animx = require "lib/animx" class = require "lib/middleclass" ---------------------------------------- -- CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------- left = 1; right = 2; up = 10; down = 20 upleft = 11; downleft = 21; upright = 12; downright = 22 mainmenu = 0; game = 1; gameover = 2; pause = 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GAME STATES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOVE ---------------------------------------- -- LOAD -------------------- function love.load () vScale = 0 maxScore = 0 math.randomseed(os.time()) dieParticle = nil"nearest", "nearest", 0) a_ttf ="art/font/alagard.ttf", nil, "none") bg ="art/bg/sky.png") bgm = nil flapSfx = "art/sfx/flap.wav", "static") cpuFlapSfx = "art/sfx/cpuflap.wav", "static") dashSfx = "art/sfx/dash.wav", "static") cpuDashSfx = "art/sfx/cpudash.wav", "static") bounceSfx = "art/sfx/bounce.wav", "static") waveSfx = "art/sfx/wave.wav", "static") lifeText =, "Press Enter") waveText =, "") bigText =, "Bats & Pray") frontMenu = nil -- for compliance with Statute 43.5 (2019); all birds must report births to local Officials birdRegistry = {} mainmenu_load() end -------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------- function love.update ( dt ) if ( mode == mainmenu ) then mainmenu_update( dt ) elseif ( mode == game ) then game_update( dt ) elseif ( mode == gameover ) then gameover_update( dt ) elseif ( mode == pause ) then pause_update( dt ) end end -------------------- -- DRAW -------------------- function love.draw () if ( vScale > 0 ) then vScale, vScale ) end, 0, 0), 512, 0), 200, 340, 0, 2, 2), 125, 355, 0, 1.3, 1.3), 300, 300, 0, 3.5, 3.5) if ( mode == mainmenu ) then mainmenu_draw() elseif ( mode == game ) then game_draw() elseif ( mode == gameover ) then gameover_draw() elseif ( mode == pause ) then pause_draw() end end function love.resize ( width, height ) vScale = height / 600 end ---------------------------------------- -- INPUT ---------------------------------------- function love.keypressed ( key ) if ( mode == mainmenu ) then mainmenu_keypressed( key ) elseif ( mode == game ) then game_keypressed( key ) elseif ( mode == gameover ) then gameover_keypressed( key ) elseif ( mode == pause ) then pause_keypressed( key ) end end function love.keyreleased (key) if ( mode == mainmenu ) then mainmenu_keyreleased( key ) elseif ( mode == game ) then game_keyreleased( key ) elseif ( mode == gameover ) then gameover_keyreleased( key ) elseif ( mode == pause ) then pause_keyreleased( key ) end end ---------------------------------------- -- MENU ---------------------------------------- -- LOAD -------------------- function mainmenu_load () mode = mainmenu selection = 1 dieParticle = nil waveText:set("[Enter]") lifeText:set("") bigText:set("Bats & Pray") helpScreen = false if ( bgm ) then bgm:stop() end if ( bgm ) then bgm:stop() end bgm = "art/music/menu.ogg", "static") bgm:play() bgm:setLooping( true ) bgm:setVolume( 1.5 ) p_over = nil; p_under = nil; p_bounce = nil; p_dash = nil; p_block = nil; p_bg = nil helpOver = nil; helpBounce = nil; helpDash = nil; helpBlock = nil helpScreen_setup() frontMenu = Menu:new( 100, 100, 30, 50, 2, { {, "Play Game"), function () game_load() end }, {, "Help"), function () helpScreen = true end }, {, "Quit"), function () love.event.quit( 0 ) end } } ) end -------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------- function mainmenu_update ( dt ) end -------------------- -- DRAW -------------------- function mainmenu_draw () if ( helpScreen == true ) then helpScreen_draw() elseif ( frontMenu ) then frontMenu:draw() end end -------------------- -- INPUT -------------------- function mainmenu_keypressed ( key ) if ( helpScreen == true) then helpScreen = false else frontMenu:keypressed( key ) end end function mainmenu_keyreleased ( key ) frontMenu:keyreleased( key ) end -------------------- -- HELP SCREEN -------------------- function helpScreen_setup () p_over ="art/sprites/p-over.png") p_under ="art/sprites/p-under.png") p_bounce ="art/sprites/p-bounce.png") p_dash ="art/sprites/p-dash.png") p_block ="art/sprites/p-block.png") p_block ="art/sprites/p-block.png") h_bg ="art/bg/help.png") helpOver =, "He on top, wins.") helpBounce =, "Meet equals,\npart equals.") helpBlock =, "Guard yourself.") helpDash =, "Move with\n grace.") helpLuck =, "Godspeed!") helpControls =, "Arrows - Point Space - Flap A/Z - Dash S/X - Block") end function helpScreen_draw (), 100, 50, 0, 1.5, 1.5), 535, 50, 0, 1.5, 1.5), 285, 110, 0, 2.3), 50, 200, 0, 1.5, 1.5), 225, 250, 0, 2), 585, 200, 0, 1.5, 1.5), 440, 250, 0, 2), 320, 350, 0, 1.5, 1.5), 120, 420, 0, 2), 500, 420, 0, 2), 205, 550, 0, 1.2) end ---------------------------------------- -- PAUSE ---------------------------------------- -- LOAD -------------------- function pause_load () mode = pause waveText:set("[Enter]") lifeText:set("") bigText:set("Paused") sfx = "art/sfx/pause.wav", "static") sfx:play() end -------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------- function pause_update ( dt ) end -------------------- -- DRAW -------------------- function pause_draw () end -------------------- -- INPUT -------------------- function pause_keypressed ( key ) if ( key == "return" or key == "a" ) then sfx:stop() sfx:play() unpauseGame() elseif ( key == "escape" ) then mainmenu_load() end end function pause_keyreleased ( key ) end ---------------------------------------- -- GAMEOVER ---------------------------------------- -- LOAD -------------------- function gameover_load () mode = gameover dieParticle = nil lifeText:set("Best " .. maxScore) bigText:set("Game Over") bgm:stop() bgm = "art/music/gameover.ogg", "static") bgm:play() end -------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------- function gameover_update ( dt ) end -------------------- -- DRAW -------------------- function gameover_draw () game_draw() end -------------------- -- INPUT -------------------- function gameover_keypressed ( key ) if ( key == "return" or key == "escape" ) then mainmenu_load() end end function gameover_keyreleased ( key ) end ---------------------------------------- -- GAME ---------------------------------------- -- LOAD -------------------- function game_load () mode = game lives = 6 wave = 0 waveText:set( "Wave " .. wave ) lifeText:set( "Lives " .. lives ) bigText:set( "" ) player = Bat:new() birdRegistry = {} -- death particles diePArt ="art/sprites/heart.png") dieParticle =, 30) dieParticle:setParticleLifetime(.5) -- Particles live at least 2s and at most 5s. dieParticle:setSizeVariation(1); dieParticle:setEmissionRate(0) dieParticle:setLinearAcceleration(-200, -200, 200, 200) -- Random movement in all directions. dieParticle:setSpeed(40, 50); dieParticle:setColors(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) -- bgm = "art/music/game.ogg", "static") -- bgm:play() end -------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------- function game_update ( dt ) bird_n = table.maxn( birdRegistry ) dieParticle:update ( dt ) if ( bird_n == 0 ) then nextWave() end for i = 1,bird_n do if ( false == birdRegistry[i]:update( dt ) ) then break end end player:update( dt ) animx.update(dt) end -------------------- -- DRAW -------------------- function game_draw () for i = 1,table.maxn(birdRegistry) do birdRegistry[i]:draw() end player:draw() if ( dieParticle ) then end end -------------------- -- INPUT -------------------- function game_keypressed ( key ) if ( key == "right" ) then player.moving = true player.direction = right player.pointing = setRight( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "left" ) then player.moving = true player.direction = left player.pointing = setLeft( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "up" ) then player.pointing = setUp( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "down" ) then player.pointing = setDown( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "space" ) then player.flying = 2 elseif ( key == "a" or key == "z" ) then player:dash() elseif ( key == "s" or key == "x" ) then player.blocking = true elseif ( key == "escape" ) then pause_load() end end function game_keyreleased (key) if ( key == "right" and player.direction == right ) then if ( love.keyboard.isDown("left") ) then player.direction = left else player.moving = false end player.pointing = unsetRight( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "left" and player.direction == left ) then if ( love.keyboard.isDown("right") ) then player.direction = right else player.moving = false end player.pointing = unsetLeft( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "up" ) then player.pointing = unsetUp( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "down" ) then player.pointing = unsetDown( player.pointing ) elseif ( key == "s" or key == "x" ) then player.blocking = false end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENTITY CLASSES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FLIER entity superclass ---------------------------------------- -- birds and bats both fly. fliers. Flier = class('Flier') function Flier:initialize ( x, y, actor ) self.x = x self.y = y self.y_vel = 0 self.x_vel = 0 self.pointing = right self.moving = false self.blocking = false self.flying = 0 self.dashTime = 0 = actor = true end -- generic flier update: physics function Flier:update ( dt ) self:physics( dt ) if ( self.dashTime > 0 ) then self.dashTime = self.dashTime - dt end end -- drawing the flier (ofc) function Flier:draw ( ) if ( == false ) then'die') elseif ( self.blocking == true ) then'block') elseif ( self.blocking == false and == "block" ) then'idle') elseif ( self.flying > 0 ) then'flap') self.flying = self.flying - 1 end if ( self.direction == right ) then elseif (self.direction == left) then end self.x, self.y ) end -------------------- -- "physics" -------------------- function Flier:physics ( dt ) gravity = 1 floor = 500 ceiling = 0 max_vel = 300 min_vel = -300 turn = 150 if ( ) then self:physics_x( dt ) self:physics_y( dt ) return true else return self:physics_dead( dt ) end end -- physics on the x-axis function Flier:physics_x ( dt ) if ( self.species ) then -- if bird max_vel = 280 min_vel = -280 end -- holding arrow-key if ( self.moving ) then if ( self.x_vel < max_vel and self.direction == right ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel + (max_vel / turn) elseif ( self.x_vel > min_vel and self.direction == left ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel - (max_vel / turn) end else if ( self.x_vel > 0 ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel - (max_vel / (turn * 3)) elseif ( self.x_vel < 0 ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel + (max_vel / (turn * 3)) end end if ( self.x_vel >= max_vel ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel - (max_vel / (turn * 3)) elseif ( self.x_vel <= min_vel ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel + (max_vel / (turn * 3)) end if ( self.x < -5 ) then self.x = 800 elseif ( self.x > 805 ) then self.x = 0 end self.x = self.x + self.x_vel * dt end -- physics on the y-axis function Flier:physics_y ( dt ) -- wing-flap if ( self.flying > 0 and self.blocking == false ) then self.y_vel = -200 self.flying = self.flying - 1 if ( self.species ) then else flapSfx:stop() flapSfx:play() end end -- gravity if ( self.y < floor ) then self.y_vel = self.y_vel + gravity end -- atmosphere (ceiling) if ( self.y < ceiling ) then self.y_vel = self.y_vel * -1 self.y = ceiling + 1 end -- too speedy if ( self.y_vel >= max_vel ) then