bar Trapdoor= Dry Tree Trunk Stair= Dry Tree Trunk Slab= Forsaken Desert Engraved Stone Stair= Forsaken Desert Engraved Stone Slab= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Stair= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Slab= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Red Stair= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Red Slab= Everness Glass Stair= Everness Glass Slab= Mineral Cave Stone Stair= Mineral Cave Stone Slab= Mineral Cave Cobblestone Stair= Mineral Cave Cobblestone Slab= Mineral Lava Stone with lava Stair= Mineral Lava Stone with lava Slab= Mineral Lava Stone without lava Stair= Mineral Lava Stone without lava Slab= Vine Shears= Silk Shovel= Shell of Underwater Breating= Hammer= Sharp Hammer= Mineral Torch= Cave Vine= Whispering Gourd Vine= Bulb Vine= Willow Vine= Eye Vine= Lumabus Vine= Ivis Vine= Flowered Vine= Reeds Vine= Tenanea Flowers Vine= Twisted Vine= Golden Vine= Dense Vine= Wall Cave Vine Green= Wall Cave Vine Blue= Wall Cave Vine Cyan= Wall Cave Vine Violet= Coral Bones Block Wall= Coral Bones Brick Wall= Crystal Cobblestone Wall= Crystal Mossy Cobblestone Wall= Cursed Sandstone Brick Wall= Cursed Sandstone Block Wall= Cursed Stone Carved Wall= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Wall= Forsaken Desert Cobblestone Red Wall= Forsaken Desert Brick Wall= Forsaken Desert Brick Red Wall= Forsaken Desert Engraved Stone Wall= Mineral Cave Stone Wall= Mineral Cave Cobblestone Wall= Mineral Lava Stone with lava Wall= Mineral Lava Stone without lava Wall=