/* * Copyright 2009-2011, Andrea Anzani. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Andrea Anzani, andrea.anzani@gmail.com */ #include "ConversationView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CayaMessages.h" #include "CayaPreferences.h" #include "CayaProtocolMessages.h" #include "CayaRenderView.h" #include "Conversation.h" #include "NotifyMessage.h" #include "User.h" #include "UserItem.h" #include "UserListView.h" ConversationView::ConversationView() : BGroupView("chatView", B_VERTICAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING), fMessageQueue() { fMessageCount = 0; _InitInterface(); } ConversationView::ConversationView(Conversation* chat) : ConversationView() { SetConversation(chat); } bool ConversationView::QuitRequested() { BMessage msg(CAYA_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW); msg.AddString("chat_id", fConversation->GetId()); fConversation->Messenger().SendMessage(&msg); return false; } void ConversationView::AttachedToWindow() { while (fMessageQueue.IsEmpty() == false) { BMessage* msg = fMessageQueue.RemoveItemAt(0); ImMessage(msg); } } void ConversationView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case CAYA_CHAT: { BString text = message->FindString("body"); if (text == "") return; BMessage msg(IM_MESSAGE); msg.AddInt32("im_what", IM_SEND_MESSAGE); msg.AddString("chat_id", fConversation->GetId()); msg.AddString("body", text); fConversation->ImMessage(&msg); break; } case IM_MESSAGE: ImMessage(message); break; default: BGroupView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void ConversationView::ImMessage(BMessage* msg) { int32 im_what = msg->FindInt32("im_what"); switch (im_what) { case IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: { BString message = msg->FindString("body"); BString id = msg->FindString("user_id"); User* sender = fConversation->UserById(id); BString uname = sender->GetName(); // Send a notification, if it's appropriate if ((Window() == NULL || Window()->IsActive() == false) && (!CayaPreferences::Item()->NotifyNewMessage)) { fMessageCount++; BString notify_message; notify_message << "You've got "; notify_message << fMessageCount; if (fMessageCount==1) notify_message << " new message from "; else notify_message << " new messages from "; notify_message << uname; BNotification notification(B_INFORMATION_NOTIFICATION); notification.SetGroup(BString("Caya")); notification.SetTitle(BString("New message")); notification.SetIcon(sender->AvatarBitmap()); notification.SetContent(notify_message); notification.SetMessageID(uname); notification.Send(); // Check if the user want the notification if (!CayaPreferences::Item()->NotifyNewMessage) break; } _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(msg); // Message received, clear status anyway // fStatus->SetText(""); break; } case IM_MESSAGE_SENT: case IM_LOGS_RECEIVED: { _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(msg); break; } case IM_CONTACT_STARTED_TYPING: fStatus->SetText("Contact is typing..."); break; case IM_CONTACT_STOPPED_TYPING: fStatus->SetText(""); break; case IM_CONTACT_GONE: fStatus->SetText("Contact closed the chat window!"); snooze(10000); fStatus->SetText(""); break; default: break; } } Conversation* ConversationView::GetConversation() { return fConversation; } void ConversationView::SetConversation(Conversation* chat) { fConversation = chat; fContact = chat->Users().ValueAt(0); fPersonalMessage->SetText(chat->GetName()); } void ConversationView::UpdateAvatar() { if (fContact->AvatarBitmap() != NULL) fAvatar->SetBitmap(fContact->AvatarBitmap()); } void ConversationView::UpdatePersonalMessage() { if (fContact->GetNotifyPersonalStatus() != NULL) fPersonalMessage->SetText(fContact->GetNotifyPersonalStatus()); } void ConversationView::UpdateUserList(UserMap users) { fUserList->MakeEmpty(); for (int i = 0; i < users.CountItems(); i++) { User* user = users.ValueAt(i); if (fUserList->HasItem(user->GetListItem()) == false) fUserList->AddItem(user->GetListItem()); } } void ConversationView::ObserveString(int32 what, BString str) { // switch (what) { // case STR_CONTACT_NAME: // if (Lock()) { // SetTitle(str); // Unlock(); // } // break; // case STR_PERSONAL_STATUS: // break; // } } void ConversationView::ObservePointer(int32 what, void* ptr) { // switch (what) { // case PTR_AVATAR_BITMAP: // break; // } } void ConversationView::ObserveInteger(int32 what, int32 val) { switch (what) { case INT_CONTACT_STATUS: if (fUserList->CountItems() <= 2) AppendStatus((CayaStatus)val); break; } } void ConversationView::AppendStatus(CayaStatus status) { BString message(fContact->GetName()); switch (status) { case CAYA_ONLINE: message << " is available"; break; case CAYA_AWAY: message << " is away"; break; case CAYA_DO_NOT_DISTURB: message << " is busy, please do not disturb!"; break; case CAYA_CUSTOM_STATUS: message << " has set a custom status."; break; case CAYA_INVISIBLE: message << " is invisible."; break; case CAYA_OFFLINE: message << " is offline"; break; default: break; } fReceiveView->Append(message.String(), COL_TEXT, COL_TEXT, R_TEXT); fReceiveView->Append("\n", COL_TEXT, COL_TEXT, R_TEXT); fReceiveView->ScrollToSelection(); } void ConversationView::_InitInterface() { fReceiveView = new CayaRenderView("fReceiveView"); BScrollView* scrollViewReceive = new BScrollView("receiveScrollView", fReceiveView, B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fPersonalMessage = new BTextView("personalMessage", B_WILL_DRAW); fPersonalMessage->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); fPersonalMessage->SetText(""); fPersonalMessage->MakeEditable(false); fPersonalMessage->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fStatus = new BStringView("status", ""); fAvatar = new BitmapView("ContactIcon"); fAvatar->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(50, 50)); fAvatar->SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize(50, 50)); fAvatar->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); fProtocolView = new BitmapView("protocolView"); fUserList = new UserListView("userList"); BScrollView* scrollViewUsers = new BScrollView("userScrollView", fUserList, B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .Add(fProtocolView) .Add(fPersonalMessage) .Add(fAvatar) .End() .AddSplit(B_HORIZONTAL, 0) .Add(scrollViewReceive, 5) .Add(scrollViewUsers, 1) .End(); // .Add(fStatus, 4) } bool ConversationView::_AppendOrEnqueueMessage(BMessage* msg) { // If not attached to the chat window, then re-handle this message // later [AttachedToWindow()], since you can't edit an unattached // RenderView. if (Window() == NULL) { fMessageQueue.AddItem(new BMessage(*msg)); return false; } // Alright, we're good to append! _AppendMessage(msg); return true; } void ConversationView::_AppendMessage(BMessage* msg) { BString message = msg->FindString("body"); BString id = msg->FindString("user_id"); BString uname = ""; if (id.IsEmpty() == false) { User* sender = fConversation->UserById(id); if (sender == NULL || (uname = sender->GetName()) == NULL) uname = id; } if (msg->FindInt32("im_what") == IM_MESSAGE_SENT) fReceiveView->AppendOwnMessage(message.String()); else if (uname.IsEmpty() == false) fReceiveView->AppendOtherMessage(uname.String(), message.String()); else { BStringList bodies; if (msg->FindStrings("body", &bodies) != B_OK) return; for (int i = bodies.CountStrings(); i >= 0; i--) fReceiveView->AppendGenericMessage(bodies.StringAt(i).String()); } }