/* * Copyright 2009-2011, Andrea Anzani. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2009-2011, Pier Luigi Fiorini. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Andrea Anzani, andrea.anzani@gmail.com * Pier Luigi Fiorini, pierluigi.fiorini@gmail.com * Jaidyn Levesque, jadedctrl@teknik.io * * Contributors: * Dario Casalinuovo */ #include "Server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Account.h" #include "AppMessages.h" #include "AppPreferences.h" #include "Cardie.h" #include "ChatProtocol.h" #include "ConversationInfoWindow.h" #include "ConversationView.h" #include "ChatProtocolMessages.h" #include "Flags.h" #include "ImageCache.h" #include "InviteDialogue.h" #include "NotifyMessage.h" #include "ProtocolLooper.h" #include "ProtocolManager.h" #include "RosterItem.h" #include "StatusManager.h" #include "UserInfoWindow.h" #include "Utils.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "Server" Server::Server() : BMessageFilter(B_ANY_DELIVERY, B_ANY_SOURCE) { if (fUserItems.IsEmpty() == false || fCommands.CountItems() > 0) return; BResources res = ChatResources(); if (res.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; // Loading user pop-up items for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { size_t size; BMessage temp; const void* buff = res.LoadResource(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1100 + i, &size); temp.Unflatten((const char*)buff); fUserItems.AddItem(new BMessage(temp)); } // Loading default chat commands for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { size_t size; BMessage temp; const void* buff = res.LoadResource(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1140 + i, &size); temp.Unflatten((const char*)buff); ChatCommand* cmd = new ChatCommand(&temp); fCommands.AddItem(cmd->GetName(), cmd); } fStarted = false; } void Server::Quit() { for (int i = 0; i < fLoopers.CountItems(); i++) RemoveProtocolLooper(fLoopers.KeyAt(i)); } void Server::LoginAll() { for (uint32 i = 0; i < fLoopers.CountItems(); i++) Login(fLoopers.ValueAt(i)); fStarted = true; } void Server::Login(ProtocolLooper* looper) { BMessage* msg = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); msg->AddInt32("im_what", IM_SET_OWN_STATUS); msg->AddInt32("status", STATUS_ONLINE); if (looper != NULL) looper->PostMessage(msg); } filter_result Server::Filter(BMessage* message, BHandler **target) { filter_result result = B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; switch (message->what) { case IM_MESSAGE: result = ImMessage(message); break; case IM_ERROR: ImError(message); break; case APP_ACCOUNT_DISABLED: { BString name; if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true && message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK) { BBitmap* icon = new BBitmap(message); BString content(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has been disabled!")); content.ReplaceAll("%user%", name); _SendNotification(B_TRANSLATE("Disabled"), content, name, icon); } break; } case APP_ACCOUNT_FAILED: { BString name; if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true && message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK) { BBitmap* icon = new BBitmap(message); BString content(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has been temporarily disabled.")); content.ReplaceAll("%user%", name); _SendNotification(B_TRANSLATE("Connection failed"), content, name, icon); } break; } case APP_REPLICANT_MESSENGER: { BMessenger* messenger = new BMessenger(); status_t ret = message->FindMessenger( "messenger", messenger); if (ret != B_OK || !messenger->IsValid()) { printf("err %s\n", strerror(ret)); break; } StatusManager* statusMan = StatusManager::Get(); statusMan->SetReplicantMessenger(messenger); statusMan->ReplicantStatusNotify(statusMan->Status()); break; } case APP_ROOM_INFO: { Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(message); if (chat != NULL) { ConversationInfoWindow* win = new ConversationInfoWindow(chat); win->Show(); } break; } case APP_ROOM_FLAG: { int32 