-- Loading sock from root directory relative to this one -- This is not required in your own projects package.path = package.path .. ";../?.lua" local sock = require "sock" local binser = require "spec.binser" function love.load() client = sock.newClient("localhost", 22122) server = sock.newServer("localhost", 22122) -- If the connect/disconnect callbacks aren't defined some warnings will -- be thrown, but nothing bad will happen. -- Called when someone connects to the server server:on("connect", function(data, peer) local msg = "Hello from server!" peer:send("hello", msg) end) -- Called when a connection is made to the server client:on("connect", function(data) print("Client connected to the server.") end) -- Custom callback, called whenever you send the event from the server client:on("hello", function(msg) print(msg) end) client:connect() end function love.update(dt) server:update() client:update() if love.math.random() > 0.95 then server:sendToAll("hello", "This is an update message") end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == "q" then client:reset() end end