NIL // Make sure a user is both authenticated *and* permitted to do a given task, // aka in the right login-class. function auth_enforce($id, $password, $permitted, $message="do that") { if (!user_valid_password($id, $password)) { input_error("Sorry, your user-name or password is wrong."); } $class = user_class($id); if (!in_array($class, $permitted)) { perm_error("Mate, only a " . comma_sep($permitted, " or ") . " can " . $message . "-- you hecking " . $class . "!"); } } // ARRAY ARRAY ARRAY --> ARRAY // Validate a list of values against a corresponding list of types; // return a list of names (corresponding to the values) that don't // match their types. If an empty array is returned, then, all inputs are // valid. // Two non-existant "pseudo-types" are accepted-- "url" and "e-mail". // A "type" can also be an array of acceptable values. // Example: // input_enforce(["apple", 4, "", "never"], // ["Fruit", "Age", "E-mail", "Preference"], // ["string", "int", "email", // ["never", "always", "now"]]); // // ... it's an ugly, long function, I know... function input_enforce($values, $names, $types) { $stack = array(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($values)) { $value = $values[$i]; $type = $types[$i]; $name = $names[$i]; $res = true; switch ($type) { case (is_array($type)): if (!in_array($value, $type)) { $res = false; } break; default: $type_check = "is_" . $type; if (!call_user_func($type_check, $value)) { $res = false; } break; } if (!$res) { $stack[] = $name; } $i++; } return $stack; } // ------------------------------------- // pseudo-types // STRING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a given string is a valid e-mail. function is_email($string) { return filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } // STRING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a given string is a valid url. function is_url($string) { return filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); } // VARYING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a given value is a non-empty string function is_ne_string($value) { if (is_string($value) && !empty($value)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // ------------------------------------- // STRING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a string is already a username function is_user_name($username) { if (user_name_to_id($username)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // NUMBER --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a number is already a user ID function is_user_id($id) { if (in_array($id, $GLOBALS['users'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } // ------------------------------------- // STRING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a given string is a valid (unused) username function is_free_user_name($username) { if (!is_user_name($username) && is_ne_string($username)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // STRING --> BOOLEAN // Return whether or not a given number is a valid (unused) user ID function is_free_user_id($id) { if (!is_user_id($id) && is_int($id)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // ------------------------------------- ?>