flag; Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(message); if (chat == NULL || message->FindInt32("flag", &flag) != B_OK) break; int32 flags = chat->GetFlags(); flags ^= flag; chat->SetFlags(flags); break; } case APP_USER_INFO: { User* user = _EnsureUser(message); if (user != NULL) { UserInfoWindow* win = new UserInfoWindow(user); win->Show(); } break; } case APP_REQUEST_HELP: { BString body; BString cmd_name = message->FindString("misc_str"); int64 instance = message->FindInt64("instance"); Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(message); if (chat == NULL) break; if (cmd_name.IsEmpty() == false) { ChatCommand* cmd = CommandById(cmd_name, instance); if (cmd == NULL) body = B_TRANSLATE("-- That command doesn't exist. Try " "'/help' for a list.\n"); else { body = "** "; body << cmd->GetName() << " ― " << cmd->GetDesc() << "\n"; } } else { CommandMap combinedCmds; combinedCmds.AddList(fCommands); combinedCmds.AddList(chat->GetProtocolLooper()->Commands()); body << B_TRANSLATE("** Commands: "); for (int i = 0; i < combinedCmds.CountItems(); i++) { ChatCommand* cmd = combinedCmds.ValueAt(i); if (i > 0) body << ", "; body << cmd->GetName(); } body << "\n"; } BMessage* help = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); help->AddInt32("im_what", IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); help->AddString("body", body); help->AddInt64("when", 0); chat->ImMessage(help); break; } default: // Dispatch not handled messages to main window break; } return result; } filter_result Server::ImMessage(BMessage* msg) { filter_result result = B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE; int32 im_what = msg->FindInt32("im_what"); switch (im_what) { case IM_ROSTER: { int i = 0; BString id; while (msg->FindString("user_id", i++, &id) == B_OK) _EnsureContact(msg); result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; break; } case IM_ROSTER_CONTACT_REMOVED: { Contact* contact = _EnsureContact(msg); ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper == NULL || contact == NULL) { result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; break; } looper->RemoveContact(contact); break; } case IM_OWN_STATUS_SET: { int32 status; ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (msg->FindInt32("status", &status) != B_OK || looper == NULL) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; // If online/offline, send a message to the protocol's buffer. if (status == STATUS_OFFLINE || status == STATUS_ONLINE) { BMessage info(IM_MESSAGE); info.AddInt32("im_what", IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); info.AddString("user_name", "Cardie"); if (status == STATUS_OFFLINE) info.AddString("body", B_TRANSLATE("Account now offline and disconnected.")); else info.AddString("body", B_TRANSLATE("Account now online!")); looper->GetView()->MessageReceived(&info); } Contact* contact = looper->GetOwnContact(); if (contact != NULL) { // Send notification, if appropriate UserStatus oldStatus = contact->GetNotifyStatus(); if ((oldStatus == STATUS_ONLINE && status == STATUS_OFFLINE) || (oldStatus == STATUS_OFFLINE && status == STATUS_ONLINE)) { if (status == STATUS_ONLINE) if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true) _ProtocolNotification(looper, BString(B_TRANSLATE("Connected")), BString(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has connected!"))); else if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true) _ProtocolNotification(looper, BString(B_TRANSLATE("Disconnected")), BString(B_TRANSLATE("%user% is now offline!"))); } contact->SetNotifyStatus((UserStatus)status); BString statusMsg; if (msg->FindString("message", &statusMsg) == B_OK) contact->SetNotifyPersonalStatus(statusMsg); } break; } case IM_OWN_NICKNAME_SET: { BString nick; ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper == NULL || msg->FindString("user_name", &nick) != B_OK) break; Contact* contact = looper->GetOwnContact(); if (contact != NULL) contact->SetNotifyName(nick.String()); break; } case IM_USER_NICKNAME_SET: { BString nick; if (msg->FindString("user_name", &nick) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; User* user = _EnsureUser(msg); if (user == NULL) break; ChatMap conv = user->Conversations(); for (int i = 0; i < conv.CountItems(); i++) conv.ValueAt(i)->ImMessage(msg); user->SetNotifyName(nick); break; } case IM_USER_STATUS_SET: { int32 status; if (msg->FindInt32("status", &status) != B_OK) return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; User* user = _EnsureUser(msg); if (!user) break; user->SetNotifyStatus((UserStatus)status); BString statusMsg; if (msg->FindString("message", &statusMsg) == B_OK) { user->SetNotifyPersonalStatus(statusMsg); } break; } case IM_OWN_CONTACT_INFO: { BString id = msg->FindString("user_id"); ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper == NULL || id.IsEmpty() == true) break; Contact* contact = looper->GetOwnContact(); if (contact == NULL) { contact = new Contact(id, Looper()); contact->SetProtocolLooper(looper); looper->SetOwnContact(contact); } BString name; if (msg->FindString("user_name", &name) == B_OK) contact->SetNotifyName(name); break; } case IM_CONTACT_INFO: { Contact* contact = _EnsureContact(msg); if (!contact) break; const char* name = NULL; if ((msg->FindString("user_name", &name) == B_OK) && (strcmp(name, "") != 0)) contact->SetNotifyName(name); BString status; if (msg->FindString("message", &status) == B_OK) contact->SetNotifyPersonalStatus(status); break; } case IM_EXTENDED_CONTACT_INFO: { Contact* contact = _EnsureContact(msg); if (!contact) break; if (contact->GetName().Length() > 0) break; const char* name = NULL; if ((msg->FindString("full_name", &name) == B_OK) && (strcmp(name, "") != 0)) contact->SetNotifyName(name); else if ((msg->FindString("user_name", &name) == B_OK) && (strcmp(name, "") != 0)) contact->SetNotifyName(name); break; } case IM_OWN_AVATAR_SET: { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); Contact* contact = looper->GetOwnContact(); entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("ref", &ref) == B_OK) { BBitmap* bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&ref); if (bitmap != NULL) contact->SetNotifyAvatarBitmap(bitmap); } break; } case IM_USER_AVATAR_SET: { User* user = _EnsureUser(msg); if (!user) break; entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("ref", &ref) == B_OK) { BBitmap* bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&ref); user->SetNotifyAvatarBitmap(bitmap); } break; } case IM_CREATE_CHAT: { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper != NULL) looper->PostMessage(msg); break; } case IM_CHAT_CREATED: { Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(msg); User* user = _EnsureUser(msg); if (chat != NULL && user != NULL) { chat->AddUser(user); chat->ShowView(false, true); } break; } case IM_JOIN_ROOM: { SendProtocolMessage(msg); break; } case IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: if (msg->HasString("chat_id") == false) { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper != NULL) looper->GetView()->MessageReceived(msg); return B_SKIP_MESSAGE; } case IM_MESSAGE_SENT: case IM_ROOM_JOINED: case IM_ROOM_CREATED: case IM_ROOM_METADATA: case IM_ROOM_ROLECHANGED: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANTS: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_JOINED: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_LEFT: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_BANNED: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_KICKED: { Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(msg); if (chat != NULL) chat->ImMessage(msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_NAME_SET: { BString name; Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(msg); if (msg->FindString("chat_name", &name) != B_OK || chat == NULL) break; chat->SetNotifyName(name.String()); break; } case IM_ROOM_SUBJECT_SET: { BString subject; Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(msg); if (msg->FindString("subject", &subject) != B_OK || chat == NULL) break; chat->SetNotifySubject(subject.String()); break; } case IM_SEND_MESSAGE: { // Route this message