Lisp bindings for the IPFS HTTP API.
Iri al dosiero
Jaidyn Levesque bc9de0aae9 Update documentation 2019-06-19 12:01:18 -05:00
COPYING.txt Added README and COPYING 2019-05-24 00:16:47 -05:00
README.txt Update documentation 2019-06-19 12:01:18 -05:00
cl-ipfs-api2.asd Add pubsub functions (woot woot) 2019-06-18 02:39:35 -05:00
main.lisp Add urlstore call 2019-06-19 11:59:06 -05:00
package.lisp Add urlstore call 2019-06-19 11:59:06 -05:00


:cl-ipfs-api² is a pretty simple set of IPFS bindings for Common Lisp, using
the HTTP API for (almost) everything, except for pubsub (which uses the locally
installed go-ipfs program).
It uses Dexador, YASON, and UIOP.

Just use `quicklisp` (pop this in your "~/quicklisp/local-projects/",
and you're good).

Then you can do things like:
	> (ipfs:add #p"~/.bashrc")

	> (ipfs:cat "/ipns/")
	"<!DOCTYPE html>

Most commands available are one-to-one with their API/cli counter-parts,
with a few notable exceptions:
	* #'dl	(counter-part to the /get call. the name is different, so
	         as to not conflict with #'common-lisp:get)

The calls implemented so far:
	* root (cat, add, id, ls, resolve, etc)
	* bitswap, block, bootstrap
	* cid, config (config, config/show)
	* dag, dht, diag
	* file, files, filestore
	* key, name, object
	* p2p, pin, pubsub
	* refs, repo, stats
	* swarm, urlstore
	* version (version, version/deps)

Some calls were skipped over, but wouldn't be hard to add:
	* object/put, object/set-data object/patch/append-data
	* tar calls were deliberately ignored (useless)

Functions return either strings, lists, or associative lists, depending on
context. All errors return two values— nil and an error message (string).

Make sure to read docstrings for specific information, and keeping the API
reference handy is a good idea (/ipns/

Pubsub usage here is such an abberation that it warrants its own section.
Since there isn't a (functional) HTTP API for pubsub yet, we're using the
actual go-ipfs program from your computer.

If you don't have go-ipfs locally installed, it won't work.
If you are using Windows, or anything but *nix, it probably won't work.
If you haven't enabled pubsub (--enable-pubsub-experiment argument to daemon),
it won't work.

Well… here we go.

You can sub to a topic with, ofc, #'pubsub-sub, which will return a
UIOP-originated process-info stream— while the `ipfs pubsub sub` command runs
in the background.

This stream can't be directly #'read-char or #'listen with, which is exactly
what you wanna do— instead, running #'uiop/launch-program:process-info-output
on it is necessary to expose a usable stream.

To make all that easier, there's a little abstraction I added which obfuscates
UIOP use and is adequate shorthand:
	* #'pubsub-sub-read-char
	* #'pubsub-sub-listen
	* #'pubsub-sub-process
	* #'pubsub-sub-close

All of those operate on the original UIOP-originated process-info stream, and
work exactly like you'd expect.
The only weird, non-obvious one is probably #'pubsub-sub-process, which applies
#'uiop/launch-program:process-info-output— just in case you need the raw,
usable stream.

Anyway, with this, you can get a continuous read on what's going on with the
topic you're subbed to. To publish to a topic, run #'pubsub-pub with the topic
and data as arguments. Pretty simple.

Both #'pubsub-sub and #'pubsub-pub, being the only functions that run a shell
command, include an :env argument. If you supply a string as the :env argument,
that string will prefix the "ipfs" command— basically only useful for changing
something with the "env" command (like $IPFS_PATH).

Also, if you change the ipfs:*ipfs-root* variable (to the correct value of
$IPFS_PATH), the :env arguments (unless otherwise specified) will default to
"env IPFS_PATH=" + ipfs:*ipfs-root* + " > /dev/null;"

License is the GNU GPLv3:
       check COPYING.txt (/ipfs/QmTBpqbvJLZaq3hTMUhxX5hyJaSCeWe6Q5FRctQbsD6EsE)
Author is Jaidyn Ann <>
Sauce is at