/* * Copyright 2009-2011, Andrea Anzani. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Andrea Anzani, andrea.anzani@gmail.com * Jaidyn Levesque, jadedctrl@teknik.io */ #include "ConversationView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AppMessages.h" #include "AppPreferences.h" #include "ChatProtocolMessages.h" #include "Conversation.h" #include "NotifyMessage.h" #include "ProtocolManager.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "SendTextView.h" #include "User.h" #include "UserListView.h" #include "Utils.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ConversationView" ConversationView::ConversationView(Conversation* chat) : BGroupView("chatView", B_VERTICAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING), fMessageQueue(), fConversation(chat) { _InitInterface(); if (chat != NULL) { SetConversation(chat); fUserList->SetConversation(chat); } else _FakeChat(); } void ConversationView::AttachedToWindow() { while (fMessageQueue.IsEmpty() == false) { BMessage* msg = fMessageQueue.RemoveItemAt(0); MessageReceived(msg); } if (fConversation != NULL) { if (fNameTextView->Text() != fConversation->GetName()) fNameTextView->SetText(fConversation->GetName()); if (fSubjectTextView->Text() != fConversation->GetSubject()) fSubjectTextView->SetText(fConversation->GetSubject()); } NotifyInteger(INT_WINDOW_FOCUSED, 0); fSendView->MakeFocus(true); fSendView->Invalidate(); } void ConversationView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case APP_CHAT: { BString text = fSendView->Text(); if (fConversation == NULL || text == "") return; int64 instance = fConversation->GetProtocolLooper()->GetInstance(); BMessage msg(IM_MESSAGE); msg.AddInt32("im_what", IM_SEND_MESSAGE); msg.AddInt64("instance", instance); msg.AddString("chat_id", fConversation->GetId()); msg.AddString("body", text); fConversation->ImMessage(&msg); fSendView->SetText(""); fSendView->ScrollToOffset(0); break; } case kClearText: _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(message); break; case IM_MESSAGE: ImMessage(message); break; default: BGroupView::MessageReceived(message); break; } } void ConversationView::ImMessage(BMessage* msg) { int32 im_what = msg->FindInt32("im_what"); switch (im_what) { case IM_ROOM_LEFT: { delete fConversation; delete this; break; } case IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: { _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(msg); fReceiveView->ScrollToBottom(); break; } case IM_MESSAGE_SENT: case IM_LOGS_RECEIVED: { _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(msg); if (im_what == IM_MESSAGE_SENT) fReceiveView->ScrollToBottom(); break; } case IM_ROOM_JOINED: { BMessage msg; msg.AddString("body", B_TRANSLATE("** You joined the room.\n")); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&msg); fReceiveView->ScrollToBottom(); } case IM_ROOM_CREATED: { BMessage msg; msg.AddString("body", B_TRANSLATE("** You created the room.\n")); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&msg); fReceiveView->ScrollToBottom(); } case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_JOINED: { _UserMessage(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has joined the room.\n"), B_TRANSLATE("%user% has joined the room (%body%).\n"), msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_LEFT: { _UserMessage(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has left the room.\n"), B_TRANSLATE("%user% has left the room (%body%).\n"), msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_KICKED: { _UserMessage(B_TRANSLATE("%user% was kicked.\n"), B_TRANSLATE("%user% was kicked (%body%).\n"),msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_PARTICIPANT_BANNED: { _UserMessage(B_TRANSLATE("%user% has been banned.\n"), B_TRANSLATE("%user% has been banned (%body%).