/* * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #include "JoinWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "CayaProtocolMessages.h" #include "CayaUtils.h" const uint32 kJoinRoom = 'JWjr'; const uint32 kAccSelected = 'JWas'; JoinWindow::JoinWindow(BMessenger* messenger, AccountInstances accounts) : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 400, 100), "Join a room", B_FLOATING_WINDOW, 0), fTarget(messenger), fAccounts(accounts), fSelectedAcc(0) { _InitInterface(); CenterOnScreen(); } void JoinWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case kAccSelected: { int32 index; if (msg->FindInt32("index", &index) == B_OK) fSelectedAcc = index; break; } case kJoinRoom: { BString roomId = fTextBox->Text(); BString selected = fMenuField->Menu()->ItemAt(fSelectedAcc)->Label(); int64 instanceId = fAccounts.ValueFor(selected); if (roomId.IsEmpty() == true) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("No room ID", "You can't join a room " "with no name― you need to specify a room ID.", "OK", "", "", B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_EVEN_SPACING, B_IDEA_ALERT); alert->Go(); return; } BMessage* joinMsg = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); joinMsg->AddInt32("im_what", IM_JOIN_ROOM); joinMsg->AddInt64("instance", instanceId); joinMsg->AddString("chat_id", roomId); fTarget->SendMessage(joinMsg); Quit(); break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } } void JoinWindow::_InitInterface() { BButton* join = new BButton("Join", new BMessage(kJoinRoom)); fTextBox = new BTextControl("Room ID:", "", NULL); fMenuField = new BMenuField("accountMenuField", NULL, CreateAccountMenu(fAccounts, BMessage(kAccSelected))); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fTextBox) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .Add(fMenuField) .AddGlue() .Add(new BButton("Cancel", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED))) .Add(join) .End() .End(); fTextBox->MakeFocus(true); join->MakeDefault(true); }