/* * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. */ #include "RunView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include const uint32 kSearchDdg = 'RVse'; const uint32 kSearchDict = 'RVdc'; RunView::RunView(const char* name) : BTextView(name), fLastStyled(false), fUrlCursor(new BCursor(B_CURSOR_ID_FOLLOW_LINK)), fMouseDown(false), fSelecting(false) { MakeEditable(false); SetStylable(true); AdoptSystemColors(); SetViewCursor(B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); text_run run = { 0, BFont(), ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR) }; fDefaultRun = { 1, {run} }; BFont urlFont; urlFont.SetFace(B_REGULAR_FACE | B_UNDERSCORE_FACE); text_run urlRun = { 0, urlFont, ui_color(B_LINK_TEXT_COLOR) }; fUrlRun = { 1, {urlRun} }; } void RunView::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case kSearchDdg: case kSearchDict: { int32 start = 0; int32 end = 0; GetSelection(&start, &end); if (start == end) break; char* buffer = new char[end - start]; GetText(start, end - start, buffer); // Build query BString query; if (msg->what == kSearchDict) query = "https://%lang%.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=%q%"; else query = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%q%"; BLanguage lang; if (BLocale().GetLanguage(&lang) == B_OK) query.ReplaceAll("%lang%", lang.Code()); else query.ReplaceAll("%lang", "eo"); query.ReplaceAll("%q%", BUrl::UrlEncode(BString(buffer))); // Send query BUrl url(query.String()); if (url.IsValid()) url.OpenWithPreferredApplication(true); break; } default: BTextView::MessageReceived(msg); } } void RunView::Insert(const char* text, const text_run_array* runs) { BString buf(text); int32 specStart = 0; int32 specEnd = 0; int32 lastEnd = 0; int32 length = buf.CountChars(); while (_FindUrlString(buf, &specStart, &specEnd, lastEnd) == true) { if (lastEnd < specStart) { BString normie; buf.CopyCharsInto(normie, lastEnd, specStart - lastEnd); BTextView::Insert(TextLength(), normie.String(), normie.Length(), runs); } BString special; buf.CopyCharsInto(special, specStart, specEnd - specStart); BTextView::Insert(TextLength(), special.String(), special.Length(), &fUrlRun); lastEnd = specEnd; } if (lastEnd < length) { BString remaining; buf.CopyCharsInto(remaining, lastEnd, length - lastEnd); BTextView::Insert(TextLength(), remaining.String(), remaining.Length(), runs); } } void RunView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { uint32 buttons = 0; Window()->CurrentMessage()->FindInt32("buttons", (int32*)&buttons); if (buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) _RightClickPopUp(where)->Go(ConvertToScreen(where), true, false); else BTextView::MouseDown(where); if ((buttons & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) && OverUrl(where)) { fMouseDown = true; BUrl url(WordAt(where)); if (url.IsValid() == true) { fLastClicked = url; } } } void RunView::MouseUp(BPoint where) { BTextView::MouseUp(where); if (fMouseDown && fSelecting == false && fLastClicked.IsValid() == true) { fLastClicked.OpenWithPreferredApplication(true); fLastClicked = BUrl(); } fMouseDown = false; fSelecting = false; } void RunView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* drag) { if (fSelecting == true) return; if (code == B_INSIDE_VIEW) if (OverUrl(where) == true) SetViewCursor(fUrlCursor); else SetViewCursor(B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); } void RunView::Select(int32 startOffset, int32 endOffset) { BTextView::Select(startOffset, endOffset); if (startOffset < endOffset) { fSelecting = true; } } void RunView::Append(const char* text, rgb_color color, uint16 fontFace) { BFont font; font.SetFace(fontFace); text_run run = { 0, font, color }; text_run_array array = { 1, {run} }; Insert(text, &array); fLastStyled = true; } void RunView::Append(const char* text) { if (fLastStyled == false) Insert(text); else Insert(text, &fDefaultRun); fLastStyled = false; } BString RunView::WordAt(BPoint point) { int32 start = 0; int32 end = 0; BString word; FindWordAround(OffsetAt(point), &start, &end, &word); return word; } void RunView::FindWordAround(int32 offset, int32* start, int32* end, BString* _word) { int32 lineOffset = OffsetAt(LineAt(offset)); const char* lineBuff = GetLine(LineAt(offset)); BString line(lineBuff); delete lineBuff; int32 wordStart = line.FindLast(" ", offset - lineOffset) + 1; int32 wordEnd = line.FindFirst(" ", offset - lineOffset); if (wordStart == B_ERROR) wordStart = 0; if (wordEnd == B_ERROR) wordEnd = line.CountChars(); *start = lineOffset + wordStart; *end = lineOffset + wordEnd; if (_word != NULL) line.CopyCharsInto(*_word, wordStart, wordEnd - wordStart); } const char* RunView::GetLine(int32 line) { int32 length = 0; int32 startOffset = OffsetAt(line); int32 maxLength = TextLength() - startOffset; while (length < maxLength && ByteAt(startOffset + length) != '\n') length++; char* buffer = new char[length]; GetText(startOffset, length, buffer); return buffer; } bool RunView::OverText(BPoint where) { int32 offset = OffsetAt(where); BPoint point = PointAt(offset); if (point.x + 10 < where.x) return false; return true; } bool RunView::OverUrl(BPoint where) { if (OverText(where) == false) return false; int32 offset = OffsetAt(where); text_run_array* rArray = RunArray(offset, offset + 1); text_run run = rArray->runs[0]; text_run urlRun = fUrlRun.runs[0]; text_run urlHover = fUrlHoverRun.runs[0]; text_run urlVisit = fUrlVisitedRun.runs[0]; if (run.font.Face() == urlRun.font.Face() && (run.color == urlRun.color || run.color == urlHover.color || run.color == urlVisit.color)) return true; return false; } void RunView::ScrollToBottom() { ScrollToOffset(TextLength()); } BPopUpMenu* RunView::_RightClickPopUp(BPoint where) { BPopUpMenu* menu = new BPopUpMenu("rightClickPopUp"); BMenuItem* ddgSearch = new BMenuItem("Search" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kSearchDdg)); BMenuItem* dictSearch = new BMenuItem("Dictionary" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(kSearchDict)); BMenuItem* copy = new BMenuItem("Copy", new BMessage(B_COPY), 'C', B_COMMAND_KEY); BMenuItem* selectAll = new BMenuItem("Select all", new BMessage(B_SELECT_ALL), 'A', B_COMMAND_KEY); // Try and ensure we have something selected int32 start = 0; int32 end = 0; GetSelection(&start, &end); if (start == end && OverText(where) == true) { start = 0; end = 0; FindWordAround(OffsetAt(where), &start, &end); Select(start, end); } copy->SetEnabled(start < end); dictSearch->SetEnabled(start < end); ddgSearch->SetEnabled(start < end); menu->AddItem(ddgSearch); menu->AddItem(dictSearch); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(copy); menu->AddItem(selectAll); menu->SetTargetForItems(this); return menu; } bool RunView::_FindUrlString(BString text, int32* start, int32* end, int32 offset) { int32 urlOffset = text.FindFirst("://", offset); int32 urlStart = text.FindLast(" ", urlOffset) + 1; int32 urlEnd = text.FindFirst(" ", urlOffset); if (urlStart == B_ERROR) urlStart = 0; if (urlEnd == B_ERROR) urlEnd = text.CountChars(); if (urlOffset != B_ERROR) { *start = urlStart; *end = urlEnd; return true; } return false; }