Begin an example server

Only Webfinger is properly supported and working,
so far!
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2024-09-05 22:34:10 -05:00
parent ecc8b6f46c
commit 16a1bcbacb

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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
;;;; simple-server: A bare-bones example ActivityPub instance.
;; Written in 2024 by Jaidyn Levesque <>
;; To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated
;; all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this
;; software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
;; distributed without any warranty.
;; You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
;; Dedication along with this software. If not, see
;; <>.
(defpackage #:activitypub-example
(:use #:cl)
(:export :start-server :seed)
;; Note that we use a nickname for the ActivityStreams vocab!
;; I recommend doing likewise; save yourself some typing!
(:local-nicknames (:as :activity-servist/vocab/activity)))
(in-package #:activitypub-example)
;;; Globals
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defvar *store* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Our “object-store” — stores all ActivityPub objects, mapped by their IRI @ID.")
(defvar *config* '(:address "localhost" :protocol "http" :port 8080 :fetch fetch))
(defvar *user-id-format* "~A://~A/users/~A"
"The format we use for users @IDs/URIs.
The first parameter is the protocol, the second the host, and the third the username.
For example: https://localhost:8080/users/lena.")
;;; Invocation
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun start-server ()
"Start the server; simple and to-the-point."
(lambda (env)
(let ((activity-servist:*config* *config*))
(activity-servist:server env)))
:server 'woo
:address (getf *config* :address)
:port (getf *config* :port)))
(defun seed ()
"Seed our server with some random users, for testing purposes."
(save (make-user "maria" "Maria ♥"))
(save (make-user "melanie" "Melanie >:o"))
(save (make-user "jorge" "Jorge 🦆")))
;;; Activity-Servist callbacks
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun fetch (uri)
"activity-servist callback); returns the JSON-LD-OBJECT of the given @ID or URI.
This example server simply stores objects in a hash-table mapping IDs to objects."
(let ((id (or (uri->id uri) uri)))
(gethash id *store*)))
;;; ID-management
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun uri->id (uri-str)
"Returns an objects @ID corresponding to the URI string.
For most cases, returning URI-STR directly is what you want. But there are two exceptions:
Account URIs of format acct:username@host.tld, as used by WebFinger.
Aliases, if an object can be accessed through several URIs.
This example only handles the first exception, acct: URIs."
(let* ((uri (quri:uri uri-str))
(scheme (quri:uri-scheme uri)))
(if (or (not scheme)
(equal scheme "acct"))
(acct-uri->id uri)
(defun acct-uri->id (uri)
"Helper-function for URI->ID. Returns the @ID of an acct:-format URI.
That is, an acct:username@host.tld URI."
(let* ((path (quri:uri-path uri))
(sans-preceding-@ (if (str:starts-with-p "@" path)
(subseq path 1)
(destructuring-bind (user host)
(str:split "@" sans-preceding-@)
(format nil *user-id-format*
(host-scheme host) host user))))
(defun host-scheme (hostname)
"Helper-function for ACCT-URI->ID. Returns the expected protocol of a hostname.
If its our configured :ADDRESS (in *CONFIG*), then return *CONFIG*s :PROTOCOL.
Otherwise, assume https."
(if (equal (getf *config* :address) hostname)
(getf *config* :protocol)
;;; Data-management
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun save (obj)
"Save an object to our object-store, *STORE*."
(setf (gethash (json-ld:@id obj) *store*) obj))
;;; Users
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defclass user (as:person)
:accessor user-inbox
:initform nil
:documentation "A list of objects in the users inbox.")
:accessor user-outbox
:initform nil
:documentation "A list of objects in the users outbox.")
:accessor user-following
:initform nil
:documentation "A list of Actor objects that the user is following.")
:accessor user-followers
:initform nil
:documentation "A list of Actor objects that follow the user.")))
(defun make-user (username nickname)
"Create a USER of the given USERNAME and NICKNAME.
The ID and ENDPOINTS are derived using the parameter USERNAME and the global *USER-ID-FORMAT*."
(let ((obj (make-instance 'user))
(uri (format nil *user-id-format*
(getf *config* :protocol)
(getf *config* :address)
(flet ((sub-uri (path)
(format nil "~A/~A" uri path)))
(setf (as:name obj) username)
(setf (json-ld:@id obj) uri)
(setf (as:inbox obj) (sub-uri "inbox"))
(setf (as:outbox obj) (sub-uri "outbox"))
(setf (as:following obj) (sub-uri "following"))
(setf (as:followers obj) (sub-uri "followers")))