=============================================================================== CL-IPFS-API² Binder for galactic transguys =============================================================================== :cl-ipfs-api² is a pretty simple set of IPFS bindings for Common Lisp, using the HTTP API. It uses Dexador for HTTP(S) requests and YASON for JSON. ---------------------------------------- USAGE ---------------------------------------- Just use `quicklisp` (pop this in your "~/quicklisp/local-projects/", and you're good). Then you can do things like: > (ipfs:add #p"~/.bashrc") "QmZweanA1JRNio6DKnPN6yECWCrxmWqqG7WWUNtyuji9hZ" 145 ".bashrc" > (ipfs:cat "/ipns/ipfs.io/index.html") " ……" Most commands available are one-to-one with their API/cli counter-parts, with a few notable exceptions: * #'dl (counter-part to the /get call) The calls implemented so far: * root calls (cat, add, id, ls, resolve, etc) * config calls (config, config/show) * version calls (version, version/deps) Functions return either strings, lists, or hash-tables (parsed JSON)-- depending on context, of course. Read docstrings ♥ ---------------------------------------- BORING STUFF ---------------------------------------- License is the GNU GPLv3: check COPYING.txt (/ipfs/QmTBpqbvJLZaq3hTMUhxX5hyJaSCeWe6Q5FRctQbsD6EsE) Author is Jaidyn Ann Sauce is at https://git.eunichx.us/cl-ipfs-api2.git