/* * Copyright 2009-2010, Pier Luigi Fiorini. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2003-2009, IM Kit Team. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Michael Davidson, slaad@bong.com.au * Pier Luigi Fiorini, pierluigi.fiorini@gmail.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CayaProtocol.h" #include "CayaResources.h" #include "ProtocolManager.h" #include "ProtocolSettings.h" #define _T(str) (str) const float kDividerWidth = 1.0f; ProtocolSettings::ProtocolSettings(CayaProtocol* cayap) : fProtocol(cayap), fTemplate(new BMessage()) { _Init(); } ProtocolSettings::~ProtocolSettings() { delete fTemplate; } status_t ProtocolSettings::InitCheck() const { return fStatus; } CayaProtocol* ProtocolSettings::Protocol() const { return fProtocol; } List ProtocolSettings::Accounts() const { List list; BPath path; if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path) != B_OK) return list; path.Append("Caya/Protocols"); path.Append(fProtocol->GetSignature()); if (create_directory(path.Path(), 0755) != B_OK) return list; BDirectory dir(path.Path()); BEntry entry; while (dir.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { BFile file(&entry, B_READ_ONLY); BMessage msg; if (msg.Unflatten(&file) == B_OK) { char buffer[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; if (entry.GetName(buffer) == B_OK) list.AddItem(BString(buffer)); } } return list; } status_t ProtocolSettings::LoadTemplate(BView* parent) { return Load(NULL, parent); } status_t ProtocolSettings::Load(const char* account, BView* parent) { if (!parent) debugger("Couldn't build protocol's settings GUI on a NULL parent!"); BMessage* settings = NULL; if (account) { status_t ret = _Load(account, &settings); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } BMessage curr; float inset = ceilf(be_plain_font->Size() * 0.7f); // Setup layout parent->SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL)); BGroupLayoutBuilder layout(B_VERTICAL, inset); for (int32 i = 0; fTemplate->FindMessage("setting", i, &curr) == B_OK; i++) { char temp[512]; // Get stuff from settings template const char* name = curr.FindString("name"); const char* desc = curr.FindString("description"); const char* value = NULL; int32 type = -1; bool secret = false; bool freeText = true; bool multiLine = false; BView* control = NULL; BMenu* menu = NULL; // Ignore settings with errors if (curr.FindInt32("type", &type) != B_OK) continue; switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: { if (curr.FindString("valid_value")) { // It's a "select one of these" setting freeText = false; menu = new BPopUpMenu(name); for (int j = 0; curr.FindString("valid_value", j); j++) { BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(curr.FindString("valid_value", j), NULL); menu->AddItem(item); } if (settings) { value = settings->FindString(name); if (value) menu->FindItem(value)->SetMarked(true); } } else { // It's a free-text setting if (curr.FindBool("multi_line", &multiLine) != B_OK) multiLine = false; if (settings) { value = settings->FindString(name); if (!value) value = curr.FindString("default"); } if (curr.FindBool("is_secret",&secret) != B_OK) secret = false; } break; } case B_INT32_TYPE: { if (curr.FindInt32("valid_value")) { // It's a "select one of these" setting freeText = false; menu = new BPopUpMenu(name); int32 def = 0; status_t hasValue = B_ERROR; if (settings) settings->FindInt32(name, 0, &def); if (hasValue != B_OK) hasValue = curr.FindInt32("default", 0, &def); int32 v = 0; for (int32 j = 0; curr.FindInt32("valid_value", j, &v) == B_OK; j++) { sprintf(temp, "%ld", v); BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem(temp, NULL); if (hasValue != B_OK && j == 0) item->SetMarked(true); else if ((hasValue == B_OK) && (def == v)) item->SetMarked(true); menu->AddItem(item); } } else { // It's a free-text (but number) setting int32 v = 0; if (settings && settings->FindInt32(name, &v) == B_OK) { sprintf(temp,"%ld", v); value = temp; } else if (curr.FindInt32("default", &v) == B_OK) { sprintf(temp,"%ld", v); value = temp; } if (curr.FindBool("is_secret",&secret) != B_OK) secret = false; } break; } case B_BOOL_TYPE: { bool active; if (settings && settings->FindBool(name, &active) != B_OK) { if (curr.FindBool("default", &active) != B_OK) active = false; } control = new BCheckBox(name, _T(desc), NULL); if (active) dynamic_cast(control)->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); break; } default: continue; } if (!value) value = ""; if (!control) { if (freeText) { if (!multiLine) { control = new