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;; Copyright 2022, Jaidyn Levesque <jadedctrl@posteo.at>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(module ircc
;; (irc:connect
;; irc:loop
;; irc:read-alist
;; irc:write-cmd irc:write-line
;; irc:user-set! irc:user-get
;; irc:channels irc:channel-set! irc:channel-get
;; irc:hostmask? irc:hostmask-nick irc:hostmask-ident irc:hostmask-host irc:hostmask-userhost
;; irc:user-is-self?)
(import scheme
(chicken base) (chicken condition) (chicken io) (chicken module)
(chicken pretty-print) (chicken string) (chicken tcp)
srfi-1 srfi-19 srfi-69 srfi-130
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; IRC constants
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
(define RPL_WELCOME 1) (export RPL_WELCOME)
(define RPL_WHOISUSER 311) (export RPL_WHOISUSER)
(define RPL_ENDOFWHO 315) (export RPL_ENDOFWHO)
(define RPL_LIST 322) (export RPL_LIST)
(define RPL_LISTEND 323) (export RPL_LISTEND)
(define RPL_TOPIC 332) (export RPL_TOPIC)
(define RPL_WHOREPLY 352) (export RPL_WHOREPLY)
(define RPL_NAMREPLY 353) (export RPL_NAMREPLY)
(define RPL_MOTD 372) (export RPL_MOTD)
(define RPL_MOTDSTART 375) (export RPL_MOTDSTART)
(define RPL_ENDOFMOTD 376) (export RPL_ENDOFMOTD)
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Misc. helpers
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; By Göran Weinholt, from the Scheme Cookbook
;; https://cookbook.scheme.org/format-unix-timestamp/
(define (time-unix->time-utc seconds)
(add-duration (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
(make-time time-duration 0 seconds)))
;; By Göran Weinholt, from the Scheme Cookbook
;; https://cookbook.scheme.org/format-unix-timestamp/
(define (time-unix->string seconds . maybe-format)
(apply date->string (time-utc->date (time-unix->time-utc seconds))
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Mucking around with hostmasks, no-context string checks
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Return the nick part of a hostmask
(define (irc:hostmask-nick hostmask)
(car (string-split hostmask "!")))
;; The username/ident part of a hostmask
(define (irc:hostmask-ident hostmask)
(car (string-split (cadr (string-split hostmask "!"))
;; The host part of a hostmask
(define (irc:hostmask-host hostmask)
(cadr (string-split hostmask "@")))
;; The user@host part of a hostmask
(define (irc:hostmask-userhost hostmask)
(irc:hostmask-ident hostmask) "@" (irc:hostmask-host hostmask)))
;; Return whether or not a string is likely a valid hostmask
(define (irc:hostmask? string)
(let ([at-! (string-contains string "!")]
[at-@ (string-contains string "@")]
[at-. (string-contains string ".")])
(and at-! at-@ at-.
(string-cursor<? at-! at-@)
(string-cursor<? at-@ at-.))))
;; Remove all usermode prefixes from a user string (hostmask, nick, etc)
(define (irc:trim-usermode-prefixes user-string)
(string-trim user-string
(lambda (char)
(or (eq? char #\~)
(eq? char #\&)
(eq? char #\@)
(eq? char #\%)
(eq? char #\+)))))
;; Return whether or not the given string (username/nick/hostmask/etc) is
;; equivalent to current user.
(define (irc:user-is-self? conn user-string)
(string=? (irc:hostmask-nick user-string)
(hash-table-ref conn 'nick)))
;; Return whether or not a string is likely a channel
(define (irc:channel? string)
(let ([first-char (if (string-null? string) "" (string-take string 1))])
(or (string=? first-char "#")
(string=? first-char "&"))))
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Processing/saving metadata
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; The user should have more-or-less total control over how to respond to
;; received messages, but ircc has to sneakily process some responses itself,
;; to ensure basic functionality (i.e., pings, chanlist, userlist, etc.)
(define (irc:process-alist-internally conn alist)
(let ([command (alist-ref 'command alist)]
[reply (alist-ref 'reply alist)]
[sender (alist-ref 'sender alist)]
[params (alist-ref 'params alist)])
(if command
(irc:process-command-internally conn command params sender)
(irc:process-reply-internally conn reply params sender)))
;; Handle some replies necssary for basic functionality
(define (irc:process-reply-internally conn reply params #!optional sender)
(cond [(eq? reply RPL_WELCOME)
(hash-table-set! conn 'registered #t)
(hash-table-set! conn 'nick (car params))]
[(eq? reply RPL_TOPIC)
(let ([channel (second params)]
[topic (last params)])
(irc:channel-set! conn channel 'topic topic))]
(let ([channel (second params)]
[setter-nick (third params)]
[time (if (string? (last params))
(string->number (last params))))])
(if (time? time)
(irc:channel-set! conn channel 'topic-set (time->date time))))]
[(eq? reply RPL_NAMREPLY)
(let ([channel (third params)]
[chan-symbol (second params)]
[users (map irc:trim-usermode-prefixes
(string-split (cadddr params) " "))])
(irc:channel-set! conn channel 'symbol chan-symbol)
(lambda (user)
(irc:channel-user-add! conn channel (irc:hostmask-nick user))
(irc:user-add! conn (irc:hostmask-nick user))
(if (irc:hostmask? user)
(irc:user-set! conn (irc:hostmask-nick user) 'hostmask user)
(irc:write-cmd conn "WHO" channel)))
[(eq? reply RPL_WHOREPLY)
(let ([nick (sixth params)]
[ident (third params)]
[host (fourth params)])
(irc:user-set! conn nick 'hostmask
(string-append nick "!" ident "@" host)))]))
;; Handle some commands necessary for basic functionality
(define (irc:process-command-internally conn command params #!optional sender)
(if (and (string? sender) (irc:hostmask? sender))
(irc:user-set! conn (irc:hostmask-nick sender) 'hostmask sender))
(cond [(string=? command "PING")
(irc:write-cmd conn "PONG" (last params))]
[(and (string=? command "CAP")
(string=? (second params) "ACK"))
(hash-table-set! conn 'capabilities (map string->symbol (cddr params)))
(irc:write-cmd conn "CAP" "END")]
[(string=? command "JOIN")
(let ([room-name (car params)]
[new-user sender])
(if (irc:user-is-self? conn new-user)
(irc:channel-add! conn room-name))
(irc:channel-user-add! conn room-name (irc:hostmask-nick new-user)))]
[(string=? command "NICK")
(irc:user-update-nick! conn sender (last params))]
;; We wanna create a private-message "channel", if it's a PM
[(and (string=? command "PRIVMSG")
(string? (car params))
(not (irc:channel? (car params))))
(let* ([user-a (if (irc:hostmask? sender)
(irc:hostmask-nick sender)
[user-b (car params)]
[users (list user-a user-b)]
(if (and user-a user-b)
(filter (lambda (user) (not (irc:user-is-self? conn user)))
(if (and user-a user-b channel)
(irc:channel-add! conn channel)
(map (lambda (user)
(irc:channel-user-add! conn channel user))
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Metadata accessors
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Return whether or not the given capability has been agreed upon
;; between the server and this connection
(define (irc:capability? conn capability)
(member capability (hash-table-ref conn 'capabilities)))
;; Add a user of the given nick to the internal list of users
(define (irc:user-add! conn nick)
(let ([users-table (hash-table-ref conn 'users)])
(if (not (hash-table-exists? users-table nick))
(hash-table-set! users-table nick '()))))
;; Remove a user from the internal list of users
(define (irc:user-delete! conn nick)
(hash-table-delete! (hash-table-ref conn 'users) nick))
;; Replace a user's stored alist of data with a new one