self.y_vel = self.y_vel - (max_vel / (turn * 3)) elseif ( self.x_vel <= min_vel ) then self.y_vel = self.y_vel + (max_vel / (turn * 3)) end -- if on ground; flap your wings if ( self.y > floor ) then self.y = floor self.flying = 2 end self.y = self.y + self.y_vel * dt end -- if not living; in death-spiral function Flier:physics_dead ( dt ) -- ignore all input, fall through bottom gravity = 2 if ( self.x_vel > 0 ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel - (max_vel / (turn * 3)) elseif ( self.x_vel < 0 ) then self.x_vel = self.x_vel + (max_vel / (turn * 3)) end if ( self.x < -10 ) then self.x = 800 elseif ( self.x > 810 ) then self.x = 0 end self.y_vel = self.y_vel + gravity self.y = self.y + self.y_vel * dt self.x = self.x + self.x_vel * dt if ( self.y > 700 ) then self:killFinalize() return false else return true end end function Flier:dash () if ( self.dashTime > 0 or self.blocking == true ) then return end self.dashTime = 1 if ( isUp(self.pointing) ) then self.y_vel = max_vel * -1.5 elseif ( isDown(self.pointing) ) then self.y_vel = max_vel * 1.5 end if ( isRight(self.pointing) ) then self.x_vel = max_vel * 2 elseif ( isLeft(self.pointing) ) then self.x_vel = max_vel * -2 end if ( self.species ) then cpuDashSfx:stop() cpuDashSfx:play() else dashSfx:stop() dashSfx:play() end end -- kill the Flier, show cool particles function Flier:kill ( murderer ) = false if ( murderer ) then self.x_vel = murderer.x_vel end dieParticle:moveTo( self.x, self.y ) dieParticle:emit( 30 ) if ( self.species ) then sfx = "art/sfx/fall.wav", "static") else sfx = "art/sfx/lose.wav", "static") end sfx:play() end -- run after Flier falls through screen function Flier:killFinalize () end ---------------------------------------- -- BAT player characters ---------------------------------------- Bat = class('Bat', Flier) function Bat:initialize () -- animations batSheet ="art/sprites/bat.png") batFlapAnim = animx.newAnimation{ img = batSheet, tileWidth = 32, frames = {2,3,4,5} }:onAnimOver( function()'idle') end ) batIdleAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = batSheet, tileWidth = 32, frames = {1} } batDieAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = batSheet, tileWidth = 32, frames = {6} } batBlockAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = batSheet, tileWidth = 32, frames = {7} } batActor = animx.newActor { ['idle'] = batIdleAnim, ['flap'] = batFlapAnim, ['die'] = batDieAnim, ['block'] = batBlockAnim }:switch('idle') Flier.initialize( self, 50, 100, batActor ) end function Bat:update ( dt ) self:physics( dt ) self:checkBirdCollisions() if ( self.dashTime > 0 ) then self.dashTime = self.dashTime - dt end end -- return whether or not the Bat's colliding with given object function Bat:checkCollision ( other ) if ( colliding( self, other ) ) then return true else return false end end -- check collisions with every bird function Bat:checkBirdCollisions () for i = 1,table.maxn( birdRegistry ) do if ( self:checkCollision(birdRegistry[i]) ) then judgeCollision( self, birdRegistry[i] ) return birdRegistry[i] end end return nil end -- called after dead Bat falls through screen function Bat:killFinalize() lives = lives - 1 lifeText:set("Life " .. lives) if ( lives <= 0 ) then gameover_load() else self.y = -5 self.x = 300 = true end end ---------------------------------------- -- BIRD enemy characters ---------------------------------------- Bird = class('Bird', Flier) function Bird:initialize ( x, y ) self.species = math.random(1,3) -- animations birdSheet ="art/sprites/bird.png") flapFrames = { {2,3,4,5}, {9,10,11,12}, {16,17,18,19} } idleFrames = { {1}, {8}, {15} } dieFrames = { {6}, {13}, {20} } blockFrames = { {7}, {14}, {21} } birdFlapAnim = animx.newAnimation{ img = birdSheet, tileWidth = 32, tileHeight = 32, frames = flapFrames[self.species] }:onAnimOver( function()'idle') end ) birdIdleAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = birdSheet, tileWidth = 32, tileHeight = 32, frames = idleFrames[self.species] } birdDieAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = birdSheet, tileWidth = 32, tileHeight = 32, frames = dieFrames[self.species] } birdBlockAnim = animx.newAnimation { img = birdSheet, tileWidth = 32, tileHeight = 32, frames = blockFrames[self.species] } birdActor = animx.newActor { ['idle'] = birdIdleAnim, ['flap'] = birdFlapAnim, ['die'] = birdDieAnim, ['block'] = birdBlockAnim }:switch('idle') = birdActor if ( self.species == 3 ) then self.direction = math.random(left, right) else self.direction = right end Flier.initialize( self, x, y, birdActor ) end function Bird:update ( dt ) self:destiny() if ( self.dashTime > 0 ) then self.dashTime = self.dashTime - dt end return self:physics( dt ) end -- basic "ai" (determines where the bird should go) function Bird:destiny () self:destiny_x() self:destiny_y() end -- "ai" on x-axis of species 1 function Bird:destiny_x () if ( self.species == 1 ) then -- fly around the screen, left to right, right to left if ( self.x > 450 ) then self.direction = left elseif ( self.x < 250 ) then self.direction = right end elseif ( self.species == 2 ) then -- follow the player bat if ( self.x > player.x + 25 and math.random(0,50) == 25 ) then self.direction = left elseif ( self.x < player.x - 25 and math.random(0,50) == 25 ) then self.direction = right end end if ( self.species > 1 ) then if ( inRange( self.x, player.x - 40, player.x + 40 ) and math.random(0,300) == 25 ) then if ( self.y < player.y ) then self.pointing = down else self.pointing = up end self:dash() end end self.moving = true end -- "ai" on y-axis of species 1 function Bird:destiny_y () if ( self.y > player.y + 50 and math.random(0,100) == 25 ) then self.flying = 2 end if ( self.species > 1 ) then if ( inRange( self.y, player.y - 40, player.y + 40 ) and math.random(0,300) == 25 ) then if ( self.x < player.x ) then self.pointing = right else self.pointing = left end self:dash() end end end -- after dead bird falls through screen function Bird:killFinalize() index = indexOf(birdRegistry, self) table.remove( birdRegistry, index ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MENUS blah blah blah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu = class("Menu") function Menu:initialize( x, y, offset_x, offset_y, scale, menuItems ) self.x = x; self.y = y self.offset_x = offset_x; self.offset_y = offset_y self.scale = scale self.options = menuItems self.selected = 1 self.enter = false self.up = false self.down = false end function Menu:draw ( ) for i = 1,table.maxn(self.options) do this_y = self.y + ( self.offset_y * i ) self.options[i][1], self.x, this_y, 0, self.scale, self.scale ) if ( i == self.selected ) then, ">>"), self.x - self.offset_x, this_y, 0, self.scale, self.scale) end end end function Menu:keypressed ( key ) maxn = table.maxn( self.options ) if ( key == "return" and self.enter == false ) then self.enter = true if ( self.options[self.selected][2] ) then self.options[self.selected][2]() end elseif ( key == "up" and self.selected > 1 and self.up == false ) then self.up = true self.selected = self.selected - 1 elseif ( key == "up" and self.up == false ) then self.up = true self.selected = maxn elseif ( key == "down" and self.selected < maxn and self.down == false ) then self.down = true self.selected = self.selected + 1 elseif ( key == "down" and self.down == false ) then self.down = true self.selected = 1 end end function Menu:keyreleased ( key ) if ( key == "return" ) then self.enter = false elseif ( key == "up" ) then self.up = false elseif ( key == "down" ) then self.down = false end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MISC GAME LOGIC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set up a new wave of birds function nextWave ( ) wave = wave + 1 waveText:set("Wave " .. wave) if ( wave > maxScore) then maxScore = wave end bird_n = wave * 2 for i = 1,bird_n do if ( i % 2 == 0 ) then birdRegistry[i] = Bird:new( math.random(-20, 0), math.random(0, 600) ) else birdRegistry[i] = Bird:new( math.random(800, 820), math.random(0, 600) ) end end end -- assuming a and b are colliding, act accordingly -- aka, bounce-back or kill one function judgeCollision ( a, b ) if ( a.y < b.y - 12 and ( ) and ( or a.class() == "Bat" ) ) then if ( (maxSpeed( a.x_vel ) or a.dashTime > 0) and b.blocking == true ) then a.x_vel = a.x_vel * -1 b.x_vel = b.x_vel * -1 else b:kill( a ) end elseif ( a.y > b.y + 12 and ( ) and ( or a.class() == "Bat" ) ) then if ( (maxSpeed( b.x_vel ) or b.dashTime > 0) and a.blocking == true ) then a.x_vel = a.x_vel * -1 b.x_vel = b.x_vel * -1 else a:kill( b ) end elseif ( and ) then if ( maxSpeed(b.x_vel) and a.blocking == false ) then a.kill( b ) elseif ( maxSpeed(a.x_vel) and b.blocking == false ) then b.kill( a ) else a.x_vel = a.x_vel * -1 b.x_vel = b.x_vel * -1 end bounceSfx:stop() bounceSfx:play() end end function maxSpeed ( speed ) if ( inRange( speed, -301, 301 ) ) then return false else return true end end function pauseGame () pause_load() end function unpauseGame () mode = game waveText:set( "Wave " .. wave ) lifeText:set( "Lives " .. lives ) bigText:set( "" ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTIL blah blah blah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- return whether or not two objects are colliding/overlapping function colliding ( a, b ) if ( inRange(a.x, b.x - 16, b.x + 16) and inRange(a.y, b.y + -16, b.y + 16) ) then return true else return false end end -- return whether or not 'a' is within range function inRange ( a, min, max ) if ( min < a and a < max ) then return true else return false end end -- return the num with greatest absolute value function greatestAbs ( a, b ) if ( abs(a) > abs(b) ) then return a else return b end end -- return index of given item in list function indexOf ( list, item ) for i = 1,table.maxn(list) do if ( list[i] == item ) then return i end end return 0 end -------------------- -- RIDICULOUS DIRECTION FUNCTIONS -------------------- -- idk if Lua has macros, if it does, that'd be *WAY* better than this shit function isRight ( direction ) return ( direction == 2 or direction == 12 or direction == 22 ) end function isLeft ( direction ) return ( direction == 1 or direction == 11 or direction == 21 ) end function isUp ( direction ) return ( 10 <= direction and direction < 20 ) end function isDown ( direction ) return ( 20 <= direction and direction < 30 ) end function setLeft ( direction ) if ( isLeft(direction) ) then return direction elseif ( isRight(direction) ) then return direction - 1 else return direction + 1 end end function unsetLeft ( direction ) if ( isLeft(direction ) ) then return direction - left else return direction end end function setRight ( direction ) if ( isRight(direction) ) then return direction elseif ( isLeft(direction) ) then return direction + 1 else return direction + 2 end end function unsetRight ( direction ) if ( isRight(direction ) ) then return direction - right else return direction end end function setUp ( direction ) if ( isUp(direction) == true ) then return direction elseif ( isDown(direction) == true ) then return direction - 10 else return direction + up end end function unsetUp ( direction ) if ( isUp(direction ) ) then return direction - up else return direction end end function setDown ( direction ) if ( isDown(direction) ) then return direction elseif ( isUp(direction) ) then return direction + 10 else return direction + down end end function unsetDown ( direction ) if ( isDown( direction ) ) then return direction - down else return direction end end