-- pls set tabs to width of 4 spaces class = require "lib/middleclass" wind = require "lib/windfield" stalker = require "lib/STALKER-X" mainmenu = 0; game = 1; gameover = 2; pause = 3; youwin = 4 startSwordLength = 40; startKnifeLength = 10 world = wind.newWorld(0, 0, true) -- GAME STATES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOVE ---------------------------------------- function love.load () math.randomseed(os.time()) love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") a_ttf = love.graphics.newFont("art/font/alagard.ttf", nil, "none") r_ttf = love.graphics.newFont("art/font/romulus.ttf", nil, "none") camera = stalker() mainmenu_load() end function love.update(dt) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_update(dt) elseif(mode == game) then game_update(dt) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_update(dt) elseif(mode == youwin) then youwin_update(dt) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_update(dt) end camera:update(dt) end function love.draw() camera:attach() if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_draw() elseif(mode == game) then game_draw() elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_draw() elseif(mode == youwin) then youwin_draw() elseif(mode == pause) then pause_draw() end camera:detach() camera:draw() end function love.resize() camera = stalker() end function love.keypressed(key) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == game) then game_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == youwin) then youwin_keypressed(key) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_keypressed(key) end end function love.keyreleased (key) if(mode == mainmenu) then mainmenu_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == game) then game_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == gameover) then gameover_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == youwin) then youwin_keyreleased(key) elseif(mode == pause) then pause_keyreleased(key) end end -- MENU STATE ---------------------------------------- function mainmenu_load () mode = mainmenu selection = 1 if(bgm) then bgm:stop() end -- bgm = love.audio.newSource("art/music/default.mp3", "static") -- bgm:play() -- bgm:setLooping(true) -- bgm:setVolume(1.5) frontMenu = nil frontMenu_init() camera = stalker() end function mainmenu_update(dt) end function mainmenu_draw () frontMenu:draw() end function mainmenu_keypressed(key) frontMenu:keypressed(key) end function mainmenu_keyreleased(key) frontMenu:keyreleased(key) end function frontMenu_init() frontMenu = Menu:new(100, 100, 30, 50, 3, { {love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, "Local"), function () game_load() end}, {love.graphics.newText(a_ttf, "Quit"), function () love.event.quit(0) end }}) mapMenu = nil end -- PAUSE STATE ---------------------------------------- function pause_load() if(bgm) then bgm:stop() end mode = pause end function pause_update(dt) end function pause_draw () game_draw() camera:detach() love.graphics.draw(love.graphics.newText(r_ttf, "paused\n[enter to continue]\n[escape to exit]"), 200, 200, 0, 3, 3) camera:attach() end function pause_keypressed(key) if (key == "return") then if(bgm) then bgm:play() end mode = game elseif (key == "escape") then mainmenu_load() end end function pause_keyreleased(key) end -- GAMEOVER STATE ---------------------------------------- function gameover_load () mode = gameover end function gameover_update(dt) end function gameover_draw () game_draw() camera:detach() love.graphics.draw(love.graphics.newText(r_ttf, "nice try!