/* * Copyright 2009-2010, Pier Luigi Fiorini. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Pier Luigi Fiorini, pierluigi.fiorini@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AccountDialog.h" #include "ProtocolSettings.h" #include "TemplateView.h" const uint32 kCancel = 'canc'; const uint32 kOK = 'save'; AccountDialog::AccountDialog(const char* title, ProtocolSettings* settings, const char* account) : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), title, B_MODAL_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE), fSettings(settings), fAccount(account), fTarget(NULL) { fAccountName = new BTextControl("accountName", "Account name:", NULL, NULL); fAccountName->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(300, B_SIZE_UNSET)); fAccountName->SetFont(be_bold_font); fAccountName->SetText(fAccount.String()); Divider* divider = new Divider("divider", B_WILL_DRAW); fTop = new TemplateView("top"); if (fAccount.Length() > 0) fSettings->Load(fAccount.String(), fTop); else fSettings->Load(NULL, fTop); BButton* cancel = new BButton("Cancel", new BMessage(kCancel)); BButton* ok = new BButton("OK", new BMessage(kOK)); const float spacing = be_control_look->DefaultItemSpacing(); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .Add(fAccountName) .Add(divider) .Add(fTop) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, spacing) .AddGlue() .Add(cancel) .Add(ok) .End() .AddGlue() .SetInsets(spacing, spacing, spacing, 0); fAccountName->MakeFocus(true); CenterOnScreen(); } void AccountDialog::SetTarget(BHandler* target) { fTarget = target; } void AccountDialog::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case kOK: { // Are we renaming or adding? bool renaming = ((fAccount.Length() > 0) && (fAccount != fAccountName->Text())); bool adding = fAccount.Length() == 0; // Rename account settings if (renaming) { if (fSettings->Rename(fAccount.String(), fAccountName->Text()) != B_OK) { BString text("An error is occurred renaming the account "); text << fAccount << " to " << fAccountName->Text() << "!"; BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", text.String(), "OK", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->Go(); return; } } // Save account settings if (fSettings->Save(fAccountName->Text(), fTop) == B_OK) { if (fTarget && (adding || renaming)) { BMessage* saveMsg = new BMessage(renaming ? kAccountRenamed : kAccountAdded); saveMsg->AddPointer("settings", fSettings); if (renaming) { saveMsg->AddString("from", fAccount.String()); saveMsg->AddString("to", fAccountName->Text()); } else saveMsg->AddString("account", fAccountName->Text()); BMessenger(fTarget).SendMessage(saveMsg); } Close(); } else { BAlert* alert = new BAlert("", "An error is occurred saving the settings.\n" "Check if your disk has enough space.", "OK", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_STOP_ALERT); alert->Go(); Close(); } break; } case kCancel: Close(); break; case kChanged: break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } }