=============================================================================== A PHP CHEAT-SHEET =============================================================================== ---------------------------------------- SYNTAX ---------------------------------------- All PHP code must be between "": Every statement ends with a semicolon, all function arguments are seperated by commas, etc. ---------------------------------------- OPERATORS ---------------------------------------- Normal stuff (like +, -, etc.), but *also*: . concatenation (mainly for strings, like "a" . "b" ... "ab") ++ increment (add one, I.E. 1++ ... 2) -- decrement (subtract one, I.E. 2-- ... 1) ---------------------------------------- COMPARISON OPERATORS ---------------------------------------- == equal (same data) === identical (same type + data) != not-equal (different data) !== not-identicial (different type or data) < less-than > greater-than <= less-than or equal-to >= greater-than or equal-to ?? null coalescing (choose first variable that's non-null, from left to right) ---------------------------------------- VARIABLES ---------------------------------------- All variables start like "$". Assignment is like this: $variable = "value"; ---------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------- Make a function like a lot of languages: function FUNCTION_NAME($ARGUMENT, $ARGUMENT) { BLAH BLAH BLAH; return BLAH; } ... replace FUNCTION_NAME with the name, $ARGUMENT with a variable name, etc. etc. If you want an argument to be optional, assign it a default value, like: function FUNCTION_NAME($ARGUMENT = "default", $ARGUMENT = 2) { ---------------------------------------- ARRAYS ---------------------------------------- Make an array with array(KEY=>VALUE, KEY=>VALUE); VARIABLE can be a string or a number. Get an array value like $array[KEY] ---------------------------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------------------------------- There are some important global variables-- $GET Hosts all GET data. $POST All POST data $SERVER SERVER data $GLOBALS Contains all global vars. They're all arrays. Variables are local to their function-- and often, global variables from certain functions won't be accessible in the global scope of another. To reliably access (inter-file) globals, access them like values in an array of $GLOBALS $GLOBALS[KEY] ---------------------------------------- ETC. ---------------------------------------- Really, most of PHP is really similar to other languages. You should be able to read it pretty easily-- if there's something you don't quite get, you can use the Wikibook https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/PHP_Programming/ For quick reference. And for function definitions/examples, check the PHP documentation https://secure.php.net/docs.php Also Google loves you <3