Ensure the signature’s domain matches the signee’s

A signature-key with a different omain from the
actor of the activity or the actiivty’s ID itself
might be indicative of tampering; disallow it.
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2025-01-09 22:27:19 -06:00
parent 7b3cf9cb89
commit 7f5b6ffc57
Signed by: jadedctrl

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@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Returns the object if it was retrieved or fetched; nil otherwise."
;;; Signature HTTP-header parsing
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun signature-valid-p (env &key (current-time (get-universal-time)))
(defun signature-valid-p (env activity &key (current-time (get-universal-time)))
"Return whether or not the Clack HTTP-request ENVs signature is valid.
Only RSA-SHA256 signatures are supported.
Might provide a condition detailing the reason of the signatures invalidity as
@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/"
(signed-str (signed-string env signature-alist :current-time current-time)))
(when (and algorithm (not (string-equal (cdr algorithm) "rsa-sha256")))
(signal 'invalid-signature-algorithm :algorithm (cdr algorithm)))
(when (not (matching-domains-p signature-alist activity))
(signal 'invalid-signature-domain-mismatch))
(gethash "https://w3id.org/security#publicKeyPem" (signature-key signature-alist))
@ -168,6 +170,27 @@ https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/"
(invalid-signature (err)
(values nil err))))
(defun matching-domains-p (signature-alist activity)
"Returns whether or not the domain names within an ACTIVITY match, for ensuring
its signature is applicable: Those of the signature keys, the actors @ID,
and the ACTIVITYs @ID.
If these all match the same domain, and the signature is valid, we can safely say
the ACTIVITY did indeed come from that domain."
(labels ((uri-string (slot-value)
(typecase slot-value
(string slot-value)
(json-ld:@id slot-value))))
(domain-name (slot-value)
(let ((uri-string (uri-string slot-value)))
(when uri-string
(quri:uri-domain (quri:uri uri-string))))))
(remove-if #'not
(list (domain-name activity)
(domain-name (as/v/a:actor activity))
(domain-name (assoc :keyid signature-alist)))))))
(defun signature-header-parse (signature-header)
"Parses the signature header into an associative list of the form:
'((:KEYID . https://jam.xwx.moe/users/jadedctrl#main-key)
@ -267,6 +290,13 @@ https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-http-signature/#how-to-obtain-a-signature-s-
(slot-value condition 'algorithm))))
(:documentation "Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when the algorithm is unsupported."))
(define-condition invalid-signature-domain-mismatch (invalid-signature)
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "There is a domain-name mismatch within the activity, and so we cant say for sure the signature is valid.~%
Check the ID domain-names of the actor, the activity, and the signature-key.~&")))
(:documentation "Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when it's noticed that domains-names for ID URIs don't match."))
;;; Fetching public keys
@ -382,13 +412,14 @@ can be found). Uses the callback :RETRIEVE, defined in *CONFIG*."
(defun http-inbox (env path-items params)
"If one tries to send an activity to our inbox, pass it along to
the overloaded RECEIVE method."
(let* ((contents (body-contents env)))
(let* ((contents (body-contents env))
(json-contents (json-ld:parse contents)))
(multiple-value-bind (signature-valid-p signature-error)
(signature-valid-p env)
(signature-valid-p env json-contents)
(cond (signature-error (signal signature-error))
((not signature-valid-p)
(signal 'http-result :status 401 :message "Failed to verify signature. Heck! TvT"))
((receive (json-ld:parse contents))
((receive json-contents)
'(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("You win!")))))))
@ -568,3 +599,7 @@ or “/bear/apple/” or “/bear/”, but not “/bear” (not a directory)."
(loop for number across
collect (format nil "~X" number))))
(defun equal* (&rest items)
"Whether or not all ITEMS are EQUAL to one another."
(loop for item in items
always (equal item (car items))))