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#ifndef __msn_externals_h__
#define __msn_externals_h__
* externals.h
* libmsn
* Created by Meredydd Luff.
* Refactored by Tiago Salem Herrmann.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Meredydd Luff. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Tiago Salem Herrmann. All rights reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "config.h"
#include "buddy.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "libmsn_export.h"
namespace MSN
class ListSyncInfo;
/** The application should implement these callback functions to
* be able to receive notifications from the library.
class LIBMSN_EXPORT Callbacks
/** Asks the application that libmsn only must to be notified when the
* socket become readable and/or writable.
virtual void registerSocket(void *sock, int read, int write, bool isSSL) = 0;
/** Asks the application to never notify libmsn again about events in the socket.
virtual void unregisterSocket(void *sock) = 0;
/** Asks the application to close the socket
virtual void closeSocket(void *sock) = 0;
/** Allow your application to be notified about errors on library layer
virtual void showError(MSN::Connection * conn, std::string msg) = 0;
/** Notifies the application about a buddy status change.
* msnobject is the object describing avatar file.
* To get it you should call requestDisplayPicture() on a switchboard
* connection with this user.
virtual void buddyChangedStatus(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string friendlyname, MSN::BuddyStatus state, unsigned int clientID, std::string msnobject) = 0;
/** Notifies the application about a user who went offline
virtual void buddyOffline(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy) = 0;
/** Allow your application to log some network traffic
virtual void log(int writing, const char* buf) = 0;
/** Notifies the application that your friendly name now is 'friendlyname'.
* Probably this is the reply to a previous setFriendlyName() call.
virtual void gotFriendlyName(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, std::string friendlyname) = 0;
/** Notifies the application that you have received your lists
* (Address Book, allow list, block list, reverse list and pending list)
* You must call completeConnection on notification server connection to
* complete the initial process. An example can be found in msntest.cpp
virtual void gotBuddyListInfo(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::ListSyncInfo * data) = 0;
/** Notifies the application that a contact has updated his/her personal info.
* Example: Current Song, personal messages..
* Check all the possibilities in MSN::personalInfo struct
virtual void buddyChangedPersonalInfo(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport fromPassport, MSN::personalInfo pInfo) = 0;
/** Notifies the application that one change was made to your
* lists, and the current timestamp is lastChange.
* This number should be used on initial process to specify
* what version of your lists you already have. If the server
* version is not the same, it will provide only the diff between your
* version and the current one.
virtual void gotLatestListSerial(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, std::string lastChange) = 0;
/** This is a response to a previous sent GTC command.
virtual void gotGTC(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, char c) = 0;
/** This is a response to a previous sent BLP command.
virtual void gotBLP(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, char c) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that some list was modified by adding
* some new contact. If ContactList is MSN::LST_RL, it means someone
* added you to its Address Book. So at this point the application should
* prompt to the user about adding or blocking this new contact.
virtual void addedListEntry(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::ContactList list, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string friendlyname) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that some list was modified by removing
* some old contact. If ContactList is MSN::LST_RL, it means this contact
* has removed you from its Address Book.
virtual void removedListEntry(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::ContactList list, MSN::Passport buddy) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a new group was created, or not, depending on
* the 'added' boolean variable. The application should track the groupId to permorm
* actions with it.
virtual void addedGroup(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool added, std::string groupName, std::string groupId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that an old group was removed, or not, depending on
* the 'removed' boolean variable.
virtual void removedGroup(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool removed, std::string groupId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that an old group was renamed.
virtual void renamedGroup(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool renamed, std::string newGroupName, std::string groupId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was added to a group, or not, depending on the
* 'added' boolean variable.
virtual void addedContactToGroup(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool added, std::string groupId, std::string contactId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was removed from a group, or not, depending on the
* 'removed' boolean variable.
virtual void removedContactFromGroup(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool removed, std::string groupId, std::string contactId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was added to the Address Book, or not, depending on the
* 'added' boolean variable.
virtual void addedContactToAddressBook(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool added, std::string passport, std::string displayName, std::string guid) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was removed from the Address Book, or not, depending on the
* 'removed' boolean variable.
virtual void removedContactFromAddressBook(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool removed, std::string contactId, std::string passport) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was enabled on Address Book, or not, depending on the
* 'enabled' boolean variable.
virtual void enabledContactOnAddressBook(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool enabled, std::string contactId, std::string passport) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact was disabled on Address Book, or not, depending on the
* 'disabled' boolean variable.
virtual void disabledContactOnAddressBook(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool disabled, std::string contactId) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new switchboard connection
virtual void gotSwitchboard(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, const void * tag) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact joined to a switchboard connection
virtual void buddyJoinedConversation(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string friendlyname, int is_initial) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact left a switchboard connection
virtual void buddyLeftConversation(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that received an instant message
virtual void gotInstantMessage(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string friendlyname, MSN::Message * msg) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the "trID" message was received by the other contact
virtual void gotMessageSentACK(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, int trID) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that received an emoticon notification.
