/* * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #ifndef ENTRIESVIEW_H #define ENTRIESVIEW_H #include #include class BBox; class BButton; class BFilePanel; class BMenuField; class BMessage; class BPopUpMenu; class BRadioButton; class BStringView; class BTextControl; enum { kEntryFolderText = 'txef', kEntryFolderBrowse = 'tbef', kOpenHtmlRadio = 'rdow', kOpenUrlRadio = 'roow', kOpenWithSelect = 'mnow', kOpenWithPath = 'pbow', kOpenWithBrowse = 'tbow' }; class EntriesView : public BGroupView { public: EntriesView(const char* name); void MessageReceived(BMessage* msg); void AttachedToWindow(); private: void _InitInterface(); void _PopulateOpenWithMenu(); BBox* fSavingBox; BStringView* fEntryFolderLabel; BTextControl* fEntryFolderText; BButton* fEntryFolderBrowseButton; BBox* fOpeningBox; BStringView* fOpenAsLabel; BRadioButton* fOpenAsHtmlRadio; BRadioButton* fOpenAsUrlRadio; BStringView* fOpenWithLabel; BPopUpMenu* fOpenWithMenu; BMenuField* fOpenWithMenuField; BButton* fOpenWithSelectButton; BFilePanel* fOpenWithPanel; }; #endif // ENTRIESVIEW_H