through the appropriate ProtocolLooper Conversation* conversation = _EnsureConversation(msg); if (conversation->GetProtocolLooper()) conversation->GetProtocolLooper()->PostMessage(msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_INVITE_RECEIVED: { BString chat_id; User* user = _EnsureUser(msg); BString user_id = msg->FindString("user_id"); BString user_name = user_id; BString chat_name = msg->FindString("chat_name"); BString body = msg->FindString("body"); ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (msg->FindString("chat_id", &chat_id) != B_OK || looper == NULL) { result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; break; } if (chat_name.IsEmpty() == true) chat_name = chat_id; if (user != NULL) user_name = user->GetName(); BString alertBody(B_TRANSLATE("You've been invited to %room%.")); if (user_id.IsEmpty() == false) alertBody = B_TRANSLATE("%user% has invited you to %room%."); if (body.IsEmpty() == false) alertBody << "\n\n\"%body%\""; alertBody.ReplaceAll("%user%", user_name); alertBody.ReplaceAll("%room%", chat_name); alertBody.ReplaceAll("%body%", body); BMessage* accept = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); accept->AddInt32("im_what", IM_ROOM_INVITE_ACCEPT); accept->AddString("chat_id", chat_id); BMessage* reject = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); accept->AddInt32("im_what", IM_ROOM_INVITE_REFUSE); reject->AddString("chat_id", chat_id); InviteDialogue* invite = new InviteDialogue(BMessenger(looper), B_TRANSLATE("Invitation received"), alertBody.String(), accept, reject); invite->Go(); break; } case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_STARTED_TYPING: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_STOPPED_TYPING: { // User* user = _EnsureUser(); // Conversation* chat = _EnsureConversation(); result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; break; } case IM_PROGRESS: { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); const char* protocol = NULL; const char* title = NULL; const char* message = NULL; float progress = 0.0f; if (looper == NULL) return result; if (msg->FindString("title", &title) != B_OK) return result; if (msg->FindString("message", &message) != B_OK) return result; if (msg->FindFloat("progress", &progress) != B_OK) return result; if (!AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus) break; BNotification notification(B_PROGRESS_NOTIFICATION); notification.SetGroup(BString(APP_NAME)); notification.SetTitle(title); notification.SetIcon(looper->Protocol()->Icon()); notification.SetContent(message); notification.SetProgress(progress); notification.Send(); break; } case IM_NOTIFICATION: { _ProtocolNotification(_LooperFromMessage(msg), msg->FindString("title"), msg->FindString("message"), (notification_type)msg->GetInt32("type", B_INFORMATION_NOTIFICATION)); break; } case IM_PROTOCOL_RELOAD_COMMANDS: { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper == NULL) break; looper->LoadCommands(); break; } case IM_PROTOCOL_READY: { ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (looper == NULL) break; fAccountEnabled.AddItem(looper->Protocol()->GetName(), true); // Ready notification if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true) _ProtocolNotification(looper, BString(B_TRANSLATE("Connected")), BString(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has connected!"))); // Join cached rooms BEntry entry; char fileName[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH] = {'\0'}; BDirectory dir(RoomsCachePath(looper->Protocol()->GetName())); while (dir.GetNextEntry(&entry, true) == B_OK) if (entry.GetName(fileName) == B_OK) { int32 flags; BFile file(&entry, B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK) continue; if (file.ReadAttr("Chat:flags", B_INT32_TYPE, 0, &flags, sizeof(int32)) < 0) continue; if (!(flags & ROOM_AUTOJOIN) && !