/* * Copyright 2020, Jaidyn Levesque * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #include "Feed.h" #include #include "App.h" #include "Entry.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Util.h" Feed::Feed(BString path) { title = BString("Untitled Feed"); description = BString("Nondescript, N/A."); homeUrl = BString(""); xmlUrl = BString(""); updated = true; fetched = false; inputPath = path; SetCachePath(path); } Feed::Feed() { title = BString(""); description = BString(""); homeUrl = BString(""); xmlUrl = BString(""); } void Feed::Parse() { BFile* feedFile = new BFile(GetCachePath().String(), B_READ_ONLY); BDateTime attrLastDate = BDateTime(); time_t tt_lastDate = 0; feedFile->ReadAttr("LastDate", B_TIME_TYPE, 0, &tt_lastDate, sizeof(time_t)); if (tt_lastDate > 0 && ((App*)be_app)->cfg->updateFeeds == true) { attrLastDate.SetTime_t(tt_lastDate); minDate = attrLastDate; } } // Download a remote feed's XML to the cache path. BString Feed::FetchRemoteFeed() { BUrl givenUrl = BUrl(inputPath); time_t tt_lastDate = 0; BDateTime* lastDate = new BDateTime(); BString* newHash = new BString(); char oldHash[41]; BFile* cacheFile = new BFile(GetCachePath(), B_READ_WRITE | B_CREATE_FILE); cacheFile->ReadAttr("LastHash", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, oldHash, 41); if (((App*)be_app)->cfg->verbose) printf("Saving %s...\n", inputPath.String()); webFetch(BUrl(inputPath), cacheFile, newHash); cacheFile->WriteAttr("LastHash", B_STRING_TYPE, 0, newHash->String(), newHash->CountChars()); if (*(newHash) == BString(oldHash)) updated = false; fetched = true; return GetCachePath(); } // return whether or not the feed's given URI/path is remote. bool Feed::IsRemote () { return isRemotePath(inputPath); } // return whether or not the feed seems to have been updated bool Feed::IsUpdated () { return updated; } // return whether or not feed is RSS bool Feed::IsRss () { EnsureCached(); tinyxml2::XMLDocument xml; xml.LoadFile(GetCachePath().String()); if (xml.FirstChildElement("rss")) return true; return false; } // return whether or not feed is Atom bool Feed::IsAtom () { tinyxml2::XMLDocument xml; xml.LoadFile(GetCachePath().String()); if (xml.FirstChildElement("feed")) return true; return false; } // ensure the feed XML is available at the cache path. // if necessary, download it. void Feed::EnsureCached () { if (IsRemote() && fetched == false) FetchRemoteFeed(); } // Return the 'cachePath' (location of XML file locally) BString Feed::GetCachePath () { if (cachePath == NULL) SetCachePath(inputPath); return cachePath; } // Select a 'cachePath' (location of XML file locally) // For remote files, a cache file is created in ~/config/cache/Pogger/ by default // For local files, the same local file is used. BString Feed::SetCachePath (BString givenPath) { BUrl givenUrl = BUrl(givenPath); BString protocol = givenUrl.Protocol().String(); if (protocol == NULL && givenUrl.UrlString() != NULL) { cachePath = givenPath; return givenPath; } BString splitName = givenUrl.Host(); splitName.Append(givenUrl.Path()); splitName.ReplaceAll("/", "_"); BString filename = ((App*)be_app)->cfg->cacheDir; filename.Append(splitName); cachePath = filename; return filename; } // count the amount of siblings to an element of given type name int Feed::xmlCountSiblings (tinyxml2::XMLElement* xsibling, const char* sibling_name) { int count = 0; while (xsibling) { count++; xsibling = xsibling->NextSiblingElement(sibling_name); } return count; } // add the given entry to the feed, if appropriate bool Feed::AddEntry (Entry* newEntry) { Config* cfg = ((App*)be_app)->cfg; if (!withinDateRange(cfg->minDate, newEntry->date, cfg->maxDate) || !withinDateRange(minDate, newEntry->date, maxDate)) return false; if (cfg->verbose == true) printf("\t%s\n", newEntry->title.String()); entries.AddItem(newEntry); return true; } BList Feed::GetEntries() { return entries; } bool Feed::SetTitle(const char* titleStr) { if (titleStr != NULL) title = BString(titleStr); else return false; return true; } bool Feed::SetTitle(tinyxml2::XMLElement* elem) { if (elem != NULL) return SetTitle(elem->GetText()); else return false; } BString Feed::GetTitle() { return title; } bool Feed::SetDesc(const char* descStr) { if (descStr != NULL) description = BString(descStr); else return false; return true; } bool Feed::SetDesc(tinyxml2::XMLElement* elem) { if (elem != NULL) return SetDesc(elem->GetText()); else return false; } BString Feed::GetDesc() { return description; } // set a feed's «home URL» bool Feed::SetHomeUrl(const char* homepageStr) { if (homepageStr != NULL) homeUrl = BString(homepageStr); else return false; return true; } bool Feed::SetHomeUrl(tinyxml2::XMLElement* elem) { if (elem != NULL) return SetHomeUrl(elem->GetText()); else return false; } BString Feed::GetHomeUrl() { return homeUrl; } // set the update time for a feed bool Feed::SetDate(const char* dateCStr) { if (dateCStr == NULL) return false; BDateTime newDate = feedDateToBDate(dateCStr); if (newDate == NULL) return false; date = newDate; return true; } bool Feed::SetDate(tinyxml2::XMLElement* elem) { if (elem != NULL) return SetDate(elem->GetText()); else return false; } BDateTime Feed::GetDate() { return date; }