# bookmarks-dl Set of scripts for downloading “bookmarks” from online sources (Mastodon, Pixiv) into an easily-parseable line-based format. Currently, it supports Mastodon and Pixiv. The format is TSV, with columns like so: `URL Title Description Date` ## Installation Copy `bookmarks-dl.sh` to a directory in your `$PATH`, and copy `sources/` to a directory like `/usr/libexec/bookmarks-dl/sources/`. ``` $ chmod +x bookmarks-dl.sh $ cp bookmarks-dl.sh ~/.local/bin/bookmarks-dl $ mkdir -p ~/.local/libexec/bookmarks-dl/ $ cp -r sources/ ~/.local/libexec/bookmarks-dl/ ``` ## Usage `bookmarks-dl` uses different “source” scripts in `$PREFIX/libexec/bookmarks-dl/sources/`, like `~/.local/libexec/bookmarks-dl/sources/`. You can see a list of sources with `bookmarks-dl --list`, and invoke a specific source with `bookmarks-dl $SOURCE --help`, like `$ bookmarks-dl mastodon --help`. ### Mastodon The Mastodon source works with any fedi server that implements the Mastodon client API — this includes servers like Pleroma, Akkoma, etc. To use it, you need two bits of information: Your server, and your Authentication token. To find your Authorization token, you can snoop through request headers in Firefox or Chromium by navigating to `Developer Tools (F12) → Network → Headers`. Refresh your Mastodon page, and examine a request, looking for a header like so: `Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN` … where $TOKEN is your token. Copy it! Then, all you have to do is download bookmarks: `$ bookmarks-dl mastodon -d $SERVER -a $TOKEN > fedi-bookmarks.tsv` Note that, since these posts don’t have “descriptions” in the strict sense, the “description” column contains the post’s text-content itself. And since posts don’t have “titles” either, the “title” column contains a truncated version of the “description.” ### Pixiv For the Pixiv source, you need your user-ID and your PHPSESSID cookie. To find your user-id, go to you pixiv profile and look at the URL: `https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/$USER_ID` To find your PHPSESSID cookie, look at your web-browser’s storage for pixiv.net. This varies from browser to browser, but you can do so in Firefox by navigating to `Developer Tools (F12) → Storage → Cookies → pixiv.net → PHPSESSID`. Now, to fetch your bookmarks: `$ bookmarks-dl pixiv -u $USER_ID -a $PHPSESSID > pixiv-bookmarks.tsv ## Example ``` $ bookmarks-dl mastodon -d jam.xwx.moe -a $auth_token > bookmarks.tsv $ head -2 bookmarks.tsv https://mastodon.social/@kroyxt/110861657854740188 Mia uzo de #linukso estas tre minimalism Mia uzo de #linukso estas tre minimalisma komparante min kun aliaj uzantoj: - Mia fenestra administrilo estas "i3wm". - Mi skribas kodon per "Vim". - Mi legas je RSS per "Newsboat". - Mi aŭdas podkaston per "Newsboat+Podboat+MPV". - Mi aŭdas radion per "PyRadio". - Mi administras miajn dosierojn per "Ranger"(Antaŭe per Vifm). - Mi aŭdas muzikon per "Cmus". - Mi legas e-librojn per "Zathura". - Mi skribas notojn per "jrnl". - Por krei aŭtomatigon mi uzas je bash + rofi + fulmklavo. #esperanto 2023-08-09T20:57:32.000Z https://esperanto.masto.host/@abouadil/111084745919750147 Svahila proverbo (151) Penye uchafu hap Svahila proverbo (151) Penye uchafu hapakosi nzi. Tie kie estas malpuraĵoj, tie ne mankas muŝojn. #Swahili #Kiswahili #MethaliZaKiswahili #Esperanto #Kiesperanto #SvahilaProverbaro #lang_eo 2023-09-18T06:31:46.000Z ``` ## Sources Sources are ultimately just shell scripts that have functions to override those of bookmarks-dl. At the moment, the function `source_start` should be implemented. `source-start`: Takes source-specific arguments (that is, all arguments after `$SOURCE` in `bookmarks-dl source arg1 arg2 arg3`. Should print a help message if -h/--help are parameters, or if no parameters are given. Should print bookmarks in the above-described tab-separated format. I might change it up, as necessary. I just want the interface to be semi-consistent between these scripts; that’s why this is all under `bookmarks-dl`, rather than under separate scripts/repos. I hope to make sources for at least one other website — DeviantArt. Suggestions or contributions for other sites would be greatly appreciated! ## Misc. License: GNU GPLv3 Author: Jaidyn Ann Weather: Temperate