(define (irc:user-set-alist! conn nick alist)
(let ([users-table (hash-table-ref conn 'users)])
(irc:user-add! conn nick)
(hash-table-set! users-table nick alist)))
;; Return an alist of data stored relating to the given user
(define (irc:user-alist conn nick)
(let ([users-table (hash-table-ref conn 'users)])
(irc:user-add! conn nick)
(if (hash-table-exists? users-table nick)
(hash-table-ref users-table nick)
;; Associate a piece of data with a user, by nick
(define (irc:user-set! conn nick key value)
conn nick (alist-update key value (irc:user-alist conn nick))))
;; Return a piece of stored data relating to a user, by nick
(define (irc:user-get conn nick key)
(irc:user-add! conn nick)
(alist-ref key (irc:user-alist conn nick)))
;; Add a channel of name `chan` to the internal list of channels
(define (irc:channel-add! conn chan)
(let ([channels-table (hash-table-ref conn 'channels)])
(unless (hash-table-exists? channels-table chan)
(hash-table-set! (hash-table-ref conn 'channels) chan (make-hash-table))
(hash-table-set! (irc:channel-table conn chan) 'users '())))))
;; Remove a channel of name `chan` from the internal list of channels
(define (irc:channel-delete! conn chan)
(hash-table-remove! (hash-table-ref conn 'channels) chan))
;; Return a list of saved channels by name
(define (irc:channels conn)
(hash-table-keys (hash-table-ref conn 'channels)))
;; Return a saved channel's table
(define (irc:channel-table conn chan)
(hash-table-ref (hash-table-ref conn 'channels) chan))
;; Get a stored value associated with a channel, by key
(define (irc:channel-get conn chan key)
(hash-table-ref (irc:channel-table conn chan) key))
;; Associate a value with a given channel, by key
(define (irc:channel-set! conn chan key value)
(hash-table-set! (irc:channel-table conn chan)
key value))
;; Returns a list of users that are stored as members of the given channel
(define (irc:channel-users conn chan)
(irc:channel-get conn chan 'users))
;; Add a user to a channel's list of users, by nick
(define (irc:channel-user-add! conn chan nick)
(unless (member nick (irc:channel-users conn chan))
conn chan 'users
(append (irc:channel-get conn chan 'users)
(list nick)))))
;; Remove a user from a channel's list of users, by nick
(define (irc:channel-user-delete! conn chan nick)
conn chan 'users
(filter (lambda (a-nick)
(not (string=? nick a-nick)))
(irc:channel-users conn chan))))
;; Change a user's stored nick; in internal user-table, and channels' user lists.
(define (irc:user-update-nick! conn old-hostmask new-nick)
(let ([old-nick (irc:hostmask-nick old-hostmask)]
[new-hostmask (string-append new-nick "!"
(cadr (string-split old-hostmask "!")))])
(if (irc:user-is-self? conn old-hostmask)
(hash-table-set! conn 'nick new-nick))
;; Internal list of users…
(irc:user-add! conn new-nick)
conn new-nick
(alist-update 'hostmask new-hostmask
(irc:user-alist conn old-nick)))
(irc:user-delete! conn old-nick)
;; For all rooms…
(map (lambda (chan)
(irc:channel-user-delete! conn chan old-nick)
(irc:channel-user-add! conn chan new-nick))
(irc:channels conn))))
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Parsing lines/commands
;; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Construct a string to write to IRC for the given command and parameters.
(define (irc:cmd->string command . parameters)
(let ([parameters
(append (reverse (cdr (reverse parameters)))
`(,(string-append ":" (last parameters))))])
" "
(lambda (a b)
(string-append a " " b))
;; Convert a string to a `msg` alist, with keys 'command', 'reply', 'params',
;; and 'sender'.
