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64 lines
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# UserBuildConfig
# Sample of a UserBuildConfig file. It is a central place where the user can
# set variables affecting certain aspects of the build, such as debug,
# warnings and optimization settings.
# The following variables can be set:
# BUILD_TESTS - If not empty, all tests (TestBeam) will be build, too.
# Default is 0, i.e. no tests.
# CCFLAGS, C++FLAGS - Flags passed to the C/C++ compiler.
# DEBUG - If not empty, will turn on debugging, i.e. will
# add respective C/C++ compiler and linker flags and
# the CPP DEBUG macro.
# DEFINES - CPP macros to be defined, e.g. something like
# HDRS - List of directories to be added to the local include
# search paths.
# LINKFLAGS - Flags passed to the linker.
# LOCATE_MAIN_TARGET - Directory where the main targets (i.e. applications,
# libraries shall be placed). Should usually not be
# tampered with by the user.
# OPTIM - Optimization specific flags passed to the C/C++
# compiler. Usually you want to use OPTIMIZE instead.
# OPTIMIZE - If not set to `0', will turn on optimization, i.e.
# will set the respective C/C++ compiler flags
# (i.e. the OPTIM variable).
# STRIP_APPS - if not set to '0', will cause all generated apps to
# be stripped. Default is '0', i.e. no stripping
# SYSHDRS - List of directories to be added to the system include
# search paths.
# WARNINGS - If not set to `0', will turn on warnings, i.e. will
# set the respective C/C++ compiler flags.
# Examples:
# Globally turn off debugging:
# DEBUG = 0 ;
# Globally activate debugging:
# DEBUG = 1 ;
# ... e.g. like this, for the `add-ons/catalogs' directory and all its
# subdirectories.
# SetConfigVar WARNINGS : TOP add-ons catalogs : 1 ;
# Turn on debugging for the the directory `Languages' and all its subdirectories.
# SetConfigVar DEBUG : TOP Languages : 1 ;
# Turn off optimization for the `rez' directory and all its subdirectories.
# SetConfigVar OPTIMIZE : TOP rez : 0 ;
# Define the CPP macro INSANE_DEBUGGING_LEVEL to the value `100' in the
# `lpe' directory, but NOT in its subdirectories (note the use of the
# optional fourth parameter `local', which works for both SetConfigVar and
# AppendToConfigVar).
# AppendToConfigVar DEFINES : TOP lpe : INSANE_DEBUGGING_LEVEL=100 : local ;