-- pls set tabs to width of 4 spaces class = require "lib/middleclass" wind = require "lib/windfield" stalker = require "lib/STALKER-X" downwall = 1; rightwall = 2; leftwall = 3 mainmenu = 0; game = 1; gameover = 2; pause = 3 world = wind.newWorld(0, 400, true) -- GAME STATES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOVE ---------------------------------------- function love.load () math.randomseed(os.time()) dieParticle = nil love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") -- a_ttf = love.graphics.newFont("art/font/alagard.ttf", nil, "none") -- mainmenu_load() game_load() end function love.update(dt) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_update(dt) elseif(mode == game) then game_update(dt) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_update(dt) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_update(dt) end end function love.draw () if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_draw() elseif(mode == game) then game_draw() elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_draw() elseif(mode == pause) then pause_draw() end end function love.keypressed(key) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == game) then game_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_keypressed(key) end end function love.keyreleased (key) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == game) then game_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_keyreleased(key) end end -- MENU STATE ---------------------------------------- function mainmenu_load () mode = mainmenu selection = 1 -- if(bgm) then -- bgm:stop() -- end -- bgm = love.audio.newSource("art/music/menu.ogg", "static") -- bgm:play() -- bgm:setLooping(true) -- bgm:setVolume(1.5) -- -- frontMenu = Menu:new(100, 100, 30, 50, 2, -- { { love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, "get bannana!"), -- function () game_load() end }, -- { love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, "get help!"), -- function () helpScreen = true end }, -- { love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, "get outta dodge!"), -- function () love.event.quit(0) end } }) end function mainmenu_update(dt) end function mainmenu_draw () end function mainmenu_keypressed(key) end function mainmenu_keyreleased(key) end -- PAUSE STATE ---------------------------------------- function pause_load () end function pause_update(dt) end function pause_draw () end function pause_keypressed(key) end function pause_keyreleased(key) end -- GAMEOVER STATE ---------------------------------------- function gameover_load () end function gameover_update(dt) end function gameover_draw () game_draw() end function gameover_keypressed(key) if(key == "return" or key == "escape") then mainmenu_load() end end function gameover_keyreleased(key) end -- GAME STATE ---------------------------------------- function game_load () mode = game map = Map:new("maps/tutorial/1.lua") camera = stalker() camera:setFollowStyle('PLATFORMER') camera:setFollowLerp(0.1) -- bgm:stop() -- bgm = love.audio.newSource("art/music/game.ogg", "static") -- bgm:play() end function game_update(dt) world:update(dt) player:update(dt) map:update(dt) local x, y = player.monks[player.current].body:getPosition() camera:update(dt) camera:follow(x, y) end function game_draw () camera:attach() map:draw() player:draw() camera:detach() camera:draw() end function game_keypressed(key) local dir = player.directionals -- if a player presses the left key, then holds the right key, they should -- go right until they let go, then they should go left. if (key == "right" or key == "d") then dir['right'] = 1 if (dir['left'] == 1) then dir['left'] = 2; end elseif (key == "left" or key == "a") then dir['left'] = 1 if (dir['right'] == 1) then dir['right'] = 2; end elseif (key == "up" or key == "w") then dir['up'] = 1 if (dir['down'] == 1) then dir['down'] = 2; end elseif (key == "space") then player:freeze() elseif (key == "f" and player.following == false) then player.following = true elseif (key == "f" and player.following == true) then player.following = false end end function game_keyreleased (key) local dir = player.directionals local monk = player.monks[player.current] local dx, dy = monk:getLinearVelocity() if (key == "right" or key == "d") then dir['right'] = 0 monk:setLinearVelocity(dx - 150, dy) elseif (key == "left" or key == "a") then dir['left'] = 0 monk:setLinearVelocity(dx + 150, dy) elseif (key == "up" or key == "w") then dir['up'] = 0 elseif (key == "down") then dir['down'] = 0 end end -- CLASSES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MONK player class ---------------------------------------- Monk = class('Monk') world:addCollisionClass('Monk') function Monk:initialize(x, y, count) self.monks = {} self.onGround = {} self.current = 0 self.last = count - 1 self.following = false self.directionals = {} self.monkSprites = {} self.sprites ={ ['default'] = love.graphics.newImage("art/sprites/monk.png"), ['jump'] = love.graphics.newImage("art/sprites/monk-jump.png"), ['frozen'] = love.graphics.newImage("art/sprites/monk-frozen.png") } for i=0,(count-1) do self.monks[i] = world:newRectangleCollider(x - (i * 20), y, 16, 16); self.monks[i]:setCollisionClass('Monk') self.monks[i]:setObject(self) self.monkSprites[i] = 'default' local collision = self:makeCollisionCallback(i) self.monks[i]:setPreSolve(collision) self.onGround[i] = 0 end end function Monk:update(dt) local dir = self.directionals if (self.following == true) then self:follow() else self:idle() end self:movement() for i=0,(self.last) do if (self.onGround[i] > 0) then self.monkSprites[i] = 'default' else self.monkSprites[i] = 'jump' end end -- cleanup for i=0,(self.last) do self.onGround[i] = 0 end if (dir['left'] == 2 and dir['right'] == 0) then dir['left'] = 1; end