Support parsing of expanded term definitions

Also adds some descriptive conditions used in
parsing; and changes the format of context
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2024-07-07 10:42:54 -05:00
parent a5567e043e
commit 29a9814008

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@ -48,13 +48,19 @@
"Parse a JSON “node object” (as decoded by YASON into a hash-TABLE."
(let ((ctx (parse-context (gethash "@context" table) ctx)))
(lambda (key val)
(alexandria:when-let ((key-iri (gethash key ctx)))
(remhash key table)
(setf (gethash key-iri table)
val (or (and (hash-table-p val) (alexandria:copy-hash-table ctx))
(lambda (old-key val)
(let* ((key-ctx (gethash old-key ctx))
(key-iri (getf key-ctx :id))
(key-type (getf key-ctx :type))
(new-key (or key-iri old-key)))
(when key-ctx
(if (not (equal old-key new-key))
(remhash old-key table))
(setf (gethash new-key table)
(or (and (hash-table-p val) (alexandria:copy-hash-table ctx))
@ -87,8 +93,7 @@ been aprsed into CTX. See UNCOMPACT-IRI and COMPACT-IRI-P for more info on IRIs.
((eq (length now-unresolved)
(length unresolved-terms))
(values ctx now-unresolved)
(error 'unresolved :message
(format nil "Compact IRI could not be resolved: ~A" now-unresolved)))
(error 'iri-unresolved :unresolved now-unresolved))
(repeat-parse-context ctx now-unresolved)))))
@ -122,17 +127,17 @@ IRI values whose prefix hasnt yet been parsed into CTX."
(lambda (term val)
(let* ((iri
(typecase val
(string val)
(hash-table (gethash "@id" val))))
(if (ld-keyword-p iri)
(uncompact-iri iri ctx))))
(cond ((and (compacted-iri-p iri)
(not noncompact-iri))
(string (when (iri-p val) val))
(hash-table (gethash "@id" val))))
(uncompacted-iri (ignore-errors (uncompact-iri iri ctx)))
(typecase val
(string nil)
(hash-table (gethash "@type" val)))))
(cond ((and iri (not uncompacted-iri))
(push (cons term iri) unresolvable))
((not (gethash term ctx))
(setf (gethash term ctx) noncompact-iri)))))
(setf (gethash term ctx) (list :id uncompacted-iri :type type))))))
@ -157,16 +162,63 @@"
(if (compacted-iri-p iri)
(destructuring-bind (prefix suffix)
(str:split #\: iri)
(alexandria:when-let ((prefix-iri (gethash (string-downcase prefix) ctx)))
(format nil "~A~A" prefix-iri suffix)))
(let* ((prefix-ctx (gethash (string-downcase prefix) ctx))
(prefix-iri (when prefix-ctx (getf prefix-ctx :id))))
(if prefix-iri
(format nil "~A~A" prefix-iri suffix)
(error 'iri-prefix-not-found :iri prefix))))
(if (not (iri-p iri))
(error 'not-iri :iri iri)
(defun compacted-iri-p (iri)
"Return whether or not an IRI is in compacted prefix:suffix form.
(defun iri-p (str)
"Return whether or not a string is an IRI, compacted or otherwise."
(or (uncompacted-iri-p str)
(compacted-iri-p str)))
(defun uncompacted-iri-p (str)
"Return whether or not a string is an orindary IRI."
(search "://" str))
(defun compacted-iri-p (str)
"Return whether or not a string is an IRI in compacted prefix:suffix form."
(and (find #\: iri)
(not (search "://" iri))
(not (equal iri "_:"))))
(and (find #\: str)
(not (search "://" str))
(not (equal str "_:"))))
;;; Conditions
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(define-condition iri-error (error)
((iri :initarg :iri :initform nil :accessor iri-error-iri)))
(define-condition not-iri (iri-error) ()
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "“~A” is not a valid IRI." (iri-error-iri condition))))
"A string containing an IRI was expected, but something else was provided."))
(define-condition iri-prefix-not-found (iri-error) ()
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Failed to find IRI prefix in context: ~A" (iri-error-iri condition))))
"Attempted to resolve a compact IRIs prefix, but its prefix hasnt yet been
defined in the context."))
(define-condition context-error (error)
((unresolved :initarg :unresolved :initform nil :accessor context-error-unresolved)))
(define-condition iri-unresolved (context-error) ()
(lambda (condition stream)
(format nil "Compact IRI(s) in context could not be resolved: ~A"
(context-error-unresolved condition))))
"Compact IRI(s) prefixes couldnt be resolved, having analyzed all context items."))