\n"), msg); break; } case IM_ROOM_ROLECHANGED: { BString user_id = msg->FindString("user_id"); if (user_id == fConversation->GetOwnContact()->GetId()) { Role* role = fConversation->GetRole(user_id); if (role == NULL) break; int32 perms = role->fPerms; fNameTextView->MakeEditable(perms & PERM_ROOM_NAME); fSubjectTextView->MakeEditable(perms & PERM_ROOM_SUBJECT); } break; } case IM_SET_ROOM_NAME: case IM_SET_ROOM_SUBJECT: { if (fConversation == NULL) return; fConversation->GetProtocolLooper()->MessageReceived(msg); // Reset to current values; if the change went through, it'll // come back. fNameTextView->SetText(fConversation->GetName()); fSubjectTextView->SetText(fConversation->GetSubject()); break; } default: break; } } Conversation* ConversationView::GetConversation() { return fConversation; } void ConversationView::SetConversation(Conversation* chat) { if (chat == NULL) return; fConversation = chat; BMessage name(IM_MESSAGE); name.AddInt32("im_what", IM_SET_ROOM_NAME); name.AddString("chat_id", chat->GetId()); fNameTextView->SetText(chat->GetName()); fNameTextView->SetMessage(name, "chat_name"); fNameTextView->SetTarget(this); BMessage subject(IM_MESSAGE); subject.AddInt32("im_what", IM_SET_ROOM_SUBJECT); subject.AddString("chat_id", chat->GetId()); fSubjectTextView->SetText(chat->GetSubject()); fSubjectTextView->SetMessage(subject, "subject"); fSubjectTextView->SetTarget(this); fProtocolView->SetBitmap(chat->ProtocolBitmap()); } void ConversationView::UpdateUserList(UserMap users) { fUserList->MakeEmpty(); for (int i = 0; i < users.CountItems(); i++) { User* user = users.ValueAt(i); if (fUserList->HasUser(user) == false) { fUserList->AddUser(user); fUserList->Sort(); } } } void ConversationView::InvalidateUserList() { for (int i = 0; i < fUserList->CountItems(); i++) fUserList->InvalidateItem(i); } void ConversationView::ObserveString(int32 what, BString str) { switch (what) { case STR_ROOM_NAME: { fNameTextView->SetText(str); break; } case STR_ROOM_SUBJECT: { fSubjectTextView->SetText(str); BString body = B_TRANSLATE("** The subject is now: %subject%"); body.ReplaceAll("%subject%", str); BMessage topic(IM_MESSAGE); topic.AddString("body", body); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&topic); break; } } } void ConversationView::ObservePointer(int32 what, void* ptr) { switch (what) { case PTR_ROOM_BITMAP: { if (ptr != NULL) fIcon->SetBitmap((BBitmap*)ptr); break; } } } void ConversationView::GetWeights(float* horizChat, float* horizList, float* vertChat, float* vertSend) { *horizChat = fHorizSplit->ItemWeight(0); *horizList = fHorizSplit->ItemWeight(1); *vertChat = fVertSplit->ItemWeight(0); *vertSend = fVertSplit->ItemWeight(1); } void ConversationView::SetWeights(float horizChat, float horizList, float vertChat, float vertSend) { fHorizSplit->SetItemWeight(0, horizChat, true); fHorizSplit->SetItemWeight(1, horizList, true); fVertSplit->SetItemWeight(0, vertChat, true); fVertSplit->SetItemWeight(1, vertSend, true); } void ConversationView::_InitInterface() { fReceiveView = new RenderView("receiveView"); BScrollView* scrollViewReceive = new BScrollView("receiveScrollView", fReceiveView, B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fSendView = new SendTextView("sendView", this); fNameTextView = new EnterTextView("roomName", be_bold_font, NULL, B_WILL_DRAW); fNameTextView->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); fNameTextView->SetStylable(true); fNameTextView->MakeEditable(false); fNameTextView->MakeResizable(true); fSubjectTextView = new EnterTextView("roomSubject"); fSubjectTextView->SetViewUIColor(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); fSubjectTextView->MakeEditable(false); fSubjectTextView->MakeResizable(true); fIcon = new BitmapView("ContactIcon"); fIcon->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(50, 50)); fIcon->SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize(50, 50)); fIcon->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); fIcon->SetSquare(true); fProtocolView = new BitmapView("protocolView"); fUserList = new UserListView("userList"); BScrollView* scrollViewUsers = new BScrollView("userScrollView", fUserList, B_WILL_DRAW, false, true); fHorizSplit = new BSplitView(B_HORIZONTAL, 0); fVertSplit = new BSplitView(B_VERTICAL, 0); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .Add(fIcon) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL) .Add(fNameTextView) .Add(fSubjectTextView) .End() .Add(fProtocolView) .End() .AddSplit(fHorizSplit, 0.0) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL) .AddSplit(fVertSplit, 8.0) .Add(scrollViewReceive, 20) .Add(fSendView, 1) .End() .End() .Add(scrollViewUsers, 1) .End() .End(); } bool ConversationView::_AppendOrEnqueueMessage(BMessage* msg) { if (msg->HasInt64("when") == false) msg->AddInt64("when", (int64)time(NULL)); // If not attached to the chat window, then re-handle this message // later [AttachedToWindow()], since you can't edit an unattached // RenderView. if (Window() == NULL) { // If contains multiple chat messages (e.g., IM_LOGS_RECEIVED), add all int32 i = -1; BMessage text; while (msg->FindMessage("message", i + 1, &text) == B_OK) { fMessageQueue.AddItem(new BMessage(text)); i++; } // Else, add the lonely, lonely, single-messaged one if (i == -1) fMessageQueue.AddItem(new BMessage(*msg)); return false; } // Alright, we're good to append! _AppendMessage(msg); return true; } void ConversationView::_AppendMessage(BMessage* msg) { // If ordered to clear buffer… well, I guess we can't refuse if (msg->what == kClearText) { fReceiveView->SetText(""); return; } // Otherwise, it's message time! int64 timeInt; BString user_id; BString user_name = msg->FindString("user_name"); BString body; rgb_color userColor = ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); if (msg->FindString("body", &body) != B_OK) return; if (msg->FindInt64("when", &timeInt) != B_OK) timeInt = (int64)time(NULL); if (msg->FindString("user_id", &user_id) == B_OK) { User* user = NULL; if (fConversation != NULL && (user = fConversation->UserById(user_id)) != NULL) { user_name = user->GetName(); userColor = user->fItemColor; } else if (user_name.IsEmpty() == true) user_name = user_id; } if (user_name.IsEmpty() == true) { fReceiveView->AppendGeneric(body); return; } if (body.StartsWith("/me ")) { BString meMsg = "** "; meMsg << user_name.String() << " "; meMsg << body.RemoveFirst("/me "); fReceiveView->AppendGeneric(meMsg.String()); return; } fReceiveView->AppendTimestamp(timeInt); fReceiveView->AppendUserstamp(user_name, userColor); // And here we append the body… uint16 face = 0; UInt16IntMap face_indices; rgb_color color = ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); int32 colorIndice = -1; int32 next = body.CountChars(); BFont font; for (int i = 0; i < body.CountChars(); i++) { _DisableEndingFaces(msg, i, &face, &face_indices); _EnableStartingFaces(msg, i, &face, &face_indices, &next); _EnableStartingColor(msg, i, &color, &colorIndice, &next); if (face == B_REGULAR_FACE) { font = BFont(); face = 0; } else if (face > 0) { font.SetFace(face); } if (colorIndice > 0 && colorIndice <= i) { color = ui_color(B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR); colorIndice == -1; } // If formatting doesn't change for a while, send text in bulk if ((next - i) > 1) { BString append; body.CopyCharsInto(append, i, next - i); fReceiveView->Append(append, color, &font); i = next - 1; next = body.CountChars(); } // Otherwise, send only current character else { int32 bytes; const char* curChar = body.CharAt(i, &bytes); char append[bytes]; for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) append[i] = curChar[i]; append[bytes] = '\0'; fReceiveView->Append(append, color, &font); } if (next < i) next = body.CountChars() - 1; } fReceiveView->Append("\n"); } void ConversationView::_EnableStartingFaces(BMessage* msg, int32 index, uint16* face, UInt16IntMap* indices, int32* next) { int32 face_start; int32 face_length; uint16 newFace; int32 i = 0; while (msg->FindInt32("face_start", i, &face_start) == B_OK) { // Change 'next' value for new fonts if (face_start > index && face_start < *next) *next = face_start; // Set face normally if (face_start == index) { if (msg->FindInt32("face_length", i, &face_length) != B_OK) continue; if (msg->FindUInt16("face", i, &newFace) != B_OK) continue; *face |= newFace; indices->AddItem(newFace, index + face_length); } i++; } // Change 'next' for ending old fonts for (int i = 0; i < indices->CountItems(); i++) { int faceEnd = indices->ValueAt(i); if (faceEnd > 0 && faceEnd > index && faceEnd < *next) *next = faceEnd; } } void ConversationView::_DisableEndingFaces(BMessage* msg, int32 index, uint16* face, UInt16IntMap* indices) { for (int32 i = 0; i < indices->CountItems(); i++) { uint16 key = indices->KeyAt(i); int32 value = indices->ValueAt(i); if (value <= index) { indices->RemoveItemAt(i); *face = *face & ~key; if (indices->CountItems() == 0) *face = B_REGULAR_FACE; } } } void ConversationView::_EnableStartingColor(BMessage* msg, int32 index, rgb_color* color, int32* indice, int32* next) { rgb_color newColor; int32 color_start, color_length, i = 0; while (msg->FindInt32("color_start", i, &color_start) == B_OK) { if (color_start > index && color_start < *next) *next = color_start - 1; if (color_start == index && msg->FindInt32("color_length", i, &color_length) == B_OK && msg->FindColor("color", i, &newColor) == B_OK) { *indice = color_length + index; *color = newColor; if (*indice > index && (*indice < *next || *next < index)) *next = *indice; break; } i++; } } void ConversationView::_UserMessage(const char* format, const char* bodyFormat, BMessage* msg) { BString user_id; BString user_name = msg->FindString("user_name"); BString body = msg->FindString("body"); if (msg->FindString("user_id", &user_id) != B_OK) return; if (user_name.IsEmpty() == true) user_name = user_id; BString newBody("** "); if (body.IsEmpty() == true) newBody << format; else { newBody << bodyFormat; newBody.ReplaceAll("%body%", body.String()); } newBody.ReplaceAll("%user%", user_name.String()); BMessage newMsg; newMsg.AddString("body", newBody); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&newMsg); fReceiveView->ScrollToBottom(); } #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "ConversationView ― Startup messages" void ConversationView::_FakeChat() { fNameTextView->SetText(B_TRANSLATE("Cardie setup")); fSubjectTextView->SetText(B_TRANSLATE("No accounts configured, no joy.")); BMessage obsv(IM_MESSAGE); obsv.AddInt32("im_what", IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); obsv.AddString("user_name", B_TRANSLATE("Master Foo")); obsv.AddString("body", B_TRANSLATE("It looks like you don't have any accounts enabled.")); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&obsv); BString body = B_TRANSLATE("Manage accounts through the %menu% menu to get started."); BString menu = B_TRANSLATE("Accounts"); int32 boldStart = body.FindFirst("%"); int32 boldLength = menu.CountChars(); body.ReplaceAll("%menu%", menu); BMessage add(IM_MESSAGE); add.AddInt32("im_what", IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); add.AddString("user_name", B_TRANSLATE("Master Foo")); add.AddString("body", body); add.AddInt32("face_start", boldStart); add.AddInt32("face_length", boldLength); add.AddUInt16("face", B_BOLD_FACE); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&add); body = B_TRANSLATE("Afterward, you can join a room or start a chat through the %menu% menu. :-)"); menu = B_TRANSLATE("Chat"); boldStart = body.FindFirst("%"); boldLength = menu.CountChars(); body.ReplaceAll("%menu%", menu); BMessage welcome(IM_MESSAGE); welcome.AddInt32("im_what", IM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED); welcome.AddString("user_name", B_TRANSLATE("Master Foo")); welcome.AddString("body", body); welcome.AddInt32("face_start", boldStart); welcome.AddInt32("face_length", boldLength); welcome.AddUInt16("face", B_BOLD_FACE); _AppendOrEnqueueMessage(&welcome); }