\n[enter to restart]\n[escape to exit]"), 200, 200, 0, 3, 3) camera:attach() end function gameover_keypressed(key) if (key == "return" or key == "space") then camera:fade(.2, {0,0,0,1}, function() game_load() end) elseif (key == "escape") then mainmenu_load() end end function gameover_keyreleased(key) end -- GAME STATE ---------------------------------------- function game_load() mode = game world:destroy() world = wind.newWorld(0, 0, true) world:addCollisionClass('Fighter') world:addCollisionClass('Shield') world:addCollisionClass('Sword') localPlayers = {} localPlayers[1] = LocalPlayer:new(300, 300, keymaps[1]) localPlayers[2] = LocalPlayer:new(350, 350, keymaps[2]) localFighters = localPlayers fighters = localFighters camera:fade(.2, {0,0,0,0}) camera:setFollowLerp(0.1) camera:setFollowStyle('TOPDOWN') camera.scale = 2 -- bgm:stop() -- bgm = love.audio.newSource("art/music/game.ogg", "static") -- bgm:play() end function game_update(dt) world:update(dt) for i, fighter in pairs(fighters) do fighter:update(dt) end -- local x, y = player.body:getPosition() -- camera:follow(x, y) end function game_draw () world:draw() for i, fighter in pairs(fighters) do fighter:draw() end end function game_keypressed(key) local dir = localFighters[1].directionals -- if a player presses the left key, then holds the right key, they should -- go right until they let go, then they should go left. if (key == "=" and camera.scale < 10) then camera.scale = camera.scale + .5 elseif (key == "-" and camera.scale > .5) then camera.scale = camera.scale - .5 elseif (key == "escape") then pause_load() else for i, player in pairs(localPlayers) do player:keypressed(key) end end end function game_keyreleased (key) for i, player in pairs(localPlayers) do player:keyreleased(key) end end -- CLASSES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fighter player class ---------------------------------------- Fighter = class('Fighter') function Fighter:initialize(x, y, character, swordType, swordSide) self.swordType = swordType or 'normal' self.swordSide = swordSide or 'top' self.character = character or "jellyfish-lion.png" self.directionals = {} self.deadPieces = {} self.sprite = love.graphics.newImage("art/sprites/" .. self.character) self:initBody(x, y) self:initSword() self:initShield() end function Fighter:update(dt) local dir = self.directionals self:movement() self:glueSwordAndShield() if (dir['left'] == 2 and dir['right'] == 0) then dir['left'] = 1; end if (dir['right'] == 2 and dir['left'] == 0) then dir['right'] = 1; end end function Fighter:draw () local x,y = self.body:getWorldPoints(self.body.shape:getPoints()) love.graphics.draw(self.sprite, x, y, self.body:getAngle(), 1, 1) end function Fighter:movement () end function Fighter:initBody(x, y) self.body = world:newRectangleCollider(x, y, 16, 16); self.body:setCollisionClass('Fighter') self.body:setObject(self) self.body:setAngularDamping(2) self.body:setLinearDamping(.5) self.body:setPostSolve(self.makePostSolve()) end function Fighter:initShield() self.shield = world:newRectangleCollider(0, 0, 20, 5); self.shield:setCollisionClass('Shield') self.shield:setObject(self) end function Fighter:initSword() self.swordLength = startSwordLength if (self.swordType == 'normal') then self.sword = world:newRectangleCollider(0, 0, 3, self.swordLength); else self.sword = world:newRectangleCollider(0, 0, 3, startKnifeLength); end self.sword:setCollisionClass('Sword') self.sword:setObject(self) self.sword:setPostSolve(self:makeSwordPostSolve()) end function Fighter:glueSwordAndShield () local x, y = self.body:getPosition() local angle = self.body:getAngle() self.shield:setAngle(angle) self.shield:setPosition(x - (math.sin(angle) * 16), y + (math.cos(angle) * 16)) if (self.swordType == 'normal') then local offset = self.swordLength - 10 self.sword:setAngle(angle) self.sword:setPosition(x + (math.sin(angle) * offset), y - (math.cos(angle) * offset)) elseif (self.swordType == 'knife') then local offset = self.swordLength * 2 self.sword:setAngle(angle) self.sword:setPosition(x + (math.sin(angle) * 4.5 * offset), y - (math.cos(angle) * 1.5 * offset)) end end function Fighter:makePostSolve() return function(col1, col2, contact) if (col1.collision_class == "Fighter" and col2.collision_class == "Sword") then -- print(col2.shape) -- print("THEY DEEED, dude") end end end function Fighter:makeSwordPostSolve() return function(col1, col2, contact) if (col1.collision_class == "Sword" and col2.collision_class == "Shield") then -- print("SWORD CLASH!!!!") end end end -- LocalPlayer for local players (ofc) ---------------------------------------- LocalPlayer = class("LocalPlayer", Fighter) function LocalPlayer:initialize(x, y, keymap, character, swordType, swordSide) self.keymap = keymap or keymaps[1] Fighter.initialize(self, x, y, character, swordType, swordSide) end function LocalPlayer:movement () local x, y = self.body:getPosition() local dir = self.directionals local angle = self.body:getAngle() if (dir['left'] == 1) then self.body:applyAngularImpulse(-.5, 1) elseif (dir['right'] == 1) then self.body:applyAngularImpulse(.5, 1) end if (dir['up'] == 1) then self.body:applyLinearImpulse(math.sin(angle) * 0.5, math.cos(angle) * -0.5) elseif (dir['down'] == 1) then self.body:setAngle(angle - (math.pi * .70)) self.body:applyAngularImpulse(-45, 1) dir['down'] = 0 end end function LocalPlayer:keypressed(key) local dir = self.directionals if (key == self.keymap["right"]) then dir['right'] = 1 if (dir['left'] == 1) then dir['left'] = 2; end elseif (key == self.keymap["left"]) then dir['left'] = 1 if (dir['right'] == 1) then dir['right'] = 2; end elseif (key == self.keymap["accel"]) then dir['up'] = 1 if (dir['down'] == 1) then dir['down'] = 2; end elseif (key == self.keymap["flip"]) then dir['down'] = 1 if (dir['up'] == 1) then dir['up'] = 2; end end end function LocalPlayer:keyreleased(key) local dir = self.directionals if (key == self.keymap["right"]) then dir['right'] = 0 elseif (key == self.keymap["left"]) then dir['left'] = 0 elseif (key == self.keymap["accel"]) then dir['up'] = 0 elseif (key == self.keymap["flip"]) then dir['down'] = 0 end end -- LocalBot andddd for bots too ---------------------------------------- LocalBot = class("LocalBot", Fighter) function LocalBot:initialize(x, y, character, swordType, swordSide) Fighter.initialize(self, x, y, character, swordType, swordSide) end -- MENU used for creating menus (lol) ---------------------------------------- Menu = class("Menu") function Menu:initialize(x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale, menuItems) self.x,self.y = x,y self.offset_x,self.offset_y = offset_x,offset_y self.options = menuItems self.selected = 1 self.scale = scale self.keys = {} self.keys['up'] = false self.keys['down'] = false self.keys['enter'] = false self.ttf = r_ttf end function Menu:draw () for i=1,table.maxn(self.options) do local this_y = self.y + (self.offset_y * i) love.graphics.draw(self.options[i][1], self.x, this_y, 0, self.scale, self.scale) if (i == self.selected) then love.graphics.draw(love.graphics.newText(self.ttf, ">>"), self.x - self.offset_x, this_y, 0, self.scale, self.scale) end end end function Menu:keypressed(key) maxn = table.maxn(self.options) if (key == "return" or key == "space") then self.keys['enter'] = true if(self.options[self.selected][2]) then self.options[self.selected][2]() end elseif (key == "up" and self.selected > 1 and self.keys['up'] == false) then self.keys['up'] = true self.selected = self.selected - 1 elseif (key == "up" and self.keys['up'] == false) then self.keys['up'] = true self.selected = maxn elseif (key == "down" and self.selected < maxn and self.keys['down'] == false) then self.keys['down'] = true self.selected = self.selected + 1 elseif (key == "down" and self.keys['down'] == false) then self.keys['down'] = true self.selected = 1 end end function Menu:keyreleased(key) if (key == "return" or key == "space") then self.keys['enter'] = false elseif (key == "up") then self.keys['up'] = false elseif (key == "down") then self.keys['down'] = false end end -- UTIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function split(inputString, seperator) local newString = {} for stringBit in string.gmatch(inputString, "([^"..seperator.."]+)") do table.insert(newString, stringBit) end return newString end -- MISC DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHARACTERS ------------------------------------------ characters = {} characters["jellyfish-lion.png"] = {"Lion Jellyfish", "hey, hey. you know whats shocking?", "rapidpunches", "CC-BY-SA 4.0"} characters["jellyfish-n.png"] = {"Jellyfish N", "(electricity)", "rapidpunches", "CC-BY-SA 4.0"} -- LOCAL KEYMAPS ------------------------------------------ keymaps = {} keymaps[1] = {["accel"] = "w", ["left"] = "a", ["right"] = "d", ["flip"] = "s"} keymaps[2] = {["accel"] = "up", ["left"] = "left", ["right"] = "right", ["flip"] = "down"}