Remove reverse-context and related functions

There is a simpler way of doing this!
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2024-08-22 11:03:17 -05:00
parent b2e9e5340d
commit 2132a00a6a

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@ -255,34 +255,27 @@ name, though it might be unresolved if context was unprovided or lacking."
(defun parse (str)
"Parse the JSON-LD document contained in STR."
(let ((ctx (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; Parsed context: IRI→name,etc.
(rev-ctx (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; Inversed ctx: name→IRI
(let ((ctx (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; Parsed context
(parsed (yason:parse str)))
(values (parse-item parsed ctx rev-ctx)
(values (parse-item parsed ctx)
(defun parse-item (item &optional ctx rev-ctx)
(defun parse-item (item &optional ctx)
"Parse an individual ITEM of a YASON-decoded JSON-LD document."
(typecase item
(hash-table (parse-table item ctx rev-ctx))
(hash-table (parse-table item ctx))
(list (mapcar (lambda (a) (parse-item a ctx)) item))
(T item)))
(defun parse-table (table &optional ctx rev-ctx)
(defun parse-table (table &optional ctx)
"Parse a JSON “node object” (as decoded by YASON into a hash-TABLE."
(let ((ctx (parse-context (gethash "@context" table) ctx)))
;; Update our inverted context-table, so we can resolve property-names→IRIs.
(when (not (eq (hash-table-count rev-ctx)
(hash-table-count ctx)))
(copy-hash-table-to ctx rev-ctx)
(invert-hash-table rev-ctx (lambda (val)
(getf val :id))))
;; Now, actually parse.
(let* ((parsed-table (parse-table-inplace table ctx))
(type (identify-json-type table ctx))
(type-def (or (gethash type *json-types*)
(gethash "*" *json-types*))))
(parse-table-into-object parsed-table type-def ctx rev-ctx))))
(parse-table-into-object parsed-table type-def ctx))))
(defun parse-table-inplace (table ctx)
"Expand a YASON-parsed JSON-LD node-object in TABLE. That is, replace all
@ -306,12 +299,11 @@ CTX should be the parsed-context corresponding to the table."
(defun parse-table-into-object (table type-def ctx rev-ctx)
(defun parse-table-into-object (table type-def ctx)
"Parse an expanded-form JSON-LD object (TABLE) into a CLOS object.
TYPE-DEF is a type-definition list of the form found in *JSON-TYPES* and made
CTX is the according parsed-context, and REV-CTX is the reversed
(IRI property-name) context."
CTX is the according parsed-context."
(let ((obj (make-instance (caar type-def))))
(lambda (property value)
@ -417,7 +409,10 @@ IRI values whose prefix hasnt yet been parsed into CTX."
(cond ((and id (not parsed-id))
(push (cons term iri) unresolvable))
(setf (gethash term ctx) (list :id parsed-id :type type))))))
(setf (gethash term ctx)
(list :id parsed-id :type type))
(setf (gethash (format nil ".~A" parsed-id) ctx)
@ -518,33 +513,6 @@ returned."
"Makes a GET request to URI, returning the resultant string."
(dexador:get uri :headers headers :force-string 't))
(defun invert-hash-table (table &optional tf)
"Return a copy of TABLE with the keys and values inverted.
All values are the new keys for the old keys, and all old keys are
wait, Im getting confused now. Oh, whatever, you know whats up!
Optionally, a TF function can be provided, which will be executed
with the new key as its parameter, and whose return-value will be
the key. Useful for sanitization!"
(let ((new-table (alexandria:copy-hash-table table)))
(maphash (lambda (old-key old-val)
(let ((new-key (if tf (funcall tf old-val) old-val)))
(remhash old-key new-table)
(setf (gethash new-key new-table) old-key)))
(defun copy-hash-table-to (from to &optional (clobber nil))
"Shallowly copies the keys+values of hash-table FROM into TO.
If CLOBBER is set, old-values in TO will be overwritten."
(maphash (lambda (key val)
(let ((in-to (gethash key to)))
(when (or (and clobber in-to)
(not in-to))
(setf (gethash key to) val))))
(defun plist-keys (plist)
"Return a list of keys in a property list."
(remove-if #'not