/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Jakob Schröter This file is part of the gloox library. http://camaya.net/gloox This software is distributed under a license. The full license agreement can be found in the file LICENSE in this distribution. This software may not be copied, modified, sold or distributed other than expressed in the named license agreement. This software is distributed without any warranty. */ #include "jingleiceudp.h" #include "tag.h" #include "gloox.h" namespace gloox { namespace Jingle { static const char* typeValues [] = { "host", "prflx", "relay", "srflx" }; ICEUDP::ICEUDP( const std::string& pwd, const std::string& ufrag, CandidateList& candidates ) : Plugin( PluginICEUDP ), m_pwd( pwd ), m_ufrag( ufrag), m_candidates( candidates ) { } ICEUDP::ICEUDP( const Tag* tag ) : Plugin( PluginICEUDP ) { if( !tag || tag->name() != "transport" || tag->xmlns() != XMLNS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP ) return; m_pwd = tag->findAttribute( "pwd" ); m_ufrag = tag->findAttribute( "ufrag" ); const TagList candidates = tag->findChildren( "candidate" ); TagList::const_iterator it = candidates.begin(); for( ; it != candidates.end(); ++it ) { Candidate c; c.component = (*it)->findAttribute( "component" ); c.foundation = (*it)->findAttribute( "foundation" ); c.generation = (*it)->findAttribute( "generation" ); c.id = (*it)->findAttribute( "id" ); c.ip = (*it)->findAttribute( "ip" ); c.network = (*it)->findAttribute( "network" ); c.port = atoi( (*it)->findAttribute( "port" ).c_str() ); c.priority = atoi( (*it)->findAttribute( "priority" ).c_str() ); c.protocol = (*it)->findAttribute( "protocol" ); c.rel_addr = (*it)->findAttribute( "rel-addr" ); c.rel_port = atoi( (*it)->findAttribute( "rel-port" ).c_str() ); c.type = (Type)util::lookup( (*it)->findAttribute( "type" ), typeValues ); m_candidates.push_back( c ); } } const StringList ICEUDP::features() const { StringList sl; sl.push_back( XMLNS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP ); return sl; } const std::string& ICEUDP::filterString() const { static const std::string filter = "content/transport[@xmlns='" + XMLNS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP + "']"; return filter; } Plugin* ICEUDP::newInstance( const Tag* tag ) const { return new ICEUDP( tag ); } Tag* ICEUDP::tag() const { Tag* t = new Tag( "transport", XMLNS, XMLNS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP ); t->addAttribute( "pwd", m_pwd ); t->addAttribute( "ufrag", m_ufrag ); CandidateList::const_iterator it = m_candidates.begin(); for( ; it != m_candidates.end(); ++it ) { Tag* c = new Tag( t, "candidate" ); c->addAttribute( "component", (*it).component ); c->addAttribute( "foundation", (*it).foundation ); c->addAttribute( "generation", (*it).generation ); c->addAttribute( "id", (*it).id ); c->addAttribute( "ip", (*it).ip ); c->addAttribute( "network", (*it).network ); c->addAttribute( "port", (*it).port ); c->addAttribute( "priority", (*it).priority ); c->addAttribute( "protocol", (*it).protocol ); c->addAttribute( "rel-addr", (*it).rel_addr ); c->addAttribute( "rel-port", (*it).rel_port ); c->addAttribute( "type", util::lookup( (*it).type, typeValues ) ); } return t; } } }