/* * Copyright 2021, Jaidyn Levesque * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "PurpleProtocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Purple.h" #include "PurpleMessages.h" BMessenger* kAppMessenger = NULL; ChatProtocol* protocol_at(int32 i) { BMessenger* msgr = ensure_app_messenger(); BMessage* msg = new BMessage(PURPLE_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_INFO); msg->AddInt64("thread_id", find_thread(NULL)); msg->AddInt32("index", i); msgr->SendMessage(msg); BMessage protoInfo = receive_message(); BString name = protoInfo.FindString("name"); BString id = protoInfo.FindString("id"); return (ChatProtocol*)new PurpleProtocol(name, id, protoInfo); } int32 protocol_count() { BMessage* msg = new BMessage(PURPLE_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_COUNT); msg->AddInt64("thread_id", find_thread(NULL)); ensure_app_messenger()->SendMessage(msg); thread_id sender; return receive_data(&sender, NULL, 0); } const char* signature() { return PURPLE_ADDON; } const char* friendly_signature() { return "Purple"; } uint32 version() { return APP_VERSION_1_PRE_ALPHA_1; } BMessenger* ensure_app_messenger() { if (kAppMessenger == NULL || kAppMessenger->IsValid() == false) { ensure_app(); kAppMessenger = new BMessenger(PURPLE_SIGNATURE); } return kAppMessenger; } void ensure_app() { BRoster roster; if (roster.IsRunning(PURPLE_SIGNATURE) == true) return; app_info aInfo; be_app->GetAppInfo(&aInfo); BPath protoPath(&aInfo.ref); protoPath.GetParent(&protoPath); protoPath.Append("protocols/purple"); entry_ref protoRef; BEntry(protoPath.Path()).GetRef(&protoRef); roster.Launch(&protoRef); snooze(100000); } status_t connect_thread(void* data) { PurpleProtocol* protocol = (PurpleProtocol*)data; while (true) protocol->SendMessage(new BMessage(receive_message())); } BMessage receive_message() { thread_id sender; int32 size = receive_data(&sender, NULL, 0); char buffer[size]; receive_data(&sender, buffer, size); BMessage temp; temp.Unflatten(buffer); return temp; } PurpleProtocol::PurpleProtocol(BString name, BString id, BMessage settings) : fSignature(id), fFriendlySignature(name), fSettingsTemplate(settings) { } PurpleProtocol::~PurpleProtocol() { Shutdown(); } status_t PurpleProtocol::Init(ChatProtocolMessengerInterface* interface) { fMessenger = interface; return B_OK; } status_t PurpleProtocol::Shutdown() { BMessage* disconnect = new BMessage(PURPLE_REQUEST_DISCONNECT); _SendPrplMessage(disconnect); kill_thread(fBirdThread); return B_OK; } status_t PurpleProtocol::Process(BMessage* msg) { if (msg->what == IM_MESSAGE) { _SendPrplMessage(msg); return B_OK; } return B_ERROR; } status_t PurpleProtocol::UpdateSettings(BMessage* msg) { ensure_app(); fPrplMessenger = new BMessenger(PURPLE_SIGNATURE); msg->what = PURPLE_CONNECT_ACCOUNT; _SendPrplMessage(msg); thread_id thread = spawn_thread(connect_thread, "bird_superiority", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, (void*)this); if (thread < B_OK) return B_ERROR; BMessage* account = new BMessage(PURPLE_REGISTER_THREAD); account->AddInt64("thread_id", thread); _SendPrplMessage(account); resume_thread(thread); return B_OK; } BMessage PurpleProtocol::SettingsTemplate(const char* name) { return fSettingsTemplate; } BObjectList PurpleProtocol::Commands() { return BObjectList(); } BObjectList PurpleProtocol::UserPopUpItems() { return BObjectList(); } BObjectList PurpleProtocol::ChatPopUpItems() { return BObjectList(); } BObjectList PurpleProtocol::MenuBarItems() { return BObjectList(); } const char* PurpleProtocol::Signature() const { return fSignature.String(); } const char* PurpleProtocol::FriendlySignature() const { return fFriendlySignature.String(); } BBitmap* PurpleProtocol::Icon() const { return NULL; } void PurpleProtocol::SetAddOnPath(BPath path) { fAddOnPath = path; } BPath PurpleProtocol::AddOnPath() { return fAddOnPath; } const char* PurpleProtocol::GetName() { return fName.String(); } void PurpleProtocol::SetName(const char* name) { fName.SetTo(name); } uint32 PurpleProtocol::GetEncoding() { return 0xffff; } ChatProtocolMessengerInterface* PurpleProtocol::MessengerInterface() const { return fMessenger; } void PurpleProtocol::SendMessage(BMessage* msg) { if (!msg) return; msg->AddString("protocol", fSignature); fMessenger->SendMessage(msg); } void PurpleProtocol::_SendPrplMessage(BMessage* msg) { msg->AddString("account_name", fName); msg->AddString("protocol", fSignature); if (fPrplMessenger->IsValid()) fPrplMessenger->SendMessage(msg); }