if (dir['right'] == 2 and dir['left'] == 0) then dir['right'] = 1; end end function Monk:draw () -- live monkeys for i=self.current,self.last do local monk = self.monks[i] local x,y = monk.body:getWorldPoints(monk.shape:getPoints()) love.graphics.draw(self.sprites[self.monkSprites[i]], x, y, monk.body:getAngle(), 1, 1) end -- frozen monkeys for i=0,self.current-1 do local monk = self.monks[i] local x,y = monk.body:getWorldPoints(monk.shape:getPoints()) love.graphics.draw(self.sprites['frozen'], x, y, monk.body:getAngle(), 1, 1) end end function Monk:movement () local monk = self.monks[self.current] local dx, dy = monk:getLinearVelocity() local dir = self.directionals local newVel = 250 local onGround = self.onGround[self.current] if not (onGround == downwall) then newVel = newVel - 50 end if (dir['left'] == 1) then monk:setLinearVelocity(-newVel, dy); elseif (dir['right'] == 1) then monk:setLinearVelocity(newVel, dy); end if (dir['up'] == 1 and onGround == downwall) then monk:setLinearVelocity(dx, -newVel); elseif (dir['up'] == 1 and onGround == leftwall) then monk:setLinearVelocity(newVel, -newVel - 30); elseif (dir['up'] == 1 and onGround == rightwall) then monk:setLinearVelocity(-newVel, -newVel - 30); end end -- try to get non-player monkeys in party to rougly follow player function Monk:follow () if (self.current == self.last) then return 0; end local monk = self.monks[self.current] local x, y = monk.body:getPosition() local newVel = 300 if (self.onGround[self.current] == 0) then newVel = newVel - 50 end for i=self.current+1,self.last do local thisMonk = self.monks[i] local mx, my = thisMonk.body:getPosition() local dx, dy = thisMonk:getLinearVelocity() if (mx < (x + 30)) then thisMonk:setLinearVelocity(newVel, dy) elseif ((x - 30) < mx) then thisMonk:setLinearVelocity(-newVel, dy) end if (y < my and self.onGround[i] == downwall) then thisMonk:setLinearVelocity(dx, -newVel) end end end -- non-player monkeys hop every second-ish idly function Monk:idle () if (self.current == self.last) then return; end for i=self.current+1,self.last do if (self.onGround[i] == downwall and math.random(20) == 5) then local thisMonk = self.monks[i] local dx, dy = thisMonk:getLinearVelocity() self.monks[i]:setLinearVelocity(dx, -100) end end end -- freeze the player monkey in place, making it a platform function Monk:freeze () if not (self.current > self.last) then local monk = self.monks[self.current] monk:setType('static') monk:setCollisionClass('Platform') self:switch(self.current + 1) end end -- switch from current monkey to next function Monk:switch (index) self.current = index if (index > self.last) then gameover_load() end end -- each monkey in party needs a unique callback function Monk:makeCollisionCallback (i) local function collision(collision1, collision2, contact) local nx, ny = contact:getNormal( ) if collision1.collision_class == "Monk" and collision2.collision_class == "Platform" then if (math.abs(ny) == 1) then self.onGround[i] = downwall elseif (nx < 0) then if not (self.onGround[i] == 0) then return; end self.onGround[i] = leftwall elseif (nx > 0) then if not (self.onGround[i] == 0) then return; end self.onGround[i] = rightwall end end end return collision end -- MAP used to store map data (ofc) ---------------------------------------- Map = class('Map') world:addCollisionClass('Platform') function Map:initialize(filepath) self.ground = {} self.platforms = {} self.objects = {} self.object_c = 0 local maptable = dofile(filepath) love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(146/255, 187/255, 203/255) for n,layer in pairs(maptable.layers) do if not (layer.type == "objectgroup") then break; end for nn,object in pairs(layer.objects) do if (object.shape == "rectangle") then self.object_c = self.object_c + 1 local o_c = self.object_c self.objects[o_c] = world:newRectangleCollider(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height) self.objects[o_c]:setType('static') self.objects[o_c]:setCollisionClass('Platform') elseif (object.shape == "point" and object.type == "spawn") then local monkCount = 3 if not (object.properties == nil and object.properties["count"] == nil) then monkCount = object.properties["count"] end player = Monk:new(object.x, object.y, monkCount) end end end end function Map:update(dt) end function Map:draw() for k,object in pairs(self.objects) do love.graphics.polygon('fill', object.body:getWorldPoints(object.shape:getPoints())) end end -- MENU used for creating menus (lol) ---------------------------------------- Menu = class("Menu") function Menu:initialize(x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale, menuItems) self.x = x; self.y = y self.offset_x = offset_x; self.offset_y = offset_y self.scale = scale self.options = menuItems self.selected = 1 self.enter = false self.up = false self.down = false end function Menu:draw () -- love.graphics.draw(love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, ">>"), -- self.x - self.offset_x, this_y, 0, -- self.scale, self.scale) end function Menu:keypressed(key) maxn = table.maxn(self.options) if(key == "return" and self.enter == false) then self.enter = true if(self.options[self.selected][2]) then self.options[self.selected][2]() end elseif(key == "up" and self.selected > 1 and self.up == false) then self.up = true self.selected = self.selected - 1 elseif(key == "up" and self.up == false) then self.up = true self.selected = maxn elseif(key == "down" and self.selected < maxn and self.down == false) then self.down = true self.selected = self.selected + 1 elseif(key == "down" and self.down == false) then self.down = true self.selected = 1 end end function Menu:keyreleased(key) if(key == "return") then self.enter = false elseif(key == "up") then self.up = false elseif(key == "down") then self.down = false end end