(in-package :ipfs-gno) (defparameter *api-host* "") ;; STRING LIST … → (STRING/VARYING RETURN-CODE HEADER-LIST …) (defun api-call (call arguments &key (method :get) (parameters nil) (want-stream nil)) (let ((call-url (string+ *api-host* "/api/v0/" call)) (first-arg T)) (mapcar (lambda (arg-pair) (format t "FIRST: ~A~%" first-arg) (if arg-pair (progn (setq call-url (string+ call-url (if first-arg "?" "&") (car arg-pair) "=" (cadr arg-pair))) (setq first-arg nil)))) arguments) (drakma:http-request call-url :method method :parameters parameters :want-stream want-stream))) ;; STRING :NUMBER :NUMBER → STRING (defun cat (ipfs-path &key (offset nil) (length nil)) "Return a string of the data at the given IPFS path." (api-call "cat" `(("arg" ,ipfs-path) ,(if offset `("offset" ,offset)) ,(if length `("length" ,length))))) ;; STRING PATHNAME --> NIL (defun dl (ipfs-path out-file) "Write an IPFS file directly to a file on the local file-system. Non-recursive, in the case of directories. (Thanks to this thread ♥) https://stackoverflow.com/a/12607423" (with-open-file (out-stream out-file :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create) (let ((in-stream (api-call "cat" `(("arg" ,ipfs-path)) :want-stream 'T))) (awhile (read-byte in-stream nil nil) (write-byte it out-stream)) (close in-stream)))) ;; PATHNAME → STRING (defun add (file-path) "Add a file to IPFS, return it's hash. Does not work recursively." (gethash "Hash" (yason:parse (flexi-streams:octets-to-string (api-call "add" '() :method :post :parameters `(("file" . ,file-path))))))) ;; STRING-A STRING-B … STRING-N → STRING (defun string+ (&rest strings) "Combine an arbitrary amount of strings into a single string." (reduce (lambda (a b) (format nil "~A~A" a b)) strings))