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;;;; activitypub-servist/signatures: Handle AP-compatible HTTP signatures.
;; Copyright © 2023-2024 Jaidyn Levesque <>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(defpackage #:activitypub-servist/signatures
(:use #:cl)
(:nicknames "AP-S/S")
(:export :generate-key-pair
:sign-string :import-pem-key-pair
:digest-string :string-sha256sum))
(in-package #:activitypub-servist/signatures)
;;; Key creation/parsing
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
;; At the moment, Ive yet to use figure out how to create PEM representations of
;; a public keypair properly in Lisp.
;; So at the moment, keys are generated into PEM files by the openssl binary on
;; the hosts system; and the output of the openssl command is used to parse into
;; Ironclad keys.
;; Yes, I know, this is absolutely horrific. Actually disgusting.
;; But at the moment,I want to focus on other core parts of ActivityPub; Ive
;; tired of messing with ASN1 & co. Thats for another day! ^^
(defun generate-key-pair ()
"Generate a 2048-bit RSA key-pair in PEM-format using ones `openssl` binary.
It returns two values: The private key, then the public key."
(let* ((private-pem-key (inferior-shell:run/s "openssl genrsa 2048"))
`(inferior-shell:pipe (echo ,private-pem-key)
(openssl rsa -outform PEM -pubout)))))
(values private-pem-key
(defun destructure-openssl-private-key (pem-string &optional results)
"When passed the output of the shell command `openssl rsa -text -noout`, will
parse the output into a plist containing relavent numbers:
:n (modulus), :e (public exponent), :d (private exponent), :p (1st prime),
:q (2nd prime), :e1 (1st exponent), :e2 (2nd exponent), and :c (coefficient)."
(let* ((lines (if (stringp pem-string)
(echo ,pem-string)
(openssl rsa -text -noout)))
(line (str:trim (car lines))))
((not lines)
(lambda (result-item)
(if (stringp result-item)
(parse-integer (str:replace-all ":" "" result-item) :radix 16)
((str:starts-with-p "Private" line)
(cdr lines) results))
((str:starts-with-p "modulus:" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:n))))
((str:starts-with-p "prime1" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:p))))
((str:starts-with-p "prime2" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:q))))
((str:starts-with-p "exponent1" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:e1))))
((str:starts-with-p "exponent2" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:e2))))
((str:starts-with-p "coefficient" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:c))))
((str:starts-with-p "privateExponent" line)
(cdr lines) (nconc results '(:d))))
((str:starts-with-p "publicExponent" line)
(cdr lines)
(car (str:split #\space
"publicExponent: "
(let* ((last-element (car (last results)))
(total-string (if (stringp last-element)
(str:concat last-element line)
(cdr lines)
(if (stringp last-element)
(nconc (reverse (cdr (reverse results)))
(list total-string))
(nconc results
(list total-string)))))))))
(defun import-pem-key-pair (private-pem-string)
"Given the string value of a private RSA PEM file, this will parse it into two
returned values: An Ironclad private key, and an Ironclad public key."
(let ((key-values
(openssl-shell-destructure-private-key private-pem-string)))
(values (ironclad:make-private-key
:n (getf key-values :n)
:e (getf key-values :e)
:d (getf key-values :d)
:p (getf key-values :p)
:q (getf key-values :q))
:n (getf key-values :n)
:e (getf key-values :e)))))
;;; Signing
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun sign-string (private-pem-string string)
"Use the OpenSSL binary on the host system to RSS-SHA256 sign a STRING with a
private key."
(alexandria:write-string-into-file private-pem-string #p"/tmp/private.pem" :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :overwrite)
(apply #'str:concat
(printf ,string)
(openssl dgst -sha256 -sign /tmp/private.pem -)
;;; Misc.
;;; ————————————————————————————————————————
(defun digest-string (digest-spec string)
"Compute the digest of a STRING, given an Ironclad DIGEST-SPEC."
(flexi-streams:string-to-octets string :external-format 'utf-8)))
(defun string-sha256sum (string)
"Compute the sha256 checksum of a STRING, in hexadecimal string-format."
(digest-string (ironclad:make-digest :sha256) string)))