;; ;; Copyright 2023, Jaidyn Levesque ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; (ql:quickload '(alexandria asn1 clack cl-base64 ironclad purl str trivia trivial-utf-8 webtentacle yason)) ;; List of the server's usernames. (defun users () '("rod@localhost" "mum@localhost")) ;; Alist of the server's paths and their response functions. (defun directories () '(("u/" . http-dir) (".well-known/webfinger" . http-webfinger))) (defun resource-userhost (resource) "Given an account URI in webfinger-friendly format, return the corresponding))) username and host in a list. Whether or not these are valid… that’s your business! Ex: acct:mom@bird.com → '(“mom” “bird.com”)" (cond ;; A @bird@mom-style resource ((str:containsp "@" resource) (let* ((sans-acct (if (str:starts-with-p "acct:" resource) (subseq resource 5) resource)) (sans-@ (if (str:starts-with-p "@" sans-acct) (subseq sans-acct 1) sans-acct))) (destructuring-bind (user host) (str:split "@" sans-@) (cons user host)))) ;; A URL-style resource ((str:containsp "/u/" resource) (cons (pathname-name resource) (purl:url-host resource))))) (defun resource-valid-p (resource) "Given a webfinger-style “resource”" (let* ((userhost (resource-userhost resource)) (userhost-str (funcall #'str:concat (car userhost) "@" (cdr userhost)))) (member userhost-str (users) :test (lambda (a b) (string-equal (string-downcase a) (string-downcase b)))))) (defun resource-info-func (resource) "Given a webfinger RESOURCE, return a property-list of data on the given user… if they exist, that is. This is used by the WEBTENTACLE webfinger server; you can see information on the plist in the docstring for its WEBTENTACLE:SERVER function." (let* ((userhost (resource-userhost resource)) (profile (str:concat "https://" (cdr userhost) "/users/" resource))) (when (resource-valid-p resource) (list :subject resource :links `((href ,profile rel "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page" type "text/html" properties (:apple 3 :bear 4)) (href ,profile rel "self" type "application/activity+json")))))) ;; The default 404 response. (defun http-404 (env path-items params) '(404 (:content-type "text/plain") ("404, you goddamn fool!"))) ;; Respond to requests within the /u/* directory. (defun http-user-dir (env path-items params) (let ((user (car path-items))) ;; In case of request for the user's actor. (if (member user (users) :test 'string=) `(200 (:content-type "application/ld+json") (,(user-actor env user)))))) (defun http-webfinger (env path-items params) (webtentacle:server env (lambda (resource) (resource-info-func resource)) nil)) ;; Returns the response data for Clack, given the request data `env`. (defun server (env) (let* ((path (pathname-sans-parameters (getf env :request-uri))) (params (pathname-parameters (getf env :request-uri))) (response-function (or (assoc-by-path (directories) (pathname-components path)) '("" . http-404))) ;; So that response functions only deal with relative paths… (path-sans-response-root (pathname-components (str:replace-first (car response-function) "" path)))) (or (funcall (cdr response-function) env path-sans-response-root params) (funcall 'http-404 env path-sans-response-root params)))) ;; Start the server. (defun start-server (&optional (config '(:domain "localhost"))) (clack:clackup (lambda (env) (server (append env config))) :server 'woo :address "" :port 8080)) ;; The JSON of a user's actor. (defun user-actor (config username) (let* ((user-root (str:concat "https://" (getf config :domain) "/u/" username))) (yason:with-output-to-string* () (yason:encode-alist `(("@context" . ("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" "https://w3id.org/security/v1")) ("id" . ,user-root) ("type" . "Person") ("preferredUsername" . ,username) ("inbox" . ,(str:concat user-root "/inbox.json")) ("outbox" . ,(str:concat user-root "/outbox.json"))))))) ;; Given an associative list and a path decomposed into a list of ;; its components, return the item with the closest according ;; pathname as key. If the exact path isn't a valid key, it will ;; try all parent directories. ;; E.g., "/bear/apple/momma/" could match either "/bear/apple/momma" ;; or "/bear/apple/" or "/bear/", but not "/bear" (not a directory). (defun assoc-by-path (alist path-items &optional (depth 0)) (let ((path (str:join #\/ path-items))) (if (eq path-items nil) (assoc "" alist :test 'string=) (or (and (eq depth 0) (assoc path alist :test 'string=)) (assoc (str:concat path "/") alist :test 'string=) (assoc-by-path alist (reverse (cdr (reverse path-items))) (+ depth 1)))))) ;; Removes parameters from a URI pathname, returning the bare path. ;; "/path/a/b?a=1&b=3" → "/path/a/b" (defun pathname-sans-parameters (path) (car (str:split #\? path))) ;; Convert the parameters of a URI pathname into an associative list. ;; "/path/a/b?a=1&b=2&c=3" → (("a" . "1") ("b" . "2") ("c" . "3")) (defun pathname-parameters (path) (mapcar (lambda (pair) (let ((pair-items (str:split #\= pair))) (cons (car pair-items) (cadr pair-items)))) (str:split #\& (cadr (str:split #\? path))))) ;; Split a pathname into a list of its components. ;; "/u/bear/apple.txt" → '("u" "bear" "apple.txt") (defun pathname-components (pathname) (str:split #\/ pathname :omit-nulls 't))