Begin outputting events in chatd JSON format

This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2023-01-10 22:59:57 -06:00
parent 6827347be3
commit 77782c380c

View File

@ -16,25 +16,97 @@
(import scheme
(chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken io) (chicken process-context)
(chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken io) (chicken keyword)
(chicken pretty-print) (chicken process-context)
(chicken process-context posix) (chicken string)
srfi-1 srfi-69
srfi-1 srfi-69 srfi-180
;; Return a user-info in chatd-friendly alist-format, by its alist
(define (user-alist conn nick)
(let* ([ircc-alist (irc:user-alist conn nick)]
[hostmask (alist-ref 'hostmask ircc-alist)])
(if (not hostmask)
(list (cons 'name nick)))
(list (cons 'name nick)
(cons 'id hostmask))))
;; Return an IRC room in chatd-amicable alist-format, using its hashtable
(define (channel-alist conn channel)
(let ([channel-table (irc:channel-table conn channel)])
;; (pretty-print (hash-table-ref channel-table 'users))
(cons 'id channel)
(cons 'name channel)
(cons 'topic (hash-table-ref channel-table 'topic))
(cons 'users
(lambda (nick)
(cons 'user (user-alist conn nick)))
(hash-table-ref channel-table 'users))))))
;; Returns a channel's chatd-friendly alist format, but solely with ID
(define (channel-alist-short conn channel)
(cons 'id channel)
(cons 'name channel)))
;; Used for creating chatd-format messages
;; The optional args are key-value pairs, as follows:
;; #:text #:id #:user #:channel #:long-channel #:additional
(define (compose-event-alist conn event . args)
(let ([text (get-keyword #:text args)]
[user (get-keyword #:user args)]
[channel (get-keyword #:channel args)]
[additional (get-keyword #:additional args)])
(lambda (item) (not (eq? #f item)))
;; (if additional additional list)
(list (cons 'event event)
;; (if additional additional #f)
(if text
(cons 'content
(list (cons 'type "plain/text")
(cons 'body text)))
(if user
(cons 'user (user-alist conn user))
(if channel
(if (get-keyword #:channel-long args)
(cons 'channel (channel-alist conn channel))
(cons 'channel (channel-alist-short conn channel)))
;; Hook function for irc:loop; handles all IRC commands
(define (on-command conn cmd params #!optional sender)
([string=? cmd "PRIVMSG"]
(let ([msg (last params)]
[channel (first params)]
[user (irc:hostmask-nick sender)])
(json-write (compose-event-alist conn "message" #:content msg #:user user #:channel channel)))))
(print sender ":" cmd params))
;; Hook function for irc:loop; handles all IRC errors and replies
(define (on-reply conn reply params #!optional sender)
(print (hash-table->alist conn))
(print (hash-table->alist (hash-table-ref conn 'users)))
;; (print sender ":" reply params)
;; (pretty-print (list reply params sender))
[(eq? reply RPL_WELCOME)
(irc:write-cmd conn "JOIN" "#thevoid")]))
(irc:write-cmd conn "JOIN" "#thevoid")]
[(or (eq? reply RPL_TOPIC)
(eq? reply RPL_ENDOFWHO))
(let* ([channel (second params)]
[alist (compose-event-alist conn "room-info" #:channel channel #:long-channel #t)])
(pretty-print alist)
(json-write alist))]))
(define *help-msg*