BTextControl(name, _T(desc), value, NULL); if (secret) { dynamic_cast(control)->TextView()->HideTyping(true); dynamic_cast(control)->SetText(_T(value)); } dynamic_cast(control)->SetDivider(kDividerWidth); } else { BStringView* label = new BStringView("NA", _T(desc), B_WILL_DRAW); layout.Add(label); NotifyingTextView* textView = new NotifyingTextView(name); control = new BScrollView("NA", textView, 0, false, true); textView->SetText(_T(value)); } } else { control = new BMenuField(name, _T(desc), menu); dynamic_cast(control)->SetDivider(kDividerWidth); } } #if 0 if (curr.FindString("help")) gHelper.SetHelp(control, strdup(curr.FindString("help"))); #endif layout.Add(control); } layout.AddGlue(); parent->AddChild(layout); return B_OK; } status_t ProtocolSettings::Save(const char* account, BView* parent) { if (!parent) debugger("Couldn't save protocol's settings GUI on a NULL parent!"); BMessage* settings = new BMessage(); BMessage cur; for (int32 i = 0; fTemplate->FindMessage("setting", i, &cur) == B_OK; i++) { const char* name = cur.FindString("name"); // Skip NULL names if (!name) continue; int32 type = -1; if (cur.FindInt32("type", &type) != B_OK) continue; BView* view = parent->FindView(name); if (!view) continue; BTextControl* textControl = dynamic_cast(view); if (textControl) { switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: settings->AddString(name, textControl->Text()); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: settings->AddInt32(name, atoi(textControl->Text())); break; default: return B_ERROR; } } BMenuField* menuField = dynamic_cast(view); if (menuField) { BMenuItem* item = menuField->Menu()->FindMarked(); if (!item) return B_ERROR; switch (type) { case B_STRING_TYPE: settings->AddString(name, item->Label()); break; case B_INT32_TYPE: settings->AddInt32(name, atoi(item->Label())); break; default: return B_ERROR; } } BCheckBox* checkBox = dynamic_cast(view); if (checkBox) settings->AddBool(name, (checkBox->Value() == B_CONTROL_ON)); NotifyingTextView* textView = dynamic_cast(view); if (textView) settings->AddString(name, textView->Text()); } return _Save(account, settings); } status_t ProtocolSettings::Delete(const char* account) { status_t ret = B_ERROR; // Find user's settings path BPath path; if ((ret = find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path)) != B_OK) return ret; // Create path path.Append("Caya/Protocols"); path.Append(fProtocol->GetSignature()); if ((ret = create_directory(path.Path(), 0755)) != B_OK) return ret; path.Append(account); // Delete settings file BEntry entry(path.Path()); if ((ret = entry.Remove()) != B_OK) return ret; return B_OK; } void ProtocolSettings::_Init() { // Find protocol add-on BPath* dllPath = ProtocolManager::Get()->GetProtocolPath( fProtocol->GetSignature()); BFile file(dllPath->Path(), B_READ_ONLY); if (file.InitCheck() < B_OK) { fStatus = file.InitCheck(); return; } BResources resources(&file); if (resources.InitCheck() != B_OK) { fStatus = resources.InitCheck(); return; } size_t size; const void* data = resources.LoadResource(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, kProtocolSettingsTemplate, &size); if (!data) { fStatus = B_BAD_VALUE; return; } // Load protocol's settings template fTemplate->Unflatten((const char*)data); } status_t ProtocolSettings::_Load(const char* account, BMessage** settings) { *settings = NULL; if (!account || !settings) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t ret = B_ERROR; // Find user's settings path BPath path; if ((ret = find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path)) != B_OK) return ret; // Create path path.Append("Caya/Protocols"); path.Append(fProtocol->GetSignature()); if ((ret = create_directory(path.Path(), 0755)) != B_OK) return ret; // Load settings file path.Append(account); BFile file(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY); BMessage* msg = new BMessage(); ret = msg->Unflatten(&file); *settings = msg; return ret; } status_t ProtocolSettings::_Save(const char* account, BMessage* settings) { if (!account || !settings) return B_BAD_VALUE; status_t ret = B_ERROR; // Find user's settings path BPath path; if ((ret = find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path)) != B_OK) return ret; // Create path path.Append("Caya/Protocols"); path.Append(fProtocol->GetSignature()); if ((ret = create_directory(path.Path(), 0755)) != B_OK) return ret; // Load settings file path.Append(account); BFile file(path.Path(), B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE | B_WRITE_ONLY); return settings->Flatten(&file); }