* To get it you should call requestEmoticon() and pass msnobject to it
virtual void gotEmoticonNotification(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string alias, std::string msnobject) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a message could not be delivered
virtual void failedSendingMessage(MSN::Connection * conn) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a nudge
virtual void gotNudge(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport username) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new voice clip.
* To get it you should call requestVoiceClip() and pass msnobject to it
virtual void gotVoiceClipNotification(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport username, std::string msnobject) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new wink.
* To get it you should call requestWink() and pass msnobject to it
virtual void gotWinkNotification(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport username, std::string msnobject) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new Ink.
virtual void gotInk(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport username, std::string image) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got an action.
virtual void gotActionMessage(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport username, std::string message) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a buddy is typing.
virtual void buddyTyping(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport buddy, std::string friendlyname) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got an initial email notification.
virtual void gotInitialEmailNotification(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, int msgs_inbox, int unread_inbox, int msgs_folders, int unread_folders) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got an email notification.
virtual void gotNewEmailNotification(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, std::string from, std::string subject) = 0;
/** Notifies your application about a progress of a file transfer.
virtual void fileTransferProgress(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, long long unsigned transferred, long long unsigned total) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that some file transfer has failed
virtual void fileTransferFailed(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, MSN::fileTransferError error) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that some file transfer has succeeded.
virtual void fileTransferSucceeded(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the other contact replied a file transfer
* invitation. if "response" is true, then the other contact has accepted,
* if false, rejected.
virtual void fileTransferInviteResponse(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, bool response) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the other contact sent you a voice clip
virtual void gotVoiceClipFile(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, std::string file) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the other contact sent you an emoticon
virtual void gotEmoticonFile(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, std::string alias, std::string file) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the other contact sent a wink
virtual void gotWinkFile(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, unsigned int sessionID, std::string file) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that there is a new connection
virtual void gotNewConnection(MSN::Connection * conn) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new OIM list.
virtual void gotOIMList(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, std::vector<MSN::eachOIM> OIMs) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got (or not) one previously requested OIM.
virtual void gotOIM(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool success, std::string id, std::string message) = 0;
/** Notifies your application if a previously sent OIM was delivered.
virtual void gotOIMSendConfirmation(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool success, int id) = 0;
/** Notifies your application if a previously request to delete one OIM was successful.
virtual void gotOIMDeleteConfirmation(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, bool success, std::string id) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that you got a new display picture from "passaport"
virtual void gotContactDisplayPicture(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection * conn, MSN::Passport passport, std::string filename ) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the connection "conn" is ready
virtual void connectionReady(MSN::Connection * conn) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that the connection "conn" is closed
virtual void closingConnection(MSN::Connection * conn) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that a contact has changed his/her status
* ex: Online, Away, Out to Lunch..
virtual void changedStatus(MSN::NotificationServerConnection * conn, MSN::BuddyStatus state) = 0;
/** Asks your application to create a socket with "server" at port "port".
* This function must return a socket reference that will be used for
* getDataFromSocket() and writeDataToSocket()
virtual void * connectToServer(std::string server, int port, bool *connected, bool isSSL = false) = 0;
/** Notifies your application that someone is trying to send you a file.
virtual void askFileTransfer(MSN::SwitchboardServerConnection *conn, MSN::fileTransferInvite ft) = 0;
virtual int listenOnPort(int port) = 0;
virtual std::string getOurIP() = 0;
virtual std::string getSecureHTTPProxy() = 0;
virtual int getSocketFileDescriptor (void *sock) = 0;
/** Asks your application to get @c size bytes of data available in @p sock
* and store them in @p data.
* It must return the real size written to @p data
virtual size_t getDataFromSocket (void *sock, char *data, size_t size) = 0;
/** Asks your application to write @c size bytes from @p data to @p sock.
* It must return the real size written to *sock
virtual size_t writeDataToSocket (void *sock, char *data, size_t size) = 0;
virtual void gotInboxUrl (MSN::NotificationServerConnection * /*conn*/, MSN::hotmailInfo /*info*/) {};