;; ;; Copyright 2022, Jaidyn Levesque ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; (module xattr (get-xattr set-xattr remove-xattr list-xattrs) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken condition) (chicken foreign) (chicken memory) srfi-1) (foreign-declare "#include \"xattr_ext.c\"") ;; The direct foreign binding for `get_xattr` (define get-xattr-foreign (foreign-lambda c-string* "get_xattr" c-string c-string (c-pointer int))) ;; Wrapper around get-xattr-foreign, which throws exceptions and such. (define (get-xattr path attr) (let-location ([error-code int]) (let ([attr-value (get-xattr-foreign path attr (location error-code))] [exception (or (getxattr-exception error-code) (stat-exception error-code))]) (if exception (signal exception) attr-value)))) ;; The direct foreign binding for `list_xattr` (define list-xattrs-foreign (foreign-lambda (c-pointer char) "list_xattr" c-string (c-pointer ssize_t) (c-pointer int))) ;; Wrapper around list-xattrs-foreign, which throws exceptions and such. (define (list-xattrs path) (let-location ([error-code int] [length ssize_t]) (let ([list-pointer (list-xattrs-foreign path (location length) (location error-code))] [exception (or (getxattr-exception error-code) (stat-exception error-code))]) (if exception (signal exception) ;; listxattr offers a const char* \0-delimited list of strings (pointer->delimited-string-list list-pointer length 0))))) ;; The direct foreign binding for `set_xattr` (define set-xattr-foreign (foreign-lambda int "set_xattr" c-string c-string c-string (c-pointer int))) ;; Wrapper around set-xattr-foreign, throwing exceptions and all that jazz (define (set-xattr path attr value) (let-location ([error-code int]) (let ([return-code (set-xattr-foreign path attr value (location error-code))] [exception (or (setxattr-exception error-code) (getxattr-exception error-code) (stat-exception error-code))]) (if exception (signal exception) value)))) ;; The direct foreign binding for `remove_xattr` (define remove-xattr-foreign (foreign-lambda int "remove_xattr" c-string c-string)) ;; Wrapper around remove-xattr-foreign, blah blah (define (remove-xattr path attr) (let* ([value (get-xattr path attr)] [error-code (remove-xattr-foreign path attr)] [exception (or (getxattr-exception error-code) (stat-exception error-code))]) (if exception (signal exception) value))) ;; TODO: These exception functions should be constructed with a macro and a simple ;; list, like `((c-constant symbol error-message) ("E2BIG" 'e2big "The attribute value was too big.")) ;; Return the exception associated with an error-code as per getxattr(2), if it exists (define (getxattr-exception error-code) (cond [(eq? error-code (foreign-value "E2BIG" int)) (build-exception 'e2big "The attribute value was too big.")] [(eq? error-code (foreign-value "ENOTSUP" int)) (build-exception 'enotsup "Extended attributes are disabled or unavailable on this filesystem.")] [(eq? error-code (foreign-value "ERANGE" int)) (build-exception 'erange "The xattr module's buffer was too small for the attribute value. Whoops delimited-string-list pointer length delimiter) (let* ([is-zero (lambda (num) (eq? num 0))] [map-to-char (lambda (a) (map integer->char a))] [pointer-ints (pointer->integers pointer length)] [byte-list (when (list? pointer-ints) (drop-right pointer-ints 1))]) (if (and (list? byte-list) (not (null-list? byte-list))) (map list->string (map map-to-char (split-list is-zero byte-list))) '()))) ;; Takes a pointer and returns a list of bytes of a given length (define (pointer->integers pointer length) (let ([byte (pointer-s8-ref pointer)]) (if (eq? length 0) byte (append (list byte) (pointer->integers (pointer+ pointer 1) (- length 1)))))) ;; Split a list into sublists, with items passing `test` being the delimiters (define (split-list test list) (let ([before (take-while (compose not test) list)] [after (drop-while (compose not test) list)]) (cond [(or (null-list? after) (null-list? (cdr after))) `(,before)] [(null-list? before) (split-list test (cdr after))] [#t (append `(,before) (split-list test (cdr after)))]))))