Actually verify HTTP signatures on /inbox requests

There! We’ve done it! … sort of! :D
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2024-12-30 02:17:23 -06:00
parent d652598d77
commit 2b5bbf1fd6
3 changed files with 111 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
:in-order-to ((test-op (test-op "activitypub/tests")))
:depends-on (:activity-servist/vocab/activity :activity-servist/signatures
:alexandria :clack :dexador
:local-time :purl :str :webtentacle :yason)
:alexandria :clack :cl-date-time-parser :dexador :local-time
:purl :str :webtentacle :yason)
:components ((:file "src/activity-servist")))

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(defpackage #:activity-servist
(:use #:cl #:activity-servist/signatures)
(:use #:cl)
(:nicknames "AS" "ACTIVITYPUB")
;; Functions
@ -146,6 +146,31 @@ Returns the object if it was retrieved or fetched; nil otherwise."
;;; Signature HTTP-header parsing
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun signature-valid-p (env &key (current-time (get-universal-time)))
"Return whether or not the Clack HTTP-request ENVs signature is valid.
Only RSA-SHA256 signatures are supported.
Might provide a condition detailing the reason of the signatures invalidity as
a second return-value.
Follows (mostly) the specification of:"
(let* ((headers (getf env :headers))
(signature-header (gethash "signature" headers))
(signature-alist (if signature-header
(signature-header-parse signature-header)
(signal 'no-signature-header)))
(algorithm (assoc :algorithm signature-alist))
(signed-str (signed-string env signature-alist :current-time current-time)))
(when (and algorithm (not (string-equal (cdr algorithm) "rsa-sha256")))
(signal 'invalid-signature-algorithm :algorithm (cdr algorithm)))
(gethash "" (signature-key signature-alist))
(cdr (assoc :signature signature-alist))))
(invalid-signature (err)
(values nil err))))
(defun signature-header-parse (signature-header)
"Parses the signature header into an associative list of the form:
'((:KEYID .
@ -160,33 +185,85 @@ Returns the object if it was retrieved or fetched; nil otherwise."
(string-trim '(#\") value))))
(str:split #\, signature-header)))
(defun signed-string (env signature-alist)
"Generate the string that was signed for the signature-header of the Clack HTTP request ENV."
(let* ((headers (getf env :headers))
(header-names (signed-header-names signature-alist)))
(defun signed-string (env signature-alist &key (current-time (get-universal-time)))
"Generate the string that was signed for the signature-header of the Clack HTTP request ENV.
Will error our if the requests Digest or Date headers dont match our calculated values."
(let* ((headers (getf env :headers))
(header-names (signed-header-names signature-alist)))
(lambda (a b) (format nil "~A~%~A" a b))
(lambda (header-name)
(str:string-case (string-downcase header-name)
;; (request-target) is a pseudo-header formatted like “post /inbox”.
(format nil "~A: ~A ~A"
(string-downcase (symbol-name (getf env :request-method)))
(getf env :path-info)))
;; Calculate digest ourselves; never cant trust the enemy!
(format nil "~A: SHA-256=~A" header-name (string-sha256sum (body-contents env))))
;; … we can trust them on everything else, tho.
(format nil "~A: ~A" header-name (gethash header-name headers)))))
(let ((header-value (gethash header-name headers)))
(str:string-case (string-downcase header-name)
;; (request-target) is a pseudo-header formatted like “post /inbox”.
(format nil "~A: ~A ~A"
(string-downcase (symbol-name (getf env :request-method)))
(getf env :path-info)))
;; Calculate digest ourselves; never cant trust the enemy!
(let ((our-digest
(format nil "SHA-256=~A" (as/s:string-sha256sum (body-contents env)))))
(if (equal our-digest header-value)
(format nil "~A: ~A" header-name our-digest)
(signal 'invalid-signature-digest :digest header-value :our-digest our-digest))))
;; They might be resending reqs, so ensure our clocksre close enough.
;; I reckon two hours is a good-enough margin of error.
;; Or maybe Im too lenient? ;P
(let ((their-time (cl-date-time-parser:parse-date-time header-value)))
(if (< (abs (- current-time their-time))