(define (irc:line->alist str)
(let* ([space-split (string-split str " ")]
[tags (irc:line-tags str space-split)]
[sender (irc:line-sender str space-split)]
[verb (irc:line-verb str space-split)]
[command (car verb)]
[reply (and (car verb) (string->number (car verb)))]
[params (irc:line-verb-params verb)])
`((command . ,(if (not reply) command #f))
(reply . ,reply)
,(append '(params) params)
(sender . ,sender)
,(append '(tags) tags))))
;; Parses out all tags from the given line of IRC output
(define (irc:line-tags str space-split)
(if (not (string=? (string-take str 1) "@"))
([first-column (car space-split)]
[tag-strs (string-split (string-drop first-column 1) ";")]
[tag-pairs (map
(lambda (tag-str)
(string-split tag-str "="))
[no-empty-pairs (map
(lambda (tag-pair)
(if (eq? (length tag-pair) 1)
(append tag-pair '(""))
(lambda (tag-pair)
(list (car tag-pair)
(string-translate* (cadr tag-pair)
'(("\\s" . " ")
("\\\\" . "\\")
("\\r" . "\r")
("\\n" . "\n")))))
;; Parse the sender of an IRC output line, if there is any
(define (irc:line-sender str space-split)
(let ([first-char (string-take str 1)])
[(and (string=? first-char "@")
(string=? (string-take (cadr space-split) 1) ":"))
(string-drop (cadr space-split) 1)]
[(string=? first-char ":")
(string-drop (car space-split) 1)]
;; Parse out the verb (command or reply) with subsequent words into a list
(define (irc:line-verb str space-split)
(let ([first-char (string-take str 1)])
[(and (string=? first-char "@")
(string=? (string-take (cadr space-split) 1) ":"))
(cddr space-split)]
[(or (string=? first-char "@")
(string=? first-char ":"))
(cdr space-split)]
;; Returns a list of parameters from the parsed-out verb section of a line
(define (irc:line-verb-params verb)
(let* ([params (cdr verb)]
[other-params '()]
[last-param '()])
(map (lambda (param)
[(string-null? param) #f]
[(and (string=? (string-take param 1) ":")
(null? last-param))
(set! last-param
(append last-param `(,(string-drop param 1))))]
[(not (null? last-param))
(set! last-param (append last-param `(,param)))]
(set! other-params (append other-params `(,param)))]))
(lambda (a b)
(string-append a " " b))
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; I/O
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Read-in the next reply or command from the server, into a parsable alist with
;; four keys:
(define (irc:read-alist conn)
(irc:line->alist (irc:read-line conn))))
;; Read a single line from the IRC server
(define (irc:read-line conn)
(handle-exceptions exn
(if (member '(timeout) (condition->list exn))
(irc:read-line conn)
(abort exn))
(read-line (hash-table-ref conn 'out))))
;; Send a specific command to the server.
(define (irc:write-cmd conn command . parameters)
(irc:write-line (apply irc:cmd->string (append `(,command) parameters))
;; Write a line to the IRC server connection.
(define (irc:write-line text connection)
(write-line text (hash-table-ref connection 'in)))
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Main
;; ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;; Connect to the given IRC server, returning an IRC connection object.
(define (irc:connect host port username nick #!optional (password #f) (realname #f))
(let ([conn (make-hash-table)])
(define-values (out in)
(ssl-connect* hostname: host port: port))
(hash-table-set! conn 'in in)
(hash-table-set! conn 'out out)
(hash-table-set! conn 'nick nick)
(hash-table-set! conn 'realname realname)
(hash-table-set! conn 'channels (make-hash-table))
(hash-table-set! conn 'users (make-hash-table))
(hash-table-set! conn 'capabilities '())
(irc:write-cmd conn "CAP" "REQ" "userhost-in-names")
(if password
(irc:write-cmd conn "PASS" password))
(irc:write-cmd conn "USER" username "*" "0"
(if realname realname "Jane Row"))
(irc:write-cmd conn "NICK" nick)
;; Basic loop for using an IRC connection, using two hook functions:
;; (on-command connection command params sender tags)
;; (on-reply connection reply-code params sender tags)
(define (irc:loop connection on-command on-reply #!optional (debug #f))
(let* ([output (irc:read-alist connection)]
[command (alist-ref 'command output)]
[reply (alist-ref 'reply output)]
[params (alist-ref 'params output)]
[sender (alist-ref 'sender output)]
[tags (alist-ref 'tags output)])
(if debug
(pretty-print output))
(if (and on-command command)
(apply on-command (list connection command params sender tags)))
(if (and on-reply reply)
(apply on-reply (list connection reply params sender tags)))
(irc:loop connection on-command on-reply debug)))
) ;; ircc module