/* * Copyright 2009-2011, Andrea Anzani. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2009-2011, Pier Luigi Fiorini. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Andrea Anzani, andrea.anzani@gmail.com * Pier Luigi Fiorini, pierluigi.fiorini@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AccountManager.h" #include "CayaMessages.h" #include "CayaPreferences.h" #include "CayaProtocolMessages.h" #include "ConversationItem.h" #include "ConversationListView.h" #include "ConversationView.h" #include "EditingFilter.h" #include "JoinWindow.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "NotifyMessage.h" #include "PreferencesWindow.h" #include "ReplicantStatusView.h" #include "RosterWindow.h" #include "Server.h" #include "StatusView.h" const uint32 kLogin = 'LOGI'; MainWindow::MainWindow() : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 600, 400), "Caya", B_TITLED_WINDOW, 0), fWorkspaceChanged(false), fConversation(NULL), fRosterWindow(NULL) { _InitInterface(); // Filter messages using Server fServer = new Server(); AddFilter(fServer); // Also through the editing filter (enter to send) AddCommonFilter(new EditingFilter(fSendView)); fSendView->MakeFocus(true); CenterOnScreen(); //TODO check for errors here ReplicantStatusView::InstallReplicant(); } void MainWindow::Start() { // Login all accounts fServer->LoginAll(); } bool MainWindow::QuitRequested() { int32 button_index = 0; if(!CayaPreferences::Item()->DisableQuitConfirm) { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Closing", "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Yes", "No", NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_OFFSET_SPACING, B_WARNING_ALERT); alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); button_index = alert->Go(); } if(button_index == 0) { fServer->Quit(); CayaPreferences::Get()->Save(); ReplicantStatusView::RemoveReplicant(); be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); return true; } else { return false; } } void MainWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case CAYA_SHOW_SETTINGS: { PreferencesWindow* win = new PreferencesWindow(); win->Show(); break; } case CAYA_NEW_CHAT: { BMessage* newMsg = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); newMsg->AddInt32("im_what", IM_CREATE_CHAT); fRosterWindow = new RosterWindow("Invite contact to chat" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, newMsg, new BMessenger(this), fServer); fRosterWindow->Show(); break; } case CAYA_JOIN_CHAT: { JoinWindow* win = new JoinWindow(new BMessenger(this), fServer->GetAccounts()); win->Show(); break; } case CAYA_SEND_INVITE: { if (fConversation == NULL) break; BString chat_id = fConversation->GetId(); BMessage* invite = new BMessage(IM_MESSAGE); invite->AddInt32("im_what", IM_ROOM_SEND_INVITE); invite->AddString("chat_id", chat_id); BLooper* looper = (BLooper*)fConversation->GetProtocolLooper(); fRosterWindow = new RosterWindow("Invite contact to chat" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, invite, new BMessenger(looper), fServer); fRosterWindow->Show(); break; } case CAYA_MOVE_UP: { if (fConversation == NULL) break; int32 index = fListView->IndexOf(fConversation->GetListItem()); if (index > 0) fListView->Select(index - 1); break; } case CAYA_MOVE_DOWN: { if (fConversation == NULL) break; int32 index = fListView->IndexOf(fConversation->GetListItem()); int32 count = fListView->CountItems(); if (index < (count - 1)) fListView->Select(index + 1); break; } case CAYA_REPLICANT_STATUS_SET: { int32 status; message->FindInt32("status", &status); AccountManager* accountManager = AccountManager::Get(); accountManager->SetStatus((CayaStatus)status); break; } case CAYA_REPLICANT_SHOW_WINDOW: { if (LockLooper()) { SetWorkspaces(B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE); if ((IsMinimized() || IsHidden()) || fWorkspaceChanged) { Minimize(false); Show(); fWorkspaceChanged = false; } else if ((!IsMinimized() || !IsHidden()) || (!fWorkspaceChanged)) { Minimize(true); } UnlockLooper(); } break; } case CAYA_CHAT: { message->AddString("body", fSendView->Text()); fChatView->MessageReceived(message); fSendView->SetText(""); break; } case IM_MESSAGE: ImMessage(message); break; case IM_ERROR: ImError(message); break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: be_app->PostMessage(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); } } void MainWindow::ImMessage(BMessage* msg) { int32 im_what = msg->FindInt32("im_what"); switch (im_what) { case IM_OWN_CONTACT_INFO: fStatusView->SetName(msg->FindString("name")); break; case IM_OWN_AVATAR_SET: { entry_ref ref; if (msg->FindRef("ref", &ref) == B_OK) { BBitmap* bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&ref); fStatusView->SetAvatarIcon(bitmap); } break; } case IM_ROOM_JOINED: case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANTS: case IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: case IM_MESSAGE_SENT: case IM_CHAT_CREATED: { _EnsureConversationItem(msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_LEFT: { ConversationItem* item = _EnsureConversationItem(msg); if (item == NULL) break; _RemoveListItem(item); item->GetConversation()->GetView()->MessageReceived(msg); break; } case IM_AVATAR_SET: case IM_CONTACT_INFO: case IM_EXTENDED_CONTACT_INFO: case IM_STATUS_SET: fRosterWindow->PostMessage(msg); break; } } void