Merge @contexts of nested JSON-LD objects

This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2024-06-19 19:07:22 -05:00
parent a12e02c51b
commit 780951faaa

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@ -55,6 +55,17 @@
(in-package #:activitypub-servist/activity-vocabulary)
;;; Globals
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
;; Used in YASON:ENCODE to ensure that a single top-level @context can be
;; created where AP objects contain other AP objects in their slots.
;; This variable is overridden locally (LET), and should never be
;; modified globally (as we expect it to be nil in top-level objects).
(defparameter *@context* nil)
;;; Macros
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
@ -95,16 +106,24 @@ of NAME."
`(defclass ,a (,name) ()))
(defmacro define-yason-encode-slots-to-camel-cased-keys (class)
(defmacro define-yason-encode-slots (class)
"Define a YASON:ENCODE-SLOTS method for a CLASS, which simply encodes all of
CLASSes slots with JSON keys based on the camel-cased slot name."
`(defmethod yason:encode-slots progn ((obj ,class)))
(mapcar (lambda (slot-key-pair)
`(let ((value (slot-value obj ',(car slot-key-pair))))
(when value
(yason:encode-object-element ,(cdr slot-key-pair) value))))
(class-slots-to-camel-cased-strings-alist class))))
(mapcar (yason-encode-slot-function)
(class-slots-to-camel-cased-strings-alist class))))
(defun yason-encode-slot-function ()
"Helper-function for the DEFINE-YASON-ENCODE-SLOTS macro.
This returns a function to create a quoted function that should be called for each slot,
again and again, by YASON:ENCODE-SLOTS."
(lambda (slot-key-pair)
`(let ((value (slot-value obj ',(car slot-key-pair))))
(cond ((eq ',(car slot-key-pair) '@context)
(setq *@context* (merge-@contexts *@context* value)))
(yason:encode-object-element ,(cdr slot-key-pair) value))))))
@ -202,39 +221,9 @@ CLASSes slots with JSON keys based on the camel-cased slot name."
;;; JSON serialization
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defmethod yason:encode ((obj object) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
(yason:with-output (stream)
(yason:with-object ()
(yason:encode-object obj)
(or (object-type obj)
(class-pretty-name (class-of obj)))))))
;; Ensure all classes have their slots encodings defined with YASON.
(mapcar (lambda (class)
(closer-mop:finalize-inheritance class)
(eval `(define-yason-encode-slots-to-camel-cased-keys ,class)))
(mapcar #'find-class
'(object link activity collection collection-page
ordered-collection-page place profile relationship tombstone)))
;;; Util
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun class-slots-to-camel-cased-strings-alist (class)
"Return an associative list of a CLASSes direct slots (by symbol) matched with
their names in camel-case format."
(lambda (slot)
(let ((name (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
(cons name (camel-case (symbol-name name)))))
(closer-mop:class-direct-slots class)))
(defun camel-case (string)
"Convert a STRING to camel-casing.
Wrapper around STR:CAMEL-CASE, working around a bug that a non-alphanumeric
@ -249,3 +238,58 @@ to us) removed."
(defun class-pretty-name (class)
"Return a CLASSes name in a “pretty” (sentence-capitalized) string."
(string-capitalize (symbol-name (class-name class))))
(defun merge-lists (a b)
"Given lists A and B, merge them into one list non-redundantly all unique
items in each will be contained in the resultant list."
(append a (remove-if (lambda (item) (find item a :test #'equal)) b)))
;;; JSON serialization
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defmethod yason:encode ((obj object) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
(yason:with-output (stream)
(yason:with-object ()
(if *@context*
(yason:encode-object obj)
(let ((*@context* (slot-value obj '@context)))
(yason:encode-object obj)
(or (object-type obj)
(class-pretty-name (class-of obj)))))))
(defun class-slots-to-camel-cased-strings-alist (class)
"Return an associative list of a CLASSes direct slots (by symbol) matched with
their names in camel-case format."
(lambda (slot)
(let ((name (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
(cons name (camel-case (symbol-name name)))))
(closer-mop:class-direct-slots class)))
(defun merge-@contexts (a b)
"Given two @context lists, A and B, merge them into one JSON-LD @context list
containing both of their elements."
(cond ((equal a b) a)
((not b) a)
((not a) b)
((and (listp a)
(find b a :test #'equal))
(if (listp a) a (list a))
(if (listp b) b (list b))))))
;; Ensure all classes have their slots encodings defined with YASON.
(mapcar (lambda (class)
(closer-mop:finalize-inheritance class)
(eval `(define-yason-encode-slots ,class)))
(mapcar #'find-class
'(object link activity collection collection-page
ordered-collection-page place profile relationship tombstone)))