animx=require 'animx' --[[ WARNING: Constrain yourself only with the library functions. Don't be inspired by how I implemented the movement part. We don't do jumping animation simply because it'd only make the code more difficult to read You can check up the modern platformer example for that! ]]'character.png') idleAnim=animx.newAnimation{ img=characterImage, style='rough', noOfFrames=1, tileWidth=16 } jumpAnim=animx.newAnimation{ img=characterImage, frames={2,3}, --the animations consists of frame 2 and 3 tileWidth=16 } walkAnim=animx.newAnimation{ img=characterImage, startFrom=10, noOfQuads=2, delay=.2, tileWidth=16 }:loop() --Try removing this loop -- There are atleast three ways to add animations to an actor --Method 1 alien=animx.newActor{ ['idle']=idleAnim, ['walking']=walkAnim } :onSwitch(function(this,prevState) print (( "I was %s before but I'm %s now!" ):format(prevState,this.current)) end) :switch('idle') --Method 2: alien:addAnimation('jumping',jumpAnim) --Method 3: alien:addAnimation('climbing',{ img=characterImage, frames={6,7}, --another way of adding frames tileWidth=16 }) alien:getAnimation('climbing'):loop() ld=love.keyboard function love.update(dt) animx.update(dt) if ld.isDown('right') or ld.isDown('left') then alien:switch('walking') alien:flipX(ld.isDown('left')) alien.x=alien.x+200*dt*(ld.isDown('left') and -1 or 1) elseif ld.isDown('up') or ld.isDown('down') then alien:switch('climbing') alien.y=alien.y+200*dt*(ld.isDown('up') and -1 or 1) else for i=1,1000000 do --I call this function a million times and still no frame-drop! alien:switch('idle') --This is because this has no effect if alien is already idle! end end end --We exploit the fact that an actor in animX has no x and y members! alien.x,alien.y=400,300 function love.draw() alien:render(alien.x,alien.y,0,10,10,8,8) end