7200) ; Two hours in seconds
(format nil "~A: ~A" header-name header-value)
(signal 'invalid-signature-date :date their-time :our-date current-time))))
;; … we can trust them on everything else, tho.
(format nil "~A: ~A" header-name header-value)))))
(defun signed-header-names (signature-alist)
"Return a list of the names of headers used in a SIGNATURE-ALISTs signed string."
(str:split #\space (cdr (assoc :headers signature-alist)) :omit-nulls 't))
(define-condition invalid-signature (condition)
(:documentation "Thrown when validation of an HTTP signature fails."))
(define-condition no-signature-header (invalid-signature)
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "No signature header was provided! 🐄~%Take a look at:")))
"Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when no signature header was provided at all."))
(define-condition invalid-signature-date (invalid-signature)
((date :initarg :date :initform nil)
(our-date :initarg :our-date :initform nil))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "The given date “~A” is too far off from our own “~A”.~&"
(slot-value condition 'date) (slot-value condition 'our-date))))
"Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when the given Date header is too far in the past/future."))
(define-condition invalid-signature-digest (invalid-signature)
((digest :initarg :digest :initform nil)
(our-digest :initarg :our-digest :initform nil))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "The digest header “~A” doesnt match our calculated “~A”.~&"
(slot-value condition 'digest) (slot-value condition 'our-digest))))
"Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when the SHA256 digest header doesnt match our calculated value."))
(define-condition invalid-signature-algorithm (invalid-signature)
((algorithm :initarg :algorithm :initform nil))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "The signature algorithm “~A” is invalid; we only support rsa-sha256.~&"
(slot-value condition 'algorithm))))
(:documentation "Thrown during HTTP signature-validation, when the algorithm is unsupported."))
;;; Fetching public keys
@ -302,9 +379,15 @@ can be found). Uses the callback :RETRIEVE, defined in *CONFIG*."
"If one tries to send an activity to our inbox, pass it along to
the overloaded RECEIVE method."
(let* ((contents (body-contents env)))
(receive (json-ld:parse contents))
'(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("You win!"))))
(multiple-value-bind (signature-valid-p signature-error)
(signature-valid-p env)
(if (not signature-valid-p)
`(401 (:content-type "text/plain")
(,(if signature-error
(princ-to-string signature-error)
"Failed to verify signature. Heck! TvT")))
(and (receive (json-ld:parse contents))
'(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("You win!")))))))
@ -336,7 +419,7 @@ the overloaded RECEIVE method."
(defun note-headers (inbox from to json)
(let* ((inbox-uri (quri:uri inbox))
(digest-header (str:concat "SHA-256=" (string-sha256sum json)))
(digest-header (str:concat "SHA-256=" (as/s:string-sha256sum json)))
(let ((local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+gmt-zone+))

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@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ It returns two values: The private key, then the public key."
;;; Signing & verification
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defmacro with-temporary-file (varspec &body body)) ; Stub, defined below.
(defun sign-string (private-pem-string string)
"RSA-SHA256 signs a STRING with a private key, returning a base64 string.
Uses the host-systems `base64`, `openssl`, & `printf` binaries."
@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ Uses the host-systems `openssl` & `printf` binaries."
(let ((signature-usb8-array (base64:base64-string-to-usb8-array signature)))
(with-temporary-file (key-pathname "activityservist-" public-pem-string)
(with-temporary-file (sig-pathname "activityservist-" signature-usb8-array)
;; (inferior-shell:run/nil `(cp ,key-pathname /tmp/key.pem))
;; (inferior-shell:run/nil `(cp ,sig-pathname /tmp/sig)) ; Useful for debugging
(printf ,string)