MainWindow::ImError(BMessage* msg) { const char* error = NULL; const char* detail = msg->FindString("detail"); if (msg->FindString("error", &error) != B_OK) return; // Format error message BString errMsg(error); if (detail) errMsg << "\n" << detail; BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Error", errMsg.String(), "OK", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->Go(); } void MainWindow::ObserveInteger(int32 what, int32 val) { switch (what) { case INT_ACCOUNT_STATUS: fStatusView->SetStatus((CayaStatus)val); break; } } void MainWindow::WorkspaceActivated(int32 workspace, bool active) { if (active) fWorkspaceChanged = false; else fWorkspaceChanged = true; } void MainWindow::SetConversation(Conversation* chat) { // Save current size of chat and textbox float weightChat = fRightView->ItemWeight(0); float weightSend = fRightView->ItemWeight(1); fRightView->RemoveChild(fRightView->FindView("chatView")); fRightView->RemoveChild(fRightView->FindView("fSendScroll")); if (chat != NULL) { fChatView = chat->GetView(); fConversation = chat; BString title(chat->GetName()); title << " ― Caya"; SetTitle(title.String()); } else SetTitle("Caya"); fRightView->AddChild(fChatView, 9); fRightView->AddChild(fSendScroll, 1); // Apply saved chat and textbox size to new views if (weightChat * weightSend != 0) { fRightView->SetItemWeight(0, weightChat, true); fRightView->SetItemWeight(1, weightSend, true); } } void MainWindow::_InitInterface() { // Left side of window, Roomlist + Status fListView = new ConversationListView("roomList"); fStatusView = new StatusView("statusView"); // Right-side of window, Chat + Textbox fRightView = new BSplitView(B_VERTICAL, 0); fChatView = new ConversationView(); fSendView = new BTextView("fSendView"); fSendScroll = new BScrollView("fSendScroll", fSendView, B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fSendView->SetWordWrap(true); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .Add(_CreateMenuBar()) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .SetInsets(5, 5, 0, 10) .AddSplit(B_HORIZONTAL, 0) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL) .Add(fListView, 1) .Add(fStatusView) .End() .Add(fRightView, 5) .End() .End() .End(); SetConversation(NULL); } BMenuBar* MainWindow::_CreateMenuBar() { BMenuBar* menuBar = new BMenuBar("MenuBar"); // Program BMenu* programMenu = new BMenu("Program"); programMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("About" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); programMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Preferences" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(CAYA_SHOW_SETTINGS), ',', B_COMMAND_KEY)); programMenu->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem()); programMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q', B_COMMAND_KEY)); programMenu->SetTargetForItems(this); // Chat BMenu* chatMenu = new BMenu("Chat"); BMenuItem* invite = new BMenuItem("Invite user" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(CAYA_SEND_INVITE), 'I', B_COMMAND_KEY); BMenuItem* newRoom = new BMenuItem("New room" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(), 'N', B_COMMAND_KEY); newRoom->SetEnabled(false); chatMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Join room" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(CAYA_JOIN_CHAT), 'J', B_COMMAND_KEY)); chatMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); chatMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("New chat" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(CAYA_NEW_CHAT), 'M', B_COMMAND_KEY)); chatMenu->AddItem(newRoom); chatMenu->AddSeparatorItem(); chatMenu->AddItem(invite); chatMenu->SetTargetForItems(this); // Window BMenu* windowMenu = new BMenu("Window"); windowMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Up", new BMessage(CAYA_MOVE_UP), B_UP_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY)); windowMenu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Down", new BMessage(CAYA_MOVE_DOWN), B_DOWN_ARROW, B_COMMAND_KEY)); windowMenu->SetTargetForItems(this); menuBar->AddItem(programMenu); menuBar->AddItem(chatMenu); menuBar->AddItem(windowMenu); return menuBar; } ConversationItem* MainWindow::_EnsureConversationItem(BMessage* msg) { ChatMap chats = fServer->Conversations(); BString chat_id = msg->FindString("chat_id"); Conversation* chat = fServer->ConversationById(chat_id, msg->FindInt64("instance")); if (chat != NULL) { ConversationItem* item = chat->GetListItem(); if (fListView->HasItem(item)) { _UpdateListItem(item); } else if (item != NULL) { fListView->AddItem(item); } if (fListView->CountItems() == 1) fListView->Select(0); return item; } return NULL; } void MainWindow::_UpdateListItem(ConversationItem* item) { if (fListView->HasItem(item) == true) fListView->InvalidateItem(fListView->IndexOf(item)); else fListView->AddItem(item); } void MainWindow::_RemoveListItem(ConversationItem* item) { int32 index = fListView->IndexOf(item); if (index > 0) index--; fListView->RemoveItem(item); Conversation* chat = item->GetConversation(); ProtocolLooper* looper = chat->GetProtocolLooper(); if (chat != NULL && looper != NULL) looper->RemoveConversation(chat); if (fListView->CountItems() == 0) { fChatView = new ConversationView(); SetConversation(NULL); } else fListView->Select(index); }