--[[ MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 SSYGEN Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local function lerp(a, b, x) return a + (b - a)*x end local function csnap(v, x) return math.ceil(v/x)*x - x/2 end -- Shake according to https://jonny.morrill.me/en/blog/gamedev-how-to-implement-a-camera-shake-effect/ local function newShake(amplitude, duration, frequency) local self = { amplitude = amplitude or 0, duration = duration or 0, frequency = frequency or 60, samples = {}, start_time = love.timer.getTime()*1000, t = 0, shaking = true, } local sample_count = (self.duration/1000)*self.frequency for i = 1, sample_count do self.samples[i] = 2*love.math.random()-1 end return self end local function updateShake(self, dt) self.t = love.timer.getTime()*1000 - self.start_time if self.t > self.duration then self.shaking = false end end local function shakeNoise(self, s) if s >= #self.samples then return 0 end return self.samples[s] or 0 end local function shakeDecay(self, t) if t > self.duration then return 0 end return (self.duration - t)/self.duration end local function getShakeAmplitude(self, t) if not t then if not self.shaking then return 0 end t = self.t end local s = (t/1000)*self.frequency local s0 = math.floor(s) local s1 = s0 + 1 local k = shakeDecay(self, t) return self.amplitude*(shakeNoise(self, s0) + (s - s0)*(shakeNoise(self, s1) - shakeNoise(self, s0)))*k end -- Camera local Camera = {} Camera.__index = Camera local function new(x, y, w, h, scale, rotation) return setmetatable({ x = x or (w or love.graphics.getWidth())/2, y = y or (h or love.graphics.getHeight())/2, mx = x or (w or love.graphics.getWidth())/2, my = y or (h or love.graphics.getHeight())/2, screen_x = x or (w or love.graphics.getWidth())/2, screen_y = y or (h or love.graphics.getHeight())/2, w = w or love.graphics.getWidth(), h = h or love.graphics.getHeight(), scale = scale or 1, rotation = rotation or 0, horizontal_shakes = {}, vertical_shakes = {}, target_x = nil, target_y = nil, scroll_x = 0, scroll_y = 0, last_target_x = nil, last_target_y = nil, follow_lerp_x = 1, follow_lerp_y = 1, follow_lead_x = 0, follow_lead_y = 0, deadzone = nil, bound = nil, draw_deadzone = false, flash_duration = 1, flash_timer = 0, flash_color = {0, 0, 0, 1}, last_horizontal_shake_amount = 0, last_vertical_shake_amount = 0, fade_duration = 1, fade_timer = 0, fade_color = {0, 0, 0, 0}, }, Camera) end function Camera:attach() love.graphics.push() love.graphics.translate(self.w/2, self.h/2) love.graphics.scale(self.scale) love.graphics.rotate(self.rotation) love.graphics.translate(-self.x, -self.y) end function Camera:detach() love.graphics.pop() end function Camera:move(dx, dy) self.x, self.y = self.x + dx, self.y + dy end function Camera:toWorldCoords(x, y) local c, s = math.cos(self.rotation), math.sin(self.rotation) x, y = (x - self.w/2)/self.scale, (y - self.h/2)/self.scale x, y = c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y return x + self.x, y + self.y end function Camera:toCameraCoords(x, y) local c, s = math.cos(self.rotation), math.sin(self.rotation) x, y = x - self.x, y - self.y x, y = c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y return x*self.scale + self.w/2, y*self.scale + self.h/2 end function Camera:getMousePosition() return self:toWorldCoords(love.mouse.getPosition()) end function Camera:shake(intensity, duration, frequency, axes) if not axes then axes = 'XY' end axes = string.upper(axes) if string.find(axes, 'X') then table.insert(self.horizontal_shakes, newShake(intensity, duration*1000, frequency)) end if string.find(axes, 'Y') then table.insert(self.vertical_shakes, newShake(intensity, duration*1000, frequency)) end end function Camera:update(dt) self.mx, self.my = self:toWorldCoords(love.mouse.getPosition()) -- Flash -- if self.flashing then self.flash_timer = self.flash_timer + dt if self.flash_timer > self.flash_duration then self.flash_timer = 0 self.flashing = false end end -- Fade -- if self.fading then self.fade_timer = self.fade_timer + dt self.fade_color = { lerp(self.base_fade_color[1], self.target_fade_color[1], self.fade_timer/self.fade_duration), lerp(self.base_fade_color[2], self.target_fade_color[2], self.fade_timer/self.fade_duration), lerp(self.base_fade_color[3], self.target_fade_color[3], self.fade_timer/self.fade_duration), lerp(self.base_fade_color[4], self.target_fade_color[4], self.fade_timer/self.fade_duration), } if