/* * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #include "RenderView.h" #include RenderView::RenderView(const char* name) : RunView(name), fLastDay(364), fLastYear(64) { } void RenderView::AppendMessage(const char* nick, const char* message, rgb_color nameColor, time_t time) { if (BString(message).IsEmpty() == true) return; AppendTimestamp(time); Append("<", nameColor); Append(nick); Append("> ", nameColor); Append(message); if (BString(message).EndsWith("\n") == false) Append("\n"); } void RenderView::AppendGeneric(const char* message) { if (BString(message).IsEmpty() == true) return; AppendTimestamp(time(NULL)); Append(message, ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR), B_BOLD_FACE); if (BString(message).EndsWith("\n") == false) Append("\n"); } void RenderView::AppendTimestamp(time_t time) { tm* tm = localtime(&time); // If day changed, print date divider if (fLastDay < tm->tm_yday || fLastYear < tm->tm_year) { char datestamp[11] = { '\0' }; strftime(datestamp, 10, "%Y-%m-%d", tm); BString stamp("――― %date% ―――\n"); stamp.ReplaceAll("%date%", datestamp); Append(stamp.String(), ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR), B_ITALIC_FACE); fLastDay = tm->tm_yday; fLastYear = tm->tm_year; } if (time == 0) { Append("[xx:xx] ", ui_color(B_LINK_HOVER_COLOR)); return; } char timestamp[9] = { '\0' }; strftime(timestamp, 8, "[%H:%M] ", tm); Append(timestamp, ui_color(B_LINK_HOVER_COLOR)); }