animx=require 'animx' atlases={"tc.png"),"tc.png")} -- This is how you can create an animation from scratch smokeAnim=animx.newAnimation{ img=atlases[1], noOfFrames=17, tileWidth=30,tileHeight=55, style='rough', onCycleOver=function(this) print('Cycle #'..this:getTimes()) end, onAnimOver=function() print('Animation is over') end, onAnimStart=function() print('Starting Animation') end, onAnimRestart=function() print('Restarting Animation') end }:bounce(5) --Try tweaking it with something like :rewind(2), :loop(2), :reverse(), :rewind(-1), :loop(-1) -- Want to add a frame after you have created the animation? smokeAnim:addFrame(30*7,55,30,55) -- The above is exactly the same as doing --smokeAnim:addFrame(*7,55,30,55,smokeAnim:getTexture():getDimensions())) love.update=function(dt) smokeAnim:update(dt) end --you could even say animx.update(dt) function love.draw()'Press Left/Right to change style!\nSpace to restart') smokeAnim:render(400,300,0,10,10,smokeAnim:getWidth()/2,smokeAnim:getHeight()/2) end local i=1 function love.keypressed(key) if key=='escape' then love.event.quit() elseif key=='space' then smokeAnim:restart() elseif key=='left' or key=='right' then i=i+(key=='left' and -1 or 1) i=i<1 and #atlases or (i>#atlases and 1 or i) smokeAnim:setAtlas(atlases[i]) end end