self.fade_timer > self.fade_duration then self.fade_timer = 0 self.fading = false if self.fade_action then self.fade_action() end end end -- Shake -- local horizontal_shake_amount, vertical_shake_amount = 0, 0 for i = #self.horizontal_shakes, 1, -1 do updateShake(self.horizontal_shakes[i], dt) horizontal_shake_amount = horizontal_shake_amount + getShakeAmplitude(self.horizontal_shakes[i]) if not self.horizontal_shakes[i].shaking then table.remove(self.horizontal_shakes, i) end end for i = #self.vertical_shakes, 1, -1 do updateShake(self.vertical_shakes[i], dt) vertical_shake_amount = vertical_shake_amount + getShakeAmplitude(self.vertical_shakes[i]) if not self.vertical_shakes[i].shaking then table.remove(self.vertical_shakes, i) end end self.x, self.y = self.x - self.last_horizontal_shake_amount, self.y - self.last_vertical_shake_amount self:move(horizontal_shake_amount, vertical_shake_amount) self.last_horizontal_shake_amount, self.last_vertical_shake_amount = horizontal_shake_amount, vertical_shake_amount -- Follow -- if not self.target_x and not self.target_y then return end -- Set follow style deadzones if self.follow_style == 'LOCKON' then local w, h = self.w/16, self.w/16 self:setDeadzone((self.w - w)/2, (self.h - h)/2, w, h) elseif self.follow_style == 'PLATFORMER' then local w, h = self.w/8, self.h/3 self:setDeadzone((self.w - w)/2, (self.h - h)/2 - h*0.25, w, h) elseif self.follow_style == 'TOPDOWN' then local s = math.max(self.w, self.h)/4 self:setDeadzone((self.w - s)/2, (self.h - s)/2, s, s) elseif self.follow_style == 'TOPDOWN_TIGHT' then local s = math.max(self.w, self.h)/8 self:setDeadzone((self.w - s)/2, (self.h - s)/2, s, s) elseif self.follow_style == 'SCREEN_BY_SCREEN' then self:setDeadzone(0, 0, 0, 0) elseif self.follow_style == 'NO_DEADZONE' then self.deadzone = nil end -- No deadzone means we just track the target with no lerp if not self.deadzone then self.x, self.y = self.target_x, self.target_y if self.bound then self.x = math.min(math.max(self.x, self.bounds_min_x + self.w/2), self.bounds_max_x - self.w/2) self.y = math.min(math.max(self.y, self.bounds_min_y + self.h/2), self.bounds_max_y - self.h/2) end return end -- Convert appropriate variables to camera coordinates since the deadzone is applied in terms of the camera and not the world local dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = self.deadzone_x, self.deadzone_y, self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h local scroll_x, scroll_y = 0, 0 local target_x, target_y = self:toCameraCoords(self.target_x, self.target_y) local x, y = self:toCameraCoords(self.x, self.y) -- Screen by screen follow mode needs to be handled a bit differently if self.follow_style == 'SCREEN_BY_SCREEN' then -- Don't change self.screen_x/y if already at the boundaries if self.bound then if self.x > self.bounds_min_x + self.w/2 and target_x < 0 then self.screen_x = csnap(self.screen_x - self.w/self.scale, self.w/self.scale) end if self.x < self.bounds_max_x - self.w/2 and target_x >= self.w then self.screen_x = csnap(self.screen_x + self.w/self.scale, self.w/self.scale) end if self.y > self.bounds_min_y + self.h/2 and target_y < 0 then self.screen_y = csnap(self.screen_y - self.h/self.scale, self.h/self.scale) end if self.y < self.bounds_max_y - self.h/2 and target_y >= self.h then self.screen_y = csnap(self.screen_y + self.h/self.scale, self.h/self.scale) end -- Move to the next screen if the target is outside the screen boundaries else if target_x < 0 then self.screen_x = csnap(self.screen_x - self.w/self.scale, self.w/self.scale) end if target_x >= self.w then self.screen_x = csnap(self.screen_x + self.w/self.scale, self.w/self.scale) end if target_y < 0 then self.screen_y = csnap(self.screen_y - self.h/self.scale, self.h/self.scale) end if target_y >= self.h then self.screen_y = csnap(self.screen_y + self.h/self.scale, self.h/self.scale) end end self.x = lerp(self.x, self.screen_x, self.follow_lerp_x) self.y = lerp(self.y, self.screen_y, self.follow_lerp_y) -- Apply bounds if self.bound then self.x = math.min(math.max(self.x, self.bounds_min_x + self.w/2), self.bounds_max_x - self.w/2) self.y = math.min(math.max(self.y, self.bounds_min_y + self.h/2), self.bounds_max_y - self.h/2) end -- All other follow modes else -- Figure out how much the camera needs to scroll if target_x < x + (dx1 + dx2 - x) then local d = target_x - dx1 if d < 0 then scroll_x = d end end if target_x > x - (dx1 + dx2 - x) then local d = target_x - dx2 if d > 0 then scroll_x = d end end if target_y < y + (dy1 + dy2 - y) then local d = target_y - dy1 if d < 0 then scroll_y = d end end if target_y > y - (dy1 + dy2 - y) then local d = target_y - dy2 if d > 0 then scroll_y = d end end -- Apply lead if not self.last_target_x and not self.last_target_y then self.last_target_x, self.last_target_y = self.target_x, self.target_y end scroll_x = scroll_x + (self.target_x - self.last_target_x)*self.follow_lead_x scroll_y = scroll_y + (self.target_y - self.last_target_y)*self.follow_lead_y self.last_target_x, self.last_target_y = self.target_x, self.target_y -- Scroll towards target with lerp self.x = lerp(self.x, self.x + scroll_x, self.follow_lerp_x) self.y = lerp(self.y, self.y + scroll_y, self.follow_lerp_y) -- Apply bounds if self.bound then self.x = math.min(math.max(self.x, self.bounds_min_x + self.w/2), self.bounds_max_x - self.w/2) self.y = math.min(math.max(self.y, self.bounds_min_y + self.h/2), self.bounds_max_y - self.h/2) end end end function Camera:draw() if self.draw_deadzone and self.deadzone then local n = love.graphics.getLineWidth() love.graphics.setLineWidth(2) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x - 1, self.deadzone_y, self.deadzone_x + 6, self.deadzone_y) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x, self.deadzone_y, self.deadzone_x, self.deadzone_y + 6) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x - 1, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h, self.deadzone_x + 6, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h, self.deadzone_x, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h - 6) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w + 1, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h, self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w - 6, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h, self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w, self.deadzone_y + self.deadzone_h - 6) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w + 1, self.deadzone_y, self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w - 6, self.deadzone_y) love.graphics.line(self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w, self.deadzone_y, self.deadzone_x + self.deadzone_w, self.deadzone_y + 6) love.graphics.setLineWidth(n) end if self.flashing then local r, g, b, a = love.graphics.getColor() love.graphics.setColor(self.flash_color) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, self.w, self.h) love.graphics.setColor(r, g, b, a) end local r, g, b, a = love.graphics.getColor() love.graphics.setColor(self.fade_color) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, self.w, self.h) love.graphics.setColor(r, g, b, a) end function Camera:follow(x, y) self.target_x, self.target_y = x, y end function Camera:setDeadzone(x, y, w, h) self.deadzone = true self.deadzone_x = x self.deadzone_y = y self.deadzone_w = w self.deadzone_h = h end function Camera:setBounds(x, y, w, h) self.bound = true self.bounds_min_x = x self.bounds_min_y = y self.bounds_max_x = x + w self.bounds_max_y = y + h end function Camera:setFollowStyle(follow_style) self.follow_style = follow_style end function Camera:setFollowLerp(x, y) self.follow_lerp_x = x self.follow_lerp_y = y or x end function Camera:setFollowLead(x, y) self.follow_lead_x = x self.follow_lead_y = y or x end function Camera:flash(duration, color) self.flash_duration = duration self.flash_color = color or self.flash_color self.flash_timer = 0 self.flashing = true end function Camera:fade(duration, color, action) self.fade_duration = duration self.base_fade_color = self.fade_color self.target_fade_color = color self.fade_timer = 0 self.fade_action = action self.fading = true end return setmetatable({new = new}, {__call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end})