(flags & ROOM_AUTOCREATE)) continue; BMessage join(IM_MESSAGE); int32 im_what = IM_JOIN_ROOM; if (flags & ROOM_AUTOCREATE) { im_what = IM_CREATE_CHAT; join.AddString("user_id", fileName); } join.AddInt32("im_what", im_what); join.AddString("chat_id", fileName); looper->PostMessage(&join); } NotifyInteger(INT_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED, 0); break; } case IM_PROTOCOL_DISABLE: { int64 instance = 0; if (msg->FindInt64("instance", &instance) != B_OK) result = B_SKIP_MESSAGE; else RemoveProtocolLooper(instance); NotifyInteger(INT_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED, 0); break; } default: break; } return result; } void Server::ImError(BMessage* msg) { const char* error = NULL; const char* detail = msg->FindString("detail"); ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(msg); if (msg->FindString("error", &error) != B_OK || looper == NULL) return; // Format error message BString errMsg(looper->Protocol()->GetName()); errMsg << " ― " << error; if (detail) errMsg << "\n\n" << detail; BAlert* alert = new BAlert(B_TRANSLATE("Error"), errMsg.String(), B_TRANSLATE("OK"), NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->Go(); } void Server::AddProtocolLooper(bigtime_t instanceId, ChatProtocol* cayap) { ProtocolLooper* looper = new ProtocolLooper(cayap, instanceId); fLoopers.AddItem(instanceId, looper); fAccounts.AddItem(cayap->GetName(), instanceId); fAccountEnabled.AddItem(cayap->GetName(), false); if (AppPreferences::Get()->NotifyProtocolStatus == true) _ProtocolNotification(looper, BString(B_TRANSLATE("Connecting")), BString(B_TRANSLATE("%user% is readying…"))); if (fStarted == true) Login(looper); } void Server::RemoveProtocolLooper(bigtime_t instanceId) { ProtocolLooper* looper = GetProtocolLooper(instanceId); if (looper == NULL) return; ChatMap chats = looper->Conversations(); for (int i = 0; i < chats.CountItems(); i++) delete chats.ValueAt(i); UserMap users = looper->Users(); for (int i = 0; i < users.CountItems(); i++) delete users.ValueAt(i); fLoopers.RemoveItemFor(instanceId); fAccounts.RemoveItemFor(looper->Protocol()->GetName()); fAccountEnabled.AddItem(looper->Protocol()->GetName(), false); looper->Lock(); looper->Quit(); } ProtocolLooper* Server::GetProtocolLooper(bigtime_t instanceId) { bool found = false; return fLoopers.ValueFor(instanceId, &found); } AccountInstances Server::GetAccounts() { return fAccounts; } AccountInstances Server::GetActiveAccounts() { AccountInstances fActive; for (int i = 0; i < fAccounts.CountItems(); i++) if (fAccountEnabled.ValueFor(fAccounts.KeyAt(i)) == true) fActive.AddItem(fAccounts.KeyAt(i), fAccounts.ValueAt(i)); return fActive; } void Server::SendProtocolMessage(BMessage* msg) { // Skip null messages if (!msg) return; // Check if message contains the instance field bigtime_t id; if (msg->FindInt64("instance", &id) == B_OK) { bool found = false; ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(id, &found); if (found) looper->PostMessage(msg); } } void Server::SendAllProtocolMessage(BMessage* msg) { // Skip null messages if (!msg) return; // Send message to all protocols for (uint32 i = 0; i < fLoopers.CountItems(); i++) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueAt(i); looper->PostMessage(msg); } } RosterMap Server::Contacts() const { RosterMap contacts; for (int i = 0; i < fAccounts.CountItems(); i++) { ProtocolLooper* fruitLoop = fLoopers.ValueFor(fAccounts.ValueAt(i)); if (fruitLoop == NULL) continue; contacts.AddList(fruitLoop->Contacts()); } return contacts; } Contact* Server::ContactById(BString id, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); Contact* result = NULL; if (looper != NULL) result = looper->ContactById(id); return result; } void Server::AddContact(Contact* contact, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); if (looper != NULL) looper->AddContact(contact); } UserMap Server::Users() const { UserMap users; for (int i = 0; i < fAccounts.CountItems(); i++) { ProtocolLooper* fruitLoop = fLoopers.ValueFor(fAccounts.ValueAt(i)); if (fruitLoop == NULL) continue; users.AddList(fruitLoop->Users()); } return users; } User* Server::UserById(BString id, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); User* result = NULL; if (looper != NULL) result = looper->UserById(id); return result; } void Server::AddUser(User* user, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); if (looper != NULL) looper->AddUser(user); } ChatMap Server::Conversations() const { ChatMap chats; for (int i = 0; i < fAccounts.CountItems(); i++) { ProtocolLooper* fruitLoop = fLoopers.ValueFor(fAccounts.ValueAt(i)); if (fruitLoop == NULL) continue; chats.AddList(fruitLoop->Conversations()); } return chats; } Conversation* Server::ConversationById(BString id, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); Conversation* result = NULL; if (looper != NULL) result = looper->ConversationById(id); return result; } void Server::AddConversation(Conversation* chat, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); if (looper != NULL) looper->AddConversation(chat); } CommandMap Server::Commands(int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); CommandMap cmds = fCommands; if (looper != NULL) cmds.AddList(looper->Commands()); return cmds; } ChatCommand* Server::CommandById(BString id, int64 instance) { ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(instance); ChatCommand* result = NULL; if (looper != NULL) result = looper->CommandById(id); if (result == NULL) result = fCommands.ValueFor(id); return result; } BObjectList Server::UserPopUpItems() { return fUserItems; } ProtocolLooper* Server::_LooperFromMessage(BMessage* message) { if (!message) return NULL; bigtime_t identifier; if (message->FindInt64("instance", &identifier) == B_OK) { bool found = false; ProtocolLooper* looper = fLoopers.ValueFor(identifier, &found); if (found) return looper; } return NULL; } Contact* Server::_EnsureContact(BMessage* message) { BString id = message->FindString("user_id"); ProtocolLooper* looper = _LooperFromMessage(message); if (looper == NULL) return NULL; Contact* contact = looper->ContactById(id); if (contact == NULL && id.IsEmpty() == false && looper != NULL) { contact = new Contact(id, Looper()); contact->SetProtocolLooper(looper); looper->AddContact(contact); } return contact; } User* Server::_EnsureUser(BMessage* message) { BString id = message->FindString("user_id"); return _EnsureUser(id, _LooperFromMessage(message)); } User* Server::_EnsureUser(BString id, ProtocolLooper* protoLooper) { User* user = protoLooper->UserById(id); if (user == NULL && id.IsEmpty() == false) { user = new User(id, Looper()); user->SetProtocolLooper(protoLooper); protoLooper->AddUser(user); } return user; } Conversation* Server::_EnsureConversation(BMessage* message) { ProtocolLooper* looper; if (!message || (looper = _LooperFromMessage(message)) == NULL) return NULL; BString chat_id = message->GetString("chat_id", ""); Conversation* item = NULL; if (chat_id.IsEmpty() == false) { item = looper->ConversationById(chat_id); if (item == NULL) { item = new Conversation(chat_id, Looper()); item->SetProtocolLooper(looper); if (looper->GetOwnContact() != NULL) item->AddUser(looper->GetOwnContact()); looper->AddConversation(item); BMessage meta(IM_MESSAGE); meta.AddInt32("im_what", IM_GET_ROOM_METADATA); meta.AddString("chat_id", chat_id); BMessage users(IM_MESSAGE); users.AddInt32("im_what", IM_GET_ROOM_PARTICIPANTS); users.AddString("chat_id", chat_id); looper->MessageReceived(&meta); looper->MessageReceived(&users); } } return item; } void Server::_ProtocolNotification(ProtocolLooper* looper, BString title, BString desc, notification_type type) { if (looper == NULL || title.IsEmpty() == true) return; BString account = looper->Protocol()->GetName(); title.ReplaceAll("%user%", account); desc.ReplaceAll("%user%", account); _SendNotification(title, desc, account, looper->Protocol()->Icon(), type); } void Server::_SendNotification(BString title, BString content, BString id, BBitmap* icon, notification_type type) { BNotification notification(type); notification.SetGroup(BString(APP_NAME)); notification.SetTitle(title); if (content.IsEmpty() == false) notification.SetContent(content); if (id.IsEmpty() == false) notification.SetMessageID(id); if (icon != NULL) notification.SetIcon(icon); notification.Send(); }