/* * Copyright 2010-2011, Pier Luigi Fiorini. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef _CAYA_MESSAGES_H #define _CAYA_MESSAGES_H //! Show settings window const uint32 CAYA_SHOW_SETTINGS = 'RPST'; //! Open chat window const uint32 CAYA_OPEN_CHAT_WINDOW = 'CYow'; //! Close chat window const uint32 CAYA_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW = 'CYcw'; //! Chat messages const uint32 CAYA_CHAT = 'CYch'; //! Create a new chat const uint32 CAYA_NEW_CHAT = 'CYnc'; //! Create a new chat const uint32 CAYA_NEW_ROOM = 'CYnr'; //! Join a chat const uint32 CAYA_JOIN_ROOM = 'CYjr'; //! Invite user to current chat const uint32 CAYA_SEND_INVITE = 'CYin'; //! Send replicant's messenger to Caya const uint32 CAYA_REPLICANT_MESSENGER = 'RPme'; //! Status notification from the replicant const uint32 CAYA_REPLICANT_STATUS_SET = 'RPMS'; //! Exit notification from replicant const uint32 CAYA_REPLICANT_EXIT = 'RPEX'; //! Show main window replicant notification const uint32 CAYA_REPLICANT_SHOW_WINDOW = 'CYSW'; //! Select the upward conversation const uint32 CAYA_MOVE_UP = 'CYmu'; //! Select the downward conversation const uint32 CAYA_MOVE_DOWN = 'CYmd'; //! Disable a given account const uint32 CAYA_DISABLE_ACCOUNT = 'CYda'; //! Request a "help" message const uint32 CAYA_REQUEST_HELP = 'CYhm'; //! Display a "user info" window const uint32 CAYA_USER_INFO = 'CYuw'; #endif // _CAYA_MESSAGES_H