Fetch lyrics from lyrics.ovh, a simple script.
Updated 2024-01-29 13:47:12 -06:00
Fetch lyrics from AZLyrics, a simple shell script.
Updated 2024-01-29 11:52:41 -06:00
Download albums from Divercities.
Updated 2024-01-29 01:26:18 -06:00
Joust-like game for Open Jam 2020.
Updated 2024-01-29 01:24:12 -06:00
Convert between vcards and Haiku person files.
Updated 2024-01-29 00:43:25 -06:00
Fragile brainfuck interpreter in Lisp.
Updated 2024-01-29 00:39:18 -06:00
Easily make TCP servers in Common Lisp.
Updated 2024-01-29 00:32:17 -06:00
An IPFS-backed URL-shortener and file-host.
Updated 2024-01-29 00:08:36 -06:00
Fetch the audio pronounciation of a word from Wiktionary.
Updated 2024-01-28 23:28:38 -06:00
Shell script to download music from Bandcamp.
Updated 2024-01-